# Timing specifications can be applied to the entire device (global) or to
# specific groups of login in your PLD design (called "time groups').
# The time groups are declared in two basic ways.
# Method 1: Based on a net name, where 'my_net' is a net that touchs all the
# logic to be grouped in to 'logic_grp'. Example:
#NET my_net TNM_NET = logic_grp ;
# Method 2: Group uing the key word 'TIMEGRP' and declare using the names of
# logic in your design. Example:
#TIMEGRP group_name = FFS ("U1/*");
# creates a group called 'group_name' for all flip-flops with in
# the hierarchical block called U1. Wildcards are valid.
# Grouping is very important because it lets you tell the software which parts
# of a design run at which speeds. For the majority of the designs with only
# one clock the very simple global constraints.
# The type of grouping constraint you use can vary depending on the synthesis
# tools you are using. For example, Synplicity does well with Method 1, while
# FPGA Express does beter with Method 2.
# Internal to the device clock speed specifications - Tsys #
# data _________ /^^^^^\ _________ out
# ----------| D Q |-----{ LOGIC } -----| D Q |------
# | | \vvvvv/ | |
# ---|> CLK | ---|> CLK |
# clock | --------- | ---------
# ------------------------------------
# ---------------
# Single Clock
# ---------------
# ----------------
# ----------------
# The PERIOD spec. covers all timing paths that start or end at a
# register, latch, or synchronous RAM which are clocked by the reference
# net (excluding pad destinations). Also covered is the setup
# requirement of the synchronous element relative to other elements
# (ex. flip flops, pads, etc...).
# NOTE: The default unit for time is nanoseconds.
#NET clock PERIOD = 50ns ;
# -OR-
# ------------------
# ------------------
# FROM:TO style timespecs can be used to constrain paths between time
# groups. NOTE: Keywords: RAMS, FFS, PADS, and LATCHES are predefined
# time groups used to specify all elements of each type in a design.
#TIMEGRP RFFS = RISING FFS ("*"); // creates a rising group called RFFS
#TIMEGRP FFFS = FALLING FFS ("*"); // creates a falling group called FFFS
#TIMESPEC TSF2F = FROM : FFS : TO : FFS : 50 ns; // Flip-flips with the same edge
#TIMESPEC TSR2F = FROM : RFFS : TO : FFFS : 25 ns; // rising edge to falling edge
#TIMESPEC TSF2R = FROM : FFFS : TO : RFFS : 25 ns; // falling edge to rising edge
# ---------------
# Multiple Clocks
# ---------------
# Requires a combination of the 'Period' and 'FROM:TO' type time specifications
#NET clock1 TNM_NET = clk1_grp ;
#NET clock2 TNM_NET = clk2_grp ;
#TIMESPEC TS_clk1 = PERIOD : clk1_grp : 50 ;
#TIMESPEC TS_clk2 = PERIOD : clk2_grp : 30 ;
#TIMESPEC TS_ck1_2_ck2 = FROM : clk1_grp : TO : clk2_grp : 50 ;
#TIMESPEC TS_ck2_2_ck1 = FROM : clk2_grp : TO : clk1_grp : 30 ;
# CLOCK TO OUT specifications - Tco #
# from _________ /^^^^^\ --------\
# ----------| D Q |-----{ LOGIC } -----| Pad >
# PLD | | \vvvvv/ --------/
# ---|> CLK |
# clock | ---------
# --------
# ----------------
# ----------------
# To automatically include clock buffer/routing delay in your
# clock-to-out timing specifications, use OFFSET constraints .
# For an output where the maximum clock-to-out (Tco) is 25 ns:
#NET out_net_name OFFSET = OUT 25 AFTER clock_net_name ;
# -OR-
# ------------------
# ------------------
# Note that FROM: FFS : TO: PADS constraints start the delay analysis
# at the flip flop itself, and not the clock input pin. The recommended
# method to create a clock-to-out constraint is to use an OFFSET constraint.
# Pad to Flip-Flop speed specifications - Tsu #
# ------\ /^^^^^\ _________ into PLD
# |pad >-------{ LOGIC } -----| D Q |------
# ------/ \vvvvv/ | |
# ---|> CLK |
# clock | ---------
# ----------------------------
# ----------------
# ----------------
# To automatically account for clock delay in your input setup timing
# specifications, use OFFSET constraints.
# For an input where the maximum setup time is 25 ns:
#NET in_net_name OFFSET = IN 25 BEFORE clock_net_name ;
# -OR-
# ------------------
# ------------------
# Note that FROM: PADS : TO: FFS constraints do not take into account any
# delay for the clock path. The recommended method to create an input
# setup time constraint is to use an OFFSET constraint.
# Pad to Pad speed specifications - Tpd #
# ------\ /^^^^^\ -------\
# |pad >-------{ LOGIC } -----| pad >
# ------/ \vvvvv/ -------/
# ------------------
# ------------------
# Other timing specifications #
# -------------
# -------------
# If you can ignore timing of paths, use Timing Ignore (TIG). NOTE: The
# "*" character is a wild-card which can be used for bus names. A "?"
# character can be used to wild-card one character.
# Ignore timing of net reset_n:
#NET : reset_n : TIG ;
# Ignore data_reg(7:0) net in instance mux_mem:
#NET : mux_mem/data_reg* : TIG ;
# Ignore data_reg(7:0) net in instance mux_mem as related to a TIMESPEC
# named TS01 only:
#NET : mux_mem/data_reg* : TIG = TS01 ;
# Ignore data1_sig and data2_sig nets:
#NET : data?_sig : TIG ;
# ---------------
# ---------------
# If your design has outputs that can be slower than others, you can
# create specific timespecs similar to this example for output nets
# named out_data(7:0) and irq_n:
#TIMEGRP slow_outs = PADS(out_data* : irq_n) ;
#TIMEGRP fast_outs = PADS : EXCEPT : slow_outs ;
#TIMESPEC TS08 = FROM : FFS : TO : fast_outs : 22 ;
#TIMESPEC TS09 = FROM : FFS : TO : slow_outs : 75 ;
# If you have multi-cycle FF to FF paths, you can create a time group
# using either the TIMEGRP or TNM statements.
# WARNING: Many VHDL/verilog synthesizers do not predictably name flip
# flop Q output nets. Most synthesizers do assign predictable instance
# names to flip flops, however.
# TIMEGRP example:
#TIMEGRP slowffs = FFS(inst_path/ff_q_output_net1* :
# TNM attached to instance example:
#INST inst_path/ff_instance_name1_reg* TNM = slowffs ;
#INST inst_path/ff_instance_name2_reg* TNM = slowffs ;
# If a FF clock-enable is used on all flip flops of a multi-cycle path,
# you can attach TNM to the clock enable net. NOTE: TNM attached to a
# net "forward traces" to any FF, LATCH, RAM, or PAD attached to the
# net.
#NET ff_clock_enable_net TNM = slowffs ;
# Example of using "slowffs" timegroup, in a FROM:TO timespec, with
# either of the three timegroup methods shown above:
#TIMESPEC TS10 = FROM : slowffs : TO : FFS : 100 ;
# Constrain the skew or delay associate with a net.
#NET any_net_name MAXSKEW = 7 ;
#NET any_net_name MAXDELAY = 20 ns;
# Constraint priority in your .ucf file is as follows:
# highest 1. Timing Ignore (TIG)
# 2. FROM : THRU : TO specs
# 3. FROM : TO specs
# lowest 4. PERIOD specs
# See the on-line "Library Reference Guide" document for
# additional timespec features and more information.
# #
# #
# Pin and CLB location locking constraints #
# -----------------------
# Assign an IO pin number
# -----------------------
#INST io_buf_instance_name LOC = P110 ;
#NET io_net_name LOC = P111 ;
# -----------------------
# Assign a signal to a range of I/O pins
# -----------------------
#NET "signal_name" LOC=P32, P33, P34;
# -----------------------
# Place a logic element(called a BEL) in a specific CLB location. BEL = FF, LUT, RAM, etc...
# -----------------------
#INST instance_path/BEL_inst_name LOC = CLB_R17C36 ;
# -----------------------
# Place CLB in rectangular area from CLB R1C1 to CLB R5C7
# -----------------------
#INST /U1/U2/reg<0> LOC=clb_r1c1:clb_r5c7;
# -----------------------
# Place Heirarchial logic block in rectangular area from CLB R1C1 to CLB R5C7
# -----------------------
#INST /U1* LOC=clb_r1c1:clb_r5c7;
# -----------------------
# Prohibit IO pin P26 or CLBR5C3 from being used:
# -----------------------
# Config Prohibit is very important for frocing the software to not use critical
# configuration pins like INIT or DOUT on the FPGA. The Mode pins and JTAG
# Pins require a special pad so they will not be availabe to this constraint
# -----------------------
# Assign an OBUF to be FAST or SLOW:
# -----------------------
#INST obuf_instance_name FAST ;
#INST obuf_instance_name SLOW ;
# -----------------------
# FPGAs only: IOB input Flip-flop delay specifcation
# -----------------------
# Declare an IOB input FF delay (default = MAXDELAY).
# NOTE: MEDDELAY/NODELAY can be attached to a CLB FF that is pushed
# into an IOB by the "map -pr i" option.
#INST input_ff_instance_name MEDDELAY ;
#INST input_ff_instance_name NODELAY ;
# -----------------------
# Assign Global Clock Buffers Lower Left Right Side
# -----------------------
# INST gbuf1 LOC=SSW
# #
NET "hsyncb" LOC = "P140";
NET "reset" LOC = "P30";
NET "rgb<0>" LOC = "P139";
NET "rgb<1>" LOC = "P138";
NET "rgb<2>" LOC = "P137";
NET "rgb<3>" LOC = "P136";
NET "rgb<4>" LOC = "P134";
NET "rgb<5>" LOC = "P131";
NET "rgb<6>" LOC = "P132";
NET "rgb<7>" LOC = "P133";
NET "clk" LOC = "P88";
NET "vsyncb" LOC = "P141";
NET "we" LOC = "p79";
NET "oe" LOC = "p113";
NET "ce" LOC = "p95";
NET "lb" LOC = "p103";
NET "ub" LOC = "p112";
NET "sram_data<0>" LOC = "p94";
NET "sram_data<1>" LOC = "p93";
NET "sram_data<2>" LOC = "p87";
NET "sram_data<3>" LOC = "p86";
NET "sram_data<4>" LOC = "p85";
NET "sram_data<5>" LOC = "p84";
NET "sram_data<6>" LOC = "p83";
NET "sram_data<7>" LOC = "p80";
NET "sram_addr<0>" LOC = "p102";
NET "sram_addr<1>" LOC = "p101";
NET "sram_addr<2>" LOC = "p100";
NET "sram_addr<3>" LOC = "p99";
NET "sram_addr<4>" LOC = "p96";
NET "sram_addr<5>" LOC = "p78";
NET "sram_addr<6>" LOC = "p77";
NET "sram_addr<7>" LOC = "p76";
NET "sram_addr<8>" LOC = "p75";
NET "sram_addr<9>" LOC = "p74";
NET "sram_addr<10>" LOC = "p63";
NET "sram_addr<11>" LOC = "p64";
NET "sram_addr<12>" LOC = "p65";
NET "sram_addr<13>" LOC = "p66";
NET "sram_addr<14>" LOC = "p67";
NET "sram_addr<15>" LOC = "p114";
NET "sram_addr<16>" LOC = "p115";
NET "sram_addr<17>" LOC = "p116";
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