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分类: Python/Ruby

2012-03-14 14:50:03

Python first day:
 1. var
  no $, just i, j, a, user_name, _name ...
 2. ;
  one physical line as a logic line
  print "My age is:", age   //concat a string and a expression
 3. space
  indent must be ok, or you will get a error report
 4. calculate operator
  **: 3**2 == 9
  //: 4//3 == 1, 4//3.0 == 1.0
  ~: ~5 == -6
  and: &&
  or: ||
  not: !
  in, not in:
  is, is not:
  i = i + 1, no ++, --, += ...
 5. key word
  True, False
 6. if, elif, else (no switch)
  if a == 1:
  elif a == 2:
 7. while
  isRun = True
  while isRun:
   isRun = False
 8. for
  for i in range(1,5):
   print i
   print "Done"
  // output 1,2,3,4 no 5
 9. break, continue //same with c/c++
 10. function  //like javascript
  def max(a, b):
   if a > b:
    print a
    print b
  max(4, 9)
 11. global
  //locale is defaulted
  global x, y, z
 12. default parameters
  def max(a, b=1, c=2) //ok
  def max(a=1, b, c) //no
 13. key parameters  //do not care the position of parameters
  def max(a,b=1,c=3)
  max(5, c=6)
  max(c=2, a=4)
 14. DocString
  what: the first logic line string of function, module, class
   '''This function named: max
   It will return the max number between a and b.'''
  def max(a, b):
   '''This function named: max
   It will return the max number between a and b.'''
  print max.__doc__  //print max function's DocString
 15. use module
  import sys
  from sys import argv
  from sys import *
 16. __name__
  if __name__ == '__main__' //write it in every code to aviod run when import
 17. define module self
  every code just be a module
 18. data struct
  18.1 list
   list = [1,3,5] list.append(4) list.sort()
  18.2 tuple
   tuple = (1,3,5)  //can not be changed
   print "My name is: %s, my age is: %d" % ("jakc", 30)
  18.3 sequence (list, tuple and string)
  18.4 dictionary
   dic = {'name':'jack', 'age':30}
   if dic.has_key('name'):
  18.5 copy
   list1 = [2,3,4]
   list2 = list1  //just alias, list1 and list2 are same memory
   list2 = list1[:] //copy list1 elements to list2
 19. class
  19.1 basic
class Person:
    className = "Person"
    __revison = "3.2"  //private var
    _test = "B"   //hope it is private, normal usage, _name
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def sayHi(self):
        print 'Hello, my name is',
    def __del__(self):
 print "Delete some resource"
p = Person('Swaroop')
print Person.className
  19.2 inherit
class Male(Person):
 def __init__(self):
 def __del__(self):
class Student(Person,Male):
 def __init__(self):
 def __del__(self):
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