This is my first time set the fvwm can be used.Not very user friendly to,but it is great for me.
# This file is copied to a new user's FVWM_USERDIR by FvwmForm-Setup form.
# This file contains the commands fvwm reads while starting.
EdgeResistance 250 0
EdgeScroll 100 100
ClickTime 150
DeskTopSize 2x1
MenuStyle * fvwm, Foreground maroon, Background grey60, Greyed grey40
MenuStyle * Font "StringEncoding=UTF-8:Shadow=1:xft:Microsoft YaHei:Normal:size=10:antialias=True:encoding=iso10646-1"
ColormapFocus FollowsFocuse
# default Styles:
# make sure these fonts exist on your system:
Style * Font "StringEncoding=UTF-8:xft:Microsoft YaHei:Bold:size=10:antialias=True:encoding=iso10646-1"
Style * IconFont "StringEncoding=UTF-8:xft:Microsoft YaHei:Bold:size=10:antialias=True:encoding=iso10646-1"
Style * HilightFore black, HilightBack palevioletred
Style * BorderWidth 3, HandleWidth 3
Style * Icon, Color lightgrey/dimgrey
Style * MWMFunctions, MWMDecor, HintOverride
Style * DecorateTransient, NoPPosition
Style * IconBox 5 15 245 -200,IconFill t l
Style * ClickToFocus
Style * MinOverlapPlacement
# Styles for various Fvwm modules:
Style Fvwm* NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style Fvwm* BorderWidth 2, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip
# Styles for your common terminal emulator programs.
# urxvts in a separate icon box:
Style urxvt Icon /home/butterfly/.fvwm/terminal.png, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140
Style urxvt MWMBorder, MWMButtons, Handlewidth 0, Borderwidth 0
# Styles for various common programs:
Style *lock NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip
# some simple default key bindings:
Key Next A SCM Next [*] Focus
Key Prior A SCM Prev [*] Focus
Key equal A M Exec exec amixer set PCM 2%+
Key minus A M Exec exec amixer set PCM 2%-
# some simple default mouse bindings:
# for the root window:
Mouse 1 R A Menu MenuFvwmRoot Nop
Mouse 2 R A Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps Nop
Mouse 3 R A WindowList
# for the title bar buttons:
Mouse 1 1 A Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps2 Close
Mouse 1 2 A Delete
Mouse 1 4 A Maximize
Mouse 1 6 A Iconify
# for other parts of the window/borders/icons:
Mouse 1 F A FuncFvwmResizeOrRaise
Mouse 1 S A FuncFvwmResizeOrRaise
Mouse 1 T A FuncFvwmMoveOrRaise
Mouse 1 I A FuncFvwmMoveOrIconify
Mouse 2 I A Iconify
Mouse 2 FST A Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps2 Nop
Mouse 3 TSIF A RaiseLower
######################## Initialization Functions ############################
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmAnimate
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I exec fvwm-root /home/butterfly/.fvwm/cartoon17.png
+ I exec xclock -bg black -fg white -digital -strftime '%a,%d %b %H:%M' -chime
######################## Menus ###################
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot "$[gt.Root Menu]" Title
+ "&1. Urxvt" Exec exec urxvt
+ "&2. Rox" Exec exec rox
+ "&3. $[gt.Softwares]" Popup MenuFvwmSoftwares
+ "" Nop
+ "&U. $[gt.Utilities]" Popup MenuFvwmUtilities
+ "" Nop
+ "&S. $[gt.Fvwm Config Ops]" Popup MenuFvwmConfig
+ "&W. $[gt.Fvwm Window Ops]" Popup MenuFvwmWindowOps
+ "&M. $[gt.Fvwm Modules]" Popup MenuFvwmModules
+ "" Nop
+ "&F. $[gt.Refresh Screen]" Refresh
+ "&C. $[gt.Recapture Screen]" Recapture
+ "" Nop
+ "&X. $[gt.Exit Fvwm]" Popup MenuFvwmQuitVerify
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmSoftwares
AddToMenu MenuFvwmSoftwares "$[gt.Softwares]" Title
+ "&S. Stardict" Exec exec stardict
+ "&F. Firefox" Exec exec firefox
+ "&I. Scim-python" Exec exec scim -d
+ "&X. Xchm" Exec exec xchm
+ "&E. Evince" Exec exec evince
+ "&O. Openoffice" Popup MenuOpenoffice
+ "&A. Audacious" Exec exec audacious
+ "&M. Multiget" Exec exec multiget
+ "&B. Benliud" Exec exec /mnt/sda8/uncompress/benliud
+ "&G. Gftp" Exec exec gftp
+ "&P. Pidgin" Exec exec pidgin
+ "&L. Linuxqq" Exec exec qq
+ "&Q. Gqview" Exec exec gqview
DestroyMenu MenuOpenoffice
AddToMenu MenuOpenoffice "$[gt.Openoffice]" Title
+ "&W. OOwriter" Exec exec oowriter
+ "&B. OObase" Exec exec oobase
+ "&D. OOdraw" Exec exec oodraw
+ "&M. OOmath" Exec exec oomath
+ "&C. OOcalc" Exec exec oocalc
+ "&I. OOimpress" Exec exec ooimpress
+ "&O. OOffice" Exec exec ooffice
+ "&P. OOffice-printeradmin" Exec exec ooffice-printeradmin
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmUtilities
AddToMenu MenuFvwmUtilities "$[gt.Utilities]" Title
+ "&T. Top" Exec exec urxvt -T Top -n Top -e top
+ "&C. Calculator" Exec exec xcalc
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmConfig
AddToMenu MenuFvwmConfig "$[gt.Fvwm Config Ops]" Title
+ "&S. $[gt.Sloppy Focus]" FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange SloppyFocus
+ "&C. $[gt.Click To Focus]" FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange ClickToFocus
+ "&F. $[gt.Focus Follows Mouse]" FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange FocusFollowsMouse
+ "" Nop
+ "&1. $[gt.Colormap Follows Mouse]" ColormapFocus FollowsMouse
+ "&2. $[gt.Colormap Follows Focus]" ColormapFocus FollowsFocus
+ "" Nop
+ "&3. $[gt.Full Paging ON]" EdgeScroll 100 100
+ "&4. $[gt.All Paging OFF]" EdgeScroll 0 0
+ "&5. $[gt.Horizontal Paging Only]" EdgeScroll 100 0
+ "&6. $[gt.Vertical Paging Only]" EdgeScroll 0 100
+ "&7. $[gt.Partial Paging]" EdgeScroll 50 50
+ "&8. $[gt.Full Paging && Edge Wrap]" EdgeScroll 100000 100000
# The window Ops menus exhibit a different HotKey style.
# There are 2 versions of the WindowOps Menu, meant to be bound to different
# things. Here is the "common" part:
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmWindowCommon
AddToFunc FuncFvwmWindowCommon
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Move]" Move
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Resize]" Resize
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.R&aise]" Raise
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Lower]" Lower
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.(De)&Iconify]" Iconify
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.(Un)&Stick]" Stick
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.(Un)Ma&ximize]" Maximize
+ I AddToMenu $0 "" Nop
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Delete]" Delete
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Close]" Close
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.Destroy]" Destroy
+ I AddToMenu $0 "&Layer+1" Pick Layer 1
+ I AddToMenu $0 "L&ayer-1" Pick Layer -1
+ I AddToMenu $0 "" Nop
# First windowops menu, bound to:
# mouse 2 on root
# Root menu
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps
AddToMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps "$[gt.Window Ops]" Title
FuncFvwmWindowCommon MenuFvwmWindowOps
+ "$[gt.Re&fresh Window]" RefreshWindow
# Second windowops menu, bound to:
# any mouse on titlebar button 1
# mouse 2 on frame, side or titlebar
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps2
AddToMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps2
FuncFvwmWindowCommon MenuFvwmWindowOps2
+ Scroll&Bar Module FvwmScroll 2 2
+ "&$[gt.Print]" FuncFvwmPrint
+ "$[gt.Print Re&verse]" FuncFvwmPrintReverse
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmModules
AddToMenu MenuFvwmModules "$[gt.Fvwm Modules]" Title
+ "&1. $[gt.Control Animation]" Popup MenuFvwmAnimate
+ "&B. Button-Bar" Module FvwmButtons
+ "&O. IconBox" FuncFvwmConfigureIconBox
+ "&F. Forms" Popup MenuFvwmForms
+ "&I. Identify" Module FvwmIdent
+ "&M. IconMan" Module FvwmIconMan
+ "&N. Banner" Module FvwmBanner
+ "&C. Console" Module FvwmConsole
+ "&P. Pager" Module FvwmPager 0 0
+ "&2. Pager (2 $[gt.desks])" Module FvwmPager 0 1
+ "&R. Backer" Module FvwmBacker
+ "&S. ScrollBar" Module FvwmScroll 50 50
+ "&T. FvwmTaskBar" Module FvwmTaskBar
+ "&U. AutoRaise" Module FvwmAuto 200 Raise Nop
+ "&W. WinList" Module FvwmWinList
+ "&X. $[gt.Stop Module Menu]" Popup MenuFvwmStopModule
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmStopModule
AddToMenu MenuFvwmStopModule "$[gt.Stop Fvwm Modules]" Title
+ "&B. $[gt.Stop] Button-Bar" KillModule FvwmButtons
+ "&O. $[gt.Stop] IconBox" KillModule FvwmIconBox
+ "&M. $[gt.Stop] IconMan" KillModule FvwmIconMan
+ "&P. $[gt.Stop] Pager" KillModule FvwmPager
+ "&R. $[gt.Stop] Backer" KillModule FvwmBacker
+ "&S. $[gt.Stop] ScrollBar" KillModule FvwmScroll
+ "&T. $[gt.Stop] FvwmTaskBar" KillModule FvwmTaskBar
+ "&U. $[gt.Stop] AutoRaise" KillModule FvwmAuto
+ "&W. $[gt.Stop] WinList" KillModule FvwmWinList
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmForms
AddToMenu MenuFvwmForms
+ "&C. Capture" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Capture
+ "&D. Form Defaults" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Form
+ "&R. Rlogin" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Rlogin
+ "&P. RootCursor" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-RootCursor
+ "&S. Setup" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Setup
+ "&T. Talk Form" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Talk
+ "&Q. QuitVerify" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-QuitVerify
# Configure and start using an iconbox on the fly
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmQuitVerify
AddToMenu MenuFvwmQuitVerify "$[gt.Really Quit Fvwm?]" Title
+ "&R. $[gt.Restart]" Restart
+ "&Q. $[gt.Yes, Really Quit]" Quit
+ "&X. $[gt.Just an Urxvt]" Restart urxvt -n '"X Console"' -T '"X Console"'
######################## Sample Functions ##########################
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmMoveOrRaise
AddToFunc FuncFvwmMoveOrRaise
+ I Raise
+ M Move
+ D Lower
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmMaximize
AddToFunc FuncFvwmMaximize
+ M Maximize 0 100
+ H Maximize 0 100
+ C Maximize 0 80
+ D Maximize 100 100
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmMoveOrIconify
AddToFunc FuncFvwmMoveOrIconify
+ I Raise
+ M Move
+ D Iconify
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmResizeOrRaise
AddToFunc FuncFvwmResizeOrRaise
+ I Raise
+ M Resize
+ D Lower
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmPrint
AddToFunc FuncFvwmPrint
+ I Raise
+ I Exec xdpr -id $w
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmPrintReverse
AddToFunc FuncFvwmPrintReverse
+ I Raise
+ I Exec xdpr 1/2 -h -rv -id $w
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange
AddToFunc FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange
+ I Style * $0
+ I Recapture
# Read config files for modules:
read ConfigFvwmBacker
read ConfigFvwmButtons
read ConfigFvwmIconBox
read ConfigFvwmIconMan
read ConfigFvwmIdent
read ConfigFvwmPager
read ConfigFvwmScroll
read ConfigFvwmTaskBar
read ConfigFvwmWinList
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