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2008-08-21 16:41:57



#include <unistd.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#define INPUT_DEVICE_NAME     "/dev/input/event0"

#define TOUCH_POINT_NAME "/data/misc/pointer"

#define ABS_X            0x00

#define ABS_Y            0x01

#define TOUCH_TYPE 0x03

struct input_event {

    struct timeval time;

    unsigned short int type;

     unsigned short int code;

    unsigned int value;



#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <sys/times.h>

#include <sys/select.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/unistd.h>

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <asm/page.h>
#include <linux/fb.h>

#define LCD_TFT
#ifdef LCD_TFT
#define RED_COLOR 0xf800
#define GREEN_COLOR 0x07e0
#define BLUE_COLOR 0x001f
#define BLACK_COLOR 0x0000
#define WHITE_COLOR 0xffff

#define RED_COLOR_24    0x01ff0000
#define GREEN_COLOR_24    0x0100ff00
#define BLUE_COLOR_24    0x010000ff
#define BLACK_COLOR_24    0x01000000
#define WHITE_COLOR_24    0x01ffff88
#define RED_COLOR 0xE0
#define GREEN_COLOR 0x1C
#define BLUE_COLOR 0x03

#define Max_color_index 30 /* this parameter determins the total seconds of color changing:
                            time = Max_color_index * 2 */

unsigned short int Color_Array_16[5] ={RED_COLOR, GREEN_COLOR,BLUE_COLOR,WHITE_COLOR,BLACK_COLOR };
unsigned int Color_Array_24[5] ={RED_COLOR_24, GREEN_COLOR_24,BLUE_COLOR_24,WHITE_COLOR_24,BLACK_COLOR_24 };

char *Color_String[] = { "Red Screen","Green Screen" ,"Blue Screen","White Screen","Black Screen"};

void Draw_Point( struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo,char *fbf,int x , int y );

void Draw_Line( struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo,char *fbp ,int x , int y, int u ,int v );
void Glib_Line( struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo,char *fbp, int x,int y,int u,int v);


                                     LOCAL CONSTANTS



                          LOCAL TYPEDEFS (STRUCTURES, UNIONS, ENUMS)



                                      FUNCTION DEFINITIONS



FUNCTION: TC_TouchPointHandler()

DESCRIPTION: This handler is responsible for handling read touch pannel x y value.


  TC_TCMD_T* tcmd - Pointer to TCMD data structure







int main( int argc , char *argv[])



        int length=0;

        int fd ,fd2;

        int len;

        struct input_event data;

        fd_set fds;

        char x_flag=0,y_flag=0,ret,rsp_length=0;

        unsigned short int XY[4]={0};

        char rsp_buff[128],*st1,*st2,*st3,*st4,*st5,*st6;

        double a,b,c,d,e,f,convert_value_x,convert_value_y;


        unsigned short int XY_CUR[4]={0};

        int loop1_counter =200;

        int counter=0;
        struct timeval time_wait;

        /* parse parameter */

        // length = tcmd->cmd_header.length;


        //parameter with the framebuffer

        int fbfd = 0;
        struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
        struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;
        long int screensize = 0;
        char *fbp = 0;

         //printf ("TC_Touchpoint.c receive Opcode 0x%04x was found, length 0x%04x\n", tcmd->cmd_header.opcode,length);

        // Open the file for reading and writing

        fbfd = open("/dev/graphics/fb0", O_RDWR);
        if (fbfd< 0) {
        printf("Error: cannot open framebuffer device.\n");
        printf("the file descripter is %d \n" ,fbfd);
        printf("The framebuffer device was opened successfully.\n");

        // Get fixed screen information

        if (ioctl(fbfd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo)) {
          printf("Error reading fixed information.\n");
        // Get variable screen information

       if (ioctl(fbfd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo)) {
          printf("Error reading variable information.\n");

       // Figure out the size of the screen in bytes

       if( vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 16)
     screensize = vinfo.xres * vinfo.yres * 2;
       else if( vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 24 || vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 18 ||
        vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 19 || vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 25 || vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 32 )
     screensize = vinfo.xres * vinfo.yres * 4;

        printf("%dx%d, %dbpp, screensize = %d\n", vinfo.xres, vinfo.yres, vinfo.bits_per_pixel, screensize );

       // Map the device to memory

       fbp = (char *)mmap(0, screensize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,fbfd, 0);
       if ((int)fbp == -1) {
           printf("Error: failed to map framebuffer device to memory.\n");
       printf("The framebuffer device was mapped to memory successfully.\n");
       memset( fbp, 66, screensize);
       //open event file

       fd = open(INPUT_DEVICE_NAME, O_RDONLY);    //O_RDWR);

       printf(" open device %s ret %d\n", INPUT_DEVICE_NAME, fd);

       if(fd < 0)


        printf("Error opening the file \n");

        //TC_sendResponse(tcmd,TC_CMD_RES_GEN_FAIL,TC_RSP_FLAG_FAIL,0, NULL);


       //open convert parameter file


       fd2 = open(TOUCH_POINT_NAME, O_RDONLY);    //O_RDWR);

        printf(" open device %s ret %d\n", TOUCH_POINT_NAME, fd2);

       if(fd2 < 0)


        printf("Error opening the file \n");

        //TC_sendResponse(tcmd,TC_CMD_RES_GEN_FAIL,TC_RSP_FLAG_FAIL,0, NULL);



       memset(rsp_buff, 0, 128);

       rsp_length = read(fd2, rsp_buff, 128);

       if(rsp_length== 0)


          printf("failed to get response \n");

          //TC_sendResponse(tcmd,TC_CMD_RES_GEN_FAIL,TC_RSP_FLAG_FAIL,0, NULL);




       a = strtod(rsp_buff , &st1 );

       b = strtod(st1 , &st2 );

       c = strtod(st2 , &st3 );

       d = strtod(st3 , &st4 );

       e = strtod(st4 , &st5 );

       f = strtod(st5 , &st6 );

       printf(" strtod a=%f , b=%f , c=%f, d=%f, e=%f, f=%f \n", a,b,c,d,e,f );







            ret = select (fd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &time_wait);
                if( ret == 0)
                     printf("-----------------------------------------------time outs%d\n",loop1_counter);

            if(ret > 0)


                if(fd >= 0 && FD_ISSET (fd, &fds))


                    FD_CLR (fd, &fds);

                    ret = read(fd, &data, sizeof(data));

                    if(ret >0)


                     //printf("type : %d, code : %d, value : %d\n",data.type,data.code,data.value);

                                  if (data.type==TOUCH_TYPE)


                     if(data.code == ABS_X)


                     // printf("read X: %d\n", data.value);




                     else if(data.code == ABS_Y)


                     // printf("read Y: %d\n", data.value);












            if ((x_flag) && (y_flag))

            { //printf("get position %d \n", counter++ );

                 if(counter==63578){break; }

                 lseek( fd , 0 , SEEK_SET );

                 //printf( "reading position return to the file beginning\n" );

                 convert_value_x = a*XY[0]+b*XY[1]+c;
                 convert_value_y = d*XY[0]+e*XY[1]+f;

                 if((convert_value_x>0&&convert_value_y>0)&&((XY_CUR[0] != XY[0])||(XY_CUR[1] != XY[1]) ))


                   XY_CUR[0] = XY[0]; XY_CUR[1] = XY[1];//assign the value


                  }//when not be equal,we convert the value!


         //XY_CUR[0] = XY[0]; XY_CUR[1] = XY[1];//assign the value

         //printf(" XY_CUR[0] = %d , XY_CUR[1] = %d \n" , XY_CUR[0], XY_CUR[1] );

        }//end while(1);


      printf("=====================================break :%d\n", loop1_counter);



       XY[2] = (int)(convert_value_x);

       XY[3] = (int)(convert_value_y);

       printf("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%==(X_value=%d Y_value=%d) --(X_convert=%d Y_convert =%d )\n", XY[0],XY[1],XY[2],XY[3]);

      //TC_sendResponse(tcmd,TC_CMD_RES_GEN_SUCC,TC_RSP_FLAG_NONE,8, XY);

     // Draw_Point(vinfo,fbp, XY[2] , XY[3] );

       //Draw_Line(vinfo,fbp, XY[2] , XY[3] ,XY_CUR[2], XY_CUR[3] );

        Glib_Line(vinfo,fbp, XY[2] , XY[3] ,XY_CUR[2], XY_CUR[3] );
      //printf("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%==XY_CUR[2] = %d , XY_CUR[3] = %d \n" , XY_CUR[2], XY_CUR[3] );

      XY_CUR[2] = XY[2]; XY_CUR[3] = XY[3];
            {memset( fbp, 66, screensize);}

}//end while(2);

   //close framebuffer

   munmap(fbp, screensize);
return 0;



void Draw_Point( struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo,char *fbp ,int x , int y )
   int x_index=x;
   int y_index=y;
   if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 16) // 16bpp only

      // memcpy(fbp+screensize,fbp,screensize);/* backup to second buffer */

       // 16bpp framebuffer test

       printf("16bpp framebuffer test\n");
       printf("two byte in fbp is a pixel of LCD, just set the value of fbp to put color to LCD\n");
       printf("byte format:\n");
       printf(" bit:| 15 14 13 12 11 | 10 9 8 7 6 5 | 4 3 2 1 0 |\n");
       printf(" | red | green | blue |\n");

        // full screen red/green/blue/white/black colors in turn

        if( x < vinfo.xres && y < vinfo.yres )
           *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + y * vinfo.xres + x) = Color_Array_16[2];


   }else if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 24 || vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 18 ||
        vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 19 || vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 25 || vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 32)
       printf("24bpp framebuffer test\n");
       printf("four byte in fbp is a pixel of LCD, just set the value of fbp to put color to LCD\n");
       printf("byte format:\n");
       printf(" bit:| 31 30 29 28 27 26 25| 24| 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 |\n");
       printf(" | No use | T | Red |\n");
       printf(" bit:| 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |\n");
       printf(" | green | Blue |\n");
       // full screen red/green/blue/white/black colors in turn

       printf("seconds color \n");
          for( y_index=y; y_index < vinfo.yres; y_index++)
            { //printf("y_index*************************************************%d\n",y_index);

           for(x_index=x; x_index< vinfo.xres; x_index++)
                  *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + y_index * vinfo.xres + x_index) = Color_Array_24[2];
                  // printf("x_index,y_index===========================================%d,%d\n",x_index,y_index);

       printf("16bpp && 24bpp only!!!\n");

void Draw_Line( struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo,char *fbp ,int x , int y, int u ,int v )
    int x_index;
    int y_index;
    int k_m;//the line slope

    int temp;//for exchange value

   (x> vinfo.xres)?(x=vinfo.xres):(x=x);
   (u> vinfo.xres)?(u=vinfo.xres):(u=u);
   (y> vinfo.yres)?(y=vinfo.yres):(y=y);
   (v> vinfo.yres)?(v=vinfo.yres):(v=v);
    if(y==479&&x==320){ x=319;};
 if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 16) // 16bpp only

      // memcpy(fbp+screensize,fbp,screensize);/* backup to second buffer */

       // 16bpp framebuffer test

       printf("16bpp framebuffer test\n");
       printf("two byte in fbp is a pixel of LCD, just set the value of fbp to put color to LCD\n");
       printf("byte format:\n");
       printf(" bit:| 15 14 13 12 11 | 10 9 8 7 6 5 | 4 3 2 1 0 |\n");
       printf(" | red | green | blue |\n");

        // full screen red/green/blue/white/black colors in turn

        if( x < vinfo.xres && y < vinfo.yres )
           *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + y * vinfo.xres + x) = Color_Array_16[2];


   }else if(vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 24 || vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 18 ||
        vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 19 || vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 25 || vinfo.bits_per_pixel == 32)
       printf("24bpp framebuffer test\n");
       printf("four byte in fbp is a pixel of LCD, just set the value of fbp to put color to LCD\n");
       printf("byte format:\n");
       printf(" bit:| 31 30 29 28 27 26 25| 24| 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 |\n");
       printf(" | No use | T | Red |\n");
       printf(" bit:| 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |\n");
       printf(" | green | Blue |\n");
     printf( "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&( x=%d ,y= %d),( u=%d , v=%d )\n", x, y, u, v );
   //Draw the first point

   if( u==0 && v==0 )
   { u=x;
     *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + y * vinfo.xres + x) = Color_Array_24[2];
   if( x>u && y>v )
   { k_m = (y-v)/(x-u);
      for( x_index=u; x_index<x; x_index++ )
         { printf( "x>u&&y>u &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%d\n",x_index);
          *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + (k_m *(x_index-u)+v) * vinfo.xres + x_index) = Color_Array_24[0];
   else if( x> u && y<v )
      k_m = (v-y)/(x-u);
      for( x_index=u; x_index<x; x_index++ )
      { printf( "x>u&&y,x_index);
          *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + (v-k_m * (x_index-u))* vinfo.xres + x_index) = Color_Array_24[2];
   else if( x<u && y>v )
         k_m = (y-v)/(u-x);
         for( x_index=x; x_index<u; x_index++ )
          { printf( " xv ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%d\n",x_index);
            *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + (y-k_m * (x_index-x))* vinfo.xres + x_index) = Color_Array_24[1];
    else if( x<u && y<v )
         k_m = (v-y)/(u-x);
         for( x_index=x; x_index<u; x_index++ )
          { printf( " x,x_index);
            *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + (y+k_m * (x_index-x))* vinfo.xres + x_index) = Color_Array_24[2];
   else if( x==u && y!=v )
    { if( y<v )// exchange the value

        { temp=y ; y=v ; v=temp; }
        for( y_index=v; y_index<y; y_index++ )
          { printf( "x==u && y!=v $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ %d\n",x);
            *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + y_index* vinfo.xres + x) = Color_Array_24[2];
   else if( y==v && x!=u )
    { if(y==480||v==480){ y=479;v=479;}
        if( x<u )// exchange the value

        { temp=x ; x=u ; u=temp; }
       for( x_index=u; x_index<x ; x_index++ )
          { printf( " y==v && x!=u +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++%d\n",x_index);
            *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + y* vinfo.xres + x_index) = Color_Array_24[0];
       printf( "else &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&( x=%d ,y= %d),( u=%d , v=%d )\n", x, y,u,v) ;
       printf("16bpp && 24bpp only!!!\n");


void Glib_Line( struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo,char *fbp, int x,int y,int u,int v)
    int dx,dy,e;
         (x> vinfo.xres)?(x=vinfo.xres):(x=x);
         (u> vinfo.xres)?(u=vinfo.xres):(u=u);
         (v>= vinfo.yres)?(v=vinfo.yres-1):(v=v);
          if(y==479&&x==320){ x=319;};
          if( u==0 && v==0 )
          { u=x;
           *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + y * vinfo.xres + x) = Color_Array_24[2];
         printf( "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&( x=%d ,y= %d),( u=%d , v=%d )\n", x, y, u, v );
        if(dy >= 0) // dy>=0

            if(dx>=dy) // 1/8 octant

                     *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + v* vinfo.xres + u) = Color_Array_24[2];
            else // 2/8 octant

                     *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + v* vinfo.xres + u) = Color_Array_24[2];
        else // dy<0

            dy=-dy; // dy=abs(dy)

            if(dx>=dy) // 8/8 octant

                     *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + v* vinfo.xres + u) = Color_Array_24[2];
            else // 7/8 octant

                     *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + v* vinfo.xres + u) = Color_Array_24[2];
    else //dx<0

        dx=-dx; //dx=abs(dx)

        if(dy >= 0) // dy>=0

            if(dx>=dy) // 4/8 octant

                     *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + v* vinfo.xres + u) = Color_Array_24[2];
            else // 3/8 octant

                     *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + v* vinfo.xres + u) = Color_Array_24[2];
        else // dy<0

            dy=-dy; // dy=abs(dy)

            if(dx>=dy) // 5/8 octant

                     *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + v* vinfo.xres + u) = Color_Array_24[2];
            else // 6/8 octant

                     *(((unsigned int *)fbp) + v* vinfo.xres + u) = Color_Array_24[2];

#include <unistd.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#define INPUT_DEVICE_NAME     "/dev/input/event0"

#define TOUCH_POINT_NAME "/data/misc/pointer"

#define ABS_X            0x00

#define ABS_Y            0x01

#define TOUCH_TYPE 0x03

struct input_event {

    struct timeval time;

    unsigned short int type;

     unsigned short int code;

    unsigned int value;


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