One issue introduced with that new functionality is that any datawindow
column names that are also JavaScript keywords will cause an error at
runtime in a WinForm application. Most of the JavaScript keywords are also
PowerBuilder reserved words, and so you couldn't create a datawindow with
them as a column name anyway. There are a few however, that PowerBuilder
does allow and JavaScript does not.
To help address that issue, I've uploaded a utility to CodeXchange that will
scan datawindows in your application and report any of them that contain
JavaScript keywords. It won't do anything about them, you'll have to edit
the datawindow object manually. But at least you'll find out about the
problem before somebody tried to use the deployed application.
在WinForm ( 注:这里是否应该是webform,因才从别处摘录来,还没验证,只好猜测 )应用中,数据窗口列名如与JavaScript关键字同名,会引起运行时错误,为了帮助用户找出潜在的命名错误,在CodeXchange上提供了一个工具,找出来后你可手工编辑datawindow,从而在发布之前查明问题所在。
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