ACL会议(Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics)是自然语言处理与计算语言学领域最高级别的学术会议,由计算语言学协会主办,每年一届。 涉及 对话(Dialogue) 篇章(Discourse) 评测( Eval) 信息抽取( IE) 信息检索( IR) 语言生成(LanguageGen) 语言资源(LanguageRes) 机器翻译(MT) 多模态(Multimodal) 音韵学/ 形态学( Phon/ Morph) 自动问答(QA) 语义(Semantics) 情感(Sentiment) 语音(Speech) 统计机器学习(Stat ML) 文摘(Summarisation) 句法(Syntax) 等多个方面
自然语言处理及计算语言学常见缩略语 ACL = Association for Computational Linguistics(计算语言学协会) AFNLP = Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing(亚洲自然语言处理联盟) AI = Artificial Intelligence(人工智能) ALPAC = Automated Language Processing Advisory Committee(语言自动处理咨询委员会) ASR = Automatic Speech Recognition(自动语音识别) CAT = Computer Assisted/Aided Translation(计算机辅助翻译) CBC = Clustering by Committee CCG = Combinatory Categorial Grammar(组合范畴语法) CICLing = International Conference on Intelligent text processing and Computational Linguistics(国际智能文本处理与计算语言学大会) CL = Computational Linguistics(计算语言学) COBUILD = Collins Birmingham University International Language Database(柯林斯伯明翰大学国际语言数据库) COLING = International Conference on Computational Linguistics(国际计算语言学大会) CRF = Conditional Random Fields(条件随机场) DRS = Discourse Representation Structure(篇章表述结构) DRT = Discourse Representation Theory(篇章表述理论) EACL = European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics EBMT = Example-based machine translation(基于实例的机器翻译) EM = Expectation Maximization(期望最大化) FAHQMT = Fully Automated High-Quality Machine Translation(全自动高质量机器翻译) FOL = First Order Logic(一阶逻辑) HAMT = Human Assisted/Aided Machine Translation(人工辅助机器翻译) HLT = Human Language Technologies(人类语言技术) HMM = Hidden Markov Model(隐马尔科夫模型) HPSG = Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar(中心语驱动短语结构语法) IE = Information Extraction(信息抽取) IR = Information Retrieval(信息检索) IST = Information Society Technologies(信息社会技术) KR = Knowledge Representation(知识表示) LFG = Lexical Functional Grammar(词汇功能语法) LSA = Latent Semantic Analysis(潜在语义分析); Linguistics Society of America(美国语言学学会) LSI = Latent Semantic Indexing(潜在语义索引) MAHT = Machine Assised/Aided Human Translation(计算机辅助人工翻译) ME = Maximum Entropy(最大熵) MI = Mutual Information(互信息) ML = Machine Learning(机器学习) MRD = Machine-Readable Dictionary(机读词典) MT = Mechanical Translation/Machine Translation (机器翻译) NAACL = North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics NE = Named Entity(命名实体) NEALT = Northern European Association for Language Technology NER = Named Entity Recognition(命名实体识别) NLG = Natural Language Generation(自然语言生成) NLP = Natural Language Processing(自然语言处理) NLU = Natural Language Understanding(自然语言理解) NML = National Museum of Language PLSA = Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis(概率潜在语义分析) PMI = Pointwise Mutual Information(点间互信息) POS = Part of Speech(词性) RTE = Recognising Textual Entailment SLT = Spoken Language Translation(口语翻译) SVM = Support Vector Machine(支持向量机) TAG = Tree-Adjoining Grammar(树邻接语法) TINLAP = Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing TLA = Three-letter acronym(三字母缩略语) TMI = Theoretical and Methodological Issues (in Machine Translation) TREC = The Text REtrieval Conference(文本检索会议) VSM = Vector Space Model(向量空间模型) WSD = Word Sense Disambiguation(词义消歧)