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2008-02-22 16:58:37





# Webalizer 样例配置文件

# Copyright 1997-2000 by Bradford L. Barrett (

# 翻译: 车东 (


# Distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the

# files "Copyright" and "COPYING" provided with the webalizer

# distribution for additional information.


# 这是一个Webalizer (版本 2.01)的配置文件样例

# 所有以'#'开始的行都是被程序忽略的注释,此外空白行也会被跳过,其他行都是具体的配置选项。

# 并按照"ConfigOption Value"的格式,ConfigOption是合法的配置选项关键词,而Value是相应选项对应的值

# 非法的键/值会被忽略并会有相应的警告提示。关键词和值之间至少需要一个空格或制表符tab分割


# 从0.98版本开始,Webalizer会找缺省在当前目录下找一个名为webalizer.conf缺省配置文件

# 如果没有找到,会使用/etc/webalizer.conf

# LogFile 定义了WEB服务的日志文件,如果这里没有定义,并且命令行参数也没有指定文件名,

# 则将STDIN(系统标准输入)作为输入数据源

# 如果日志文件扩展名为'.gz' (是一个gzip压缩文件),程序会一边读取一边进行解压缩。

LogFile /home/apache/log/access_log_yesterday

# LogType 定义了日志的类型,Webalizer一般用于CLF和Combined格式的WEB服务日志格式


值可以是:'clf', 'ftp' 或'squid', 缺省是'clf'

# JNH : 新的'iis'是为IIS设计的,IIS4缺省使用标准日志格式,IIS5缺省使用W3C格式

# webalizer会自动根据日志的文件名进行识别:标准格式的日志文件名以I开头,W3C的是E

# 你可以在一个目录下同时存放2种日志,webalizer会全部读取并生成一份报告

LogType iis

# OutputDir 报告的输出目录地址,必须是完整的全路径名,但相对路径也许也行,

# 如果没有指定,输出目录就是当前目录。

OutputDir /home/apache/htdocs/usage/

# HistoryName 允许你设置webalizer生成的历史数据文件名

# 历史数据文件保存了12个月内的数据,这些数据会用来生成首页的HTML页面index.html

# 缺省文件名是:"webalizer.hist",缺省存放在指定的输出目录中, 也可以使用绝对路径指定到其他目录中。

#HistoryName webalizer.hist

# Incremental 增量处理允许你处理被分隔成多个小文件的大日志,对于大型站点的按周,按天的日志轮循会非常有用

# 为了继续上次的处理,Webalizer在退出前会保存当时处理的数据并在下次运行是恢复当时的状态



# 'webalizer.current'这个文件用来保存当前数据,位置在OutputDir设置的输出目录中

# 启用这个选项前,请至少阅读一下README文件中的增量处理一节

Incremental yes

# IncrementalName 允许你设置保存当前数据的文件名,和HistoryName选项一样,除非设置绝对路径,否则文件就在缺省输出目录中,

# 这个选项只有在启用了Incremental模式后才有意义

#IncrementalName webalizer.current

# ReportTitle是标题文字,除非这个字符串是空的,否则主机名会空一格后显示在后面,

# 缺省是英文:"Usage Statistics for".

#ReportTitle Usage Statistics for

# HostName 定义了报告对应的主机名,用在报告的标题和URL统计里,这样

# 即使在一个虚拟主机的统计中,点击URL统计的链接也可以转向相应的正确地址。

# 或者生成报告的服务器是在另外一台机器,clicking on URL's in the report to go to the proper location in

# the event you are running the report on a 'virtual' web server,

# or for a server different than the one the report resides on.

# 如果这里没有指定webalizer会尝试调用uname命令获得系统的主机名,如果失败缺省为"localhost"


# HTMLExtension 允许你设置生成报告的文件扩展名,一般缺省是"html",但你也可以根据站点改成你需要的名字

(像配置PHP一样 embeded pages)?

#HTMLExtension html

# PageType 你告诉Webalizer那种类型的URL是你定义的'页面访问'(Page View). 大部分人认为一个html或cgi请求文档是页面,

# 而嵌入在页面中的图片和声音不算,如果没有指定,如果是WEB日志统计,页面的扩展名就是'htm*'和'cgi',

# 如果是ftp日志,扩展名就是'txt' 对于Servlet这样没有扩展名的请求Webalizer也是算页面的。

PageType htm*

PageType cgi

PageType asp

PageType p*

#PageType phtml

#PageType php3

#PageType pl

# UseHTTPS 如果分析的站点使用安全服务器,URL的链接将是以'https://'开头,而不是缺省的'http://'.

如果需要,把它设置成'yes'。缺省是'no'. 这个配置只影响'Top URL's'里的链接.

#UseHTTPS no

# DNSCache 指定了用于反相DNS解析的DNS缓存文件,如果你希望对所有日志中所有的IP地址进行反相域名解析

# addresses found in the log file. 如果没有指定绝对路径(文件名不是以'/'开头),这个文件缺省就在输出目录下


# JNH : 如果你使用ListServer选项,你必须指定DnsCache的全路径

#DNSCache dns_cache.db

# DNSChildren 允许你设置用多少个"子"进程进行DNS解析和更新DNS缓存文件。

# 如果指定了数字,Webalizer会创建DNS缓存文件并且每次运行都会更新,DNS解析会在


# DNS lookups. If used, the DNS cache filename MUST be specified as

# well. 缺省值是0,等于禁用DNS缓存文件,子进程的个数可以是用1 到100之间,如果更大会影响系统运行。


#DNSChildren 0

# HTMLPre 定义了输出页面中最开头的HTML代码,缺省是以下的DOCTYPE声明

# 每行最长是80个字符,如果需要更多代码可以使用多条配置。


# HTMLHead 定义了插入到


# 每行最长是80个字符,如果需要更多代码可以使用多条配置。


# HTMLBody 定义了第一行


# 每行最长是80个字符,如果需要更多代码可以使用多条配置。


# HTMLPost 定义了输出页面中紧跟在第个


# 和"summary period"-"Generated on:"这几行后面的代码。

# As with HTMLHead, you can define as many of these as you want and

# they will be inserted in the output stream in order of apperance.

# 每行最长是80个字符,如果需要更多代码可以使用多条配置。


# HTMLTail defines the HTML code to insert at the bottom of each

# HTML document, usually to include a link back to your home

# page or insert a small graphic. It is inserted as a table

# data element (ie:

) and is right

# alligned with the page. Max string size is 80 characters.

#HTMLTail100% Micro$oft free!

# HTMLEnd defines the HTML code to add at the very end of the

# generated files. It defaults to what is shown below. If

# used, you MUST specify the

your code here

and closing tags

# as the last lines. Max string length is 80 characters.


# The Quiet option suppresses output messages... Useful when run

# as a cron job to prevent bogus e-mails. Values can be either

# "yes" or "no". Default is "no". Note: this does not suppress

# warnings and errors (which are printed to stderr).

#Quiet no

# ReallyQuiet will supress all messages including errors and

# warnings. Values can be 'yes' or 'no' with 'no' being the

# default. If 'yes' is used here, it cannot be overriden from

# the command line, so use with caution. A value of 'no' has

# no effect.

#ReallyQuiet no

# TimeMe allows you to force the display of timing information

# at the end of processing. A value of 'yes' will force the

# timing information to be displayed. A value of 'no' has no

# effect.

#TimeMe no

# GMTTime allows reports to show GMT (UTC) time instead of local

# time. Default is to display the time the report was generated

# in the timezone of the local machine, such as EDT or PST. This

# keyword allows you to have times displayed in UTC instead. Use

# only if you really have a good reason, since it will probably

# screw up the reporting periods by however many hours your local

# time zone is off of GMT.

#GMTTime no

# Debug prints additional information for error messages. This

# will cause webalizer to dump bad records/fields instead of just

# telling you it found a bad one. As usual, the value can be

# either "yes" or "no". The default is "no". It shouldn't be

# needed unless you start getting a lot of Warning or Error

# messages and want to see why. (Note: warning and error messages

# are printed to stderr, not stdout like normal messages).

#Debug no

# FoldSeqErr forces the Webalizer to ignore sequence errors.

# This is useful for Netscape and other web servers that cache

# the writing of log records and do not guarentee that they

# will be in chronological order. The use of the FoldSeqErr

# option will cause out of sequence log records to be treated

# as if they had the same time stamp as the last valid record.

# Default is to ignore out of sequence log records.

#FoldSeqErr no

# VisitTimeout 用来定义一个访客回话的超时时间,缺省为30分钟。

# Visits是根据访客发出请求的时间和来自这个访客所在站点(IP)的最后访问时间决定的,

# 如果2者时间间隔超过VisitTimeout的值,这个请求就被认为是一个新的访客,访客数也被加1

# 值为超时的秒数(缺省为=1800秒=30分钟)

#VisitTimeout 1800

# IgnoreHist shouldn't be used in a config file, but it is here

# just because it might be usefull in certain situations. If the

# history file is ignored, the main "index.html" file will only

# report on the current log files contents. Usefull only when you

# want to reproduce the reports from scratch. USE WITH CAUTION!

# Valid values are "yes" or "no". Default is "no".

#IgnoreHist no

# Country Graph allows the usage by country graph to be disabled.

# Values can be 'yes' or 'no', default is 'yes'.

#CountryGraph yes

# DailyGraph and DailyStats allows the daily statistics graph

# and statistics table to be disabled (not displayed). Values

# may be "yes" or "no". Default is "yes".

#DailyGraph yes

#DailyStats yes

# HourlyGraph and HourlyStats allows the hourly statistics graph

# and statistics table to be disabled (not displayed). Values

# may be "yes" or "no". Default is "yes".

#HourlyGraph yes

#HourlyStats yes

# GraphLegend allows the color coded legends to be turned on or off

# in the graphs. The default is for them to be displayed. This only

# toggles the color coded legends, the other legends are not changed.

# If you think they are hideous and ugly, say 'no' here :)

#GraphLegend yes

# GraphLines allows you to have index lines drawn behind the graphs.

# I personally am not crazy about them, but a lot of people requested

# them and they weren't a big deal to add. The number represents the

# number of lines you want displayed. Default is 2, you can disable

# the lines by using a value of zero ('0'). [max is 20]

# Note, due to rounding errors, some values don't work quite right.

# The lower the better, with 1,2,3,4,6 and 10 producing nice results.

#GraphLines 2

# The "Top" options below define the number of entries for each table.

# Defaults are Sites=30, URL's=30, Referrers=30 and Agents=15, and

# Countries=30. TopKSites and TopKURLs (by KByte tables) both default

# to 10, as do the top entry/exit tables (TopEntry/TopExit). The top

# search strings and usernames default to 20. Tables may be disabled

# by using zero (0) for the value.

#TopSites 30

#TopKSites 10

#TopURLs 30

#TopKURLs 10

#TopReferrers 30

#TopAgents 15

#TopCountries 30

#TopEntry 10

#TopExit 10

#TopSearch 20

#TopUsers 20

# All* 关键词允许显示所有的URL,独立站点(IP),引用链接(Referrers)

# 用户浏览器, 搜索关键词和用户名,如果启用,会生成另外一个HTML页面并有链接

# 加在相应栏目的下面,注意以下2点,这些统计必然比TOP统计要大的多,第2,这些对外都是可见的

# 值可以是yes或no,缺省都是no,对于一个公开发布的站点,这些按月生成的统计

# 会非常大。会需要很多磁盘空间,如果访问很多也会带来很多流量。

#AllSites no

AllURLs yes

#AllReferrers no

#AllAgents no

AllSearchStr yes

#AllUsers no

# The Webalizer normally strips the string 'index.' off the end of

# URL's in order to consolidate URL totals. For example, the URL

# /somedir/index.html is turned into /somedir/ which is really the

# same URL. This option allows you to specify additional strings

# to treat in the same way. You don't need to specify 'index.' as

# it is always scanned for by The Webalizer, this option is just to

# specify _additional_ strings if needed. If you don't need any,

# don't specify any as each string will be scanned for in EVERY

# log record... A bunch f them will degrade performance. Also,

# the string is scanned for anywhere in the URL, so a string of

# 'home' would turn the URL /somedir/homepages/brad/home.html into

# just /somedir/ which is probably not what was intended.

#IndexAlias home.htm

#IndexAlias homepage.htm

# The Hide*, Group* and Ignore* and Include* keywords allow you to

# change the way Sites, URL's, Referrers, User Agents and Usernames

# are manipulated. The Ignore* keywords will cause The Webalizer to

# completely ignore records as if they didn't exist (and thus not

# counted in the main site totals). The Hide* keywords will prevent

# things from being displayed in the 'Top' tables, but will still be

# counted in the main totals. The Group* keywords allow grouping

# similar objects as if they were one. Grouped records are displayed

# in the 'Top' tables and can optionally be displayed in BOLD and/or

# shaded. Groups cannot be hidden, and are not counted in the main

# totals. The Group* options do not, by default, hide all the items

# that it matches. If you want to hide the records that match (so just

# the grouping record is displayed), follow with an identical Hide*

# keyword with the same value. (see example below) In addition,

# Group* keywords may have an optional label which will be displayed

# instead of the keywords value. The label should be seperated from

# the value by at least one 'white-space' character, such as a space

# or tab.


# The value can have either a leading or trailing '*' wildcard

# character. If no wildcard is found, a match can occur anywhere

# in the string. Given a string "", the values "your",

# "*" and "*" will all match.

# Your own site should be hidden

#HideSite *

#HideSite localhost

# Your own site gives most referrals


# This one hides non-referrers ("-" Direct requests)

#HideReferrer Direct Request

# Usually you want to hide these

HideURL *.gif


HideURL *.jpg


HideURL *.png


HideURL *.ra

HideURL *.css

# Hiding agents is kind of futile

#HideAgent RealPlayer

# You can also hide based on authenticated username

#HideUser root

#HideUser admin

# Grouping options

#GroupURL /cgi-bin/* CGI Scripts

#GroupURL /images/* Images

#GroupSite *

#GroupSite *

#GroupReferrer Yahoo!

#GroupReferrer Excite

#GroupReferrer InfoSeek

#GroupReferrer WebCrawler

#GroupUser root Admin users

#GroupUser admin Admin users

#GroupUser wheel Admin users

# The following is a great way to get an overall total

# for browsers, and not display all the detail records.

# (You should use MangleAgent to refine further...)

#GroupAgent MSIE Micro$oft Internet Exploder

#HideAgent MSIE

#GroupAgent Mozilla Netscape

#HideAgent Mozilla

#GroupAgent Lynx* Lynx

#HideAgent Lynx*

# HideAllSites allows forcing individual sites to be hidden in the

# report. This is particularly useful when used in conjunction

# with the "GroupDomain" feature, but could be useful in other

# situations as well, such as when you only want to display grouped

# sites (with the GroupSite keywords...). The value for this

# keyword can be either 'yes' or 'no', with 'no' the default,

# allowing individual sites to be displayed.

#HideAllSites no

# The GroupDomains keyword allows you to group individual hostnames

# into their respective domains. The value specifies the level of

# grouping to perform, and can be thought of as 'the number of dots'

# that will be displayed. For example, if a visiting host is named

#, a domain grouping of 1 will result in just

# "" being displayed, while a 2 will result in "".

# The default value of zero disable this feature. Domains will only

# be grouped if they do not match any existing "GroupSite" records,

# which allows overriding this feature with your own if desired.

#GroupDomains 0

# The GroupShading allows grouped rows to be shaded in the report.

# Useful if you have lots of groups and individual records that

# intermingle in the report, and you want to diferentiate the group

# records a little more. Value can be 'yes' or 'no', with 'yes'

# being the default.

#GroupShading yes

# GroupHighlight allows the group record to be displayed in BOLD.

# Can be either 'yes' or 'no' with the default 'yes'.

#GroupHighlight yes

# The Ignore* keywords allow you to completely ignore log records based

# on hostname, URL, user agent, referrer or username. I hessitated in

# adding these, since the Webalizer was designed to generate _accurate_

# statistics about a web servers performance. By choosing to ignore

# records, the accuracy of reports become skewed, negating why I wrote

# this program in the first place. However, due to popular demand, here

# they are. Use the same as the Hide* keywords, where the value can have

# a leading or trailing wildcard '*'. Use at your own risk ;)


#IgnoreURL /test*

#IgnoreReferrer file:/*

#IgnoreAgent RealPlayer

#IgnoreUser root

# The Include* keywords allow you to force the inclusion of log records

# based on hostname, URL, user agent, referrer or username. They take

# precidence over the Ignore* keywords. Note: Using Ignore/Include

# combinations to selectivly process parts of a web site is _extremely

# inefficent_!!! Avoid doing so if possible (ie: grep the records to a

# seperate file if you really want that kind of report).

# Example: Only show stats on Joe User's pages...

#IgnoreURL *

#IncludeURL ~joeuser*

# Or based on an authenticated username

#IgnoreUser *

#IncludeUser someuser

# The MangleAgents allows you to specify how much, if any, The Webalizer

# should mangle user agent names. This allows several levels of detail

# to be produced when reporting user agent statistics. There are six

# levels that can be specified, which define different levels of detail

# supression. Level 5 shows only the browser name (MSIE or Mozilla)

# and the major version number. Level 4 adds the minor version number

# (single decimal place). Level 3 displays the minor version to two

# decimal places. Level 2 will add any sub-level designation (such

# as Mozilla/3.01Gold or MSIE 3.0b). Level 1 will attempt to also add

# the system type if it is specified. The default Level 0 displays the

# full user agent field without modification and produces the greatest

# amount of detail. User agent names that can't be mangled will be

# left unmodified.

#MangleAgents 0

# 搜索引擎关键词允许你设置搜索引擎和URL中的查询格式,用于统计用户通过那些关键词

# 被用来找到你的站点。第1个关键词是从WEB日志中的referrer字段识别搜索引擎,第2个是

# URL中的关键词的参数名。

SearchEngine p=

SearchEngine q=

SearchEngine q=

SearchEngine q=

SearchEngine query=

SearchEngine MT=

SearchEngine MT=

SearchEngine qt=

SearchEngine webcrawler searchText=

SearchEngine excite search=

SearchEngine search=

SearchEngine query=

SearchEngine query=

SearchEngine qr=

SearchEngine word=

SearchEngine word=

SearchEngine word=

SearchEngine q=

# Dump* 用来将统计导出成用制表符(TAB)分割的文本文件,从而方便导入到其他应用中做统计。

# 比如数据库和统计软件

# DumpPath specifies the path to dump the files. If not specified,

# it will default to the current output directory. Do not use a

# trailing slash ('/').

#DumpPath /var/lib/httpd/logs

# The DumpHeader keyword specifies if a header record should be

# written to the file. A header record is the first record of the

# file, and contains the labels for each field written. Normally,

# files that are intended to be imported into a database system

# will not need a header record, while spreadsheets usually do.

# Value can be either 'yes' or 'no', with 'no' being the default.

#DumpHeader no

# DumpExtension allow you to specify the dump filename extension

# to use. The default is "tab", but some programs are pickey about

# the filenames they use, so you may change it here (for example,

# some people may prefer to use "csv").

#DumpExtension tab

# 控制各个大类统计的导出。

# 值可以是'yes'或 'no'缺省为'no'.

#DumpSites no

DumpURLs yes

DumpReferrers yes

#DumpAgents no

#DumpUsers no

DumpSearchStr yes

# End of configuration file... Have a nice day!

# begin of JNH mofications

# new entry for Win32 release

# NOUVELLE ENTREE pour les serveurs NT

# nom de la page par defaut sur le serveur

# replace file "Index" for unix systems by other name

# IndexPage default

# 所有的日志存放目录

# 文件个数限制为一个目录下250,如果需要处理更多你需要移动文件并再次运行。

# FolderLog C:\JnhDev\WebAlizer32\Exemple de Logs\IIS4.0\Log Standard\

FolderLog C:\WINNT\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC3\

ExtentionLog log

# when you use mix type of log in same folder, webalizer sort file for order by

# name, but if begin of file file is mix sort didn't make work, then you can disable it

# default is no

# DisableSort yes

# Name of file contain list of server to process like for each line :

# Name of CustomerFolder of logFolder outputHost Name1;Host Name 2

# sample (extract of production file, who have 255 lines)

# all of option in this file apply to all reports ...

# New in this file you can use coma (") for delimit field

# wA001 c:\WA001\LogIIS\ c:\wA001\stats;

# wA002 c:\WA002\LogIIS\ c:\wA002\stats;

# wA003 c:\WA003\LogIIS\ c:\wA003\stats;

#ServerList c:\jnhdev\webalizer\listeserv.txt

# If you have dayly rotation on log name, you can change name after process a file

# to have less no productive work day

# to use this option you need to use "HistoryName" and "Incremental"

RenameLog yes

NewExtension sav

# 2 New Options for optimize DNS resolution : is time to live in data base cache

# for good dns resolution (default is 30 days) and for bad resolution, like

# no reverse IP, in this case it's better to store errors in database file

# cause each day bad dns consume a lot of time (default 7 days)

#TtlDns 30

#TtlDnsError 7

# new option for convert each record date to Local time before process it ...

# Test only

# default = No

ConvertTime yes

# end of JNH .. HAve a nice day !!!


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