I needed to sign a MIDlet and deploy it on a Nokia Series 60 phone (i.e. 6630, 6680 etc) so the user doesn't constantly get security alerts. I figured (hoped?) this might be a fairly simple task since any useful application is likely to need access to restricted functionality. It turns out I was very, very wrong. There is virtually no information on how to sign and deploy an application on the web. Anyway here are the steps I took to get my MIDlet signed and installed!
Get required software
- Get and install the from (you should already have this)
- Get and install the also from
- Optionally get and install and to allow you to automate your build
Create and import a certificate
- You need to use (from the JDK)
- I used the following command keytool -genkey -alias {myalias} -keyalg RSA -validity 365
- This will prompt you for a keystore password, enter your keystore password (if you have an existing keystore) or the one you want to use if you don't have one yet
- Fill in all the prompts about location/company name etc
- Run keytool -list to see your new certificate
- Next you must export the certificate so you can import it to your phone
- Run keytool -export -alias {myalias} -file mycertificate.crt
- Import the certificate into your phone, in Windows XP SP2 I could do this by right clicking the file and selecting "Send to Bluetooth Device"
Build and package the application
- Use to build your MIDlet paying special attention to your classpath and bootclasspath options (otherwise preverification will fail). I also set target to 1.1 and source to 1.3
- Generate your JAD file the critical attributes in the JAD are MIDlet-Jar-URL, MIDlet-Jar-Size, MIDlet-Permissions we also included MIDlet-Icon, MicroEdition-Configuration, MicroEdition-Profile, MIDlet-Name, MIDlet-Push-1, MIDlet-Icon, MIDlet-Descriptionn and MIDlet-Version
- Generate the MANIFEST.MF file based on your JAD, you must remove MIDlet-Jar-Size and MIDlet-Jar-URL
- Both these tasks can be completed using the wtkJad Antenna task
- Package and preverify the app using the wtkPackage Antenna Task you must set the classpath and bootclasspath properties correctly otherwise Preverification will fail
Sign the application
- Sign the Application using
- Run jarsigner -keystore {mykeystore} -storepass (mypassword} {myjar} {myalias}
- Now you have a signed jar you need to update the MIDlet-Jar-Size in your JAD
- Now add the certificate to the JAD using from the WTK
- Run java -jar JadTool.jar -addcert -alias {myalias} -storepass {mypassword} -keystore {mykeystore} -inputjad {myinputjad} -outputjad {myoutputjad}
- Now add the signature to the JAD again using
- Run java -jar JadTool.jar -addjarsig -alias {myalias} -jarfile {myjar} -storepass {mypassword} -keypass {mypassword} -keystore {mykeystore} -inputjad {myinputjad} -outputjad {myoutputjad}
- You can now deploy this to a webserver with the MIME types set correctly and download it to your phone and it will be a trusted 3rd party application
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