<?xml version="1.0"?><overlay xmlns=""> <script src="chrome://helloworld/content/helloWorld.js" type="application/x-javascript"/> <commandset id="mainCommandSet">
<command id="cmd_hwMyButton" oncommand="Firebug.HelloWorldModel.onMyButton(FirebugContext)"/>
id="cmd_hwDisableNetMonitoring" oncommand="Firebug.HelloWorldModel.onDisableNetMonitoring(FirebugContext)"/> </commandset>
<toolbar id="fbToolbar" align="center">
<hbox id="fbToolbarInner" insertbefore="fbDetachButton" flex="1" align="center">
id="fbNetButtons"> />
id="hwDisableNetMonitor" label="Disable Net Monitoring" class="toolbar-text-button" type="checkbox" tooltiptext="Press To Disable Network Monitoring" command="cmd_hwDisableNetMonitoring"/> >
<hbox id="fbHelloWorldButtons" insertafter="fbNetButtons"> <toolbarseparator/> <toolbarbutton id="hwMyButton" label="Say Hello" class="toolbar-text-button" tooltiptext="Push to say hello" command="cmd_hwMyButton"/> </hbox> </hbox> </toolbar> </overlay>
FBL.ns(function() { with (FBL) { var panelName = "HelloWorld"; Firebug.HelloWorldModel = extend(Firebug.Module, { showPanel: function(browser, panel) { var isHwPanel = panel && panel.name == panelName; var hwButtons = browser.chrome.$("fbHelloWorldButtons"); collapse(hwButtons, !isHwPanel);
//alert("showPanel!"); },
onMyButton: function(context) { alert("Hello World!"); },
onDisableNetMonitoring: function(context) { alert("OK, the click is handled"); } });
function HelloWorldPanel() {} HelloWorldPanel.prototype = extend(Firebug.Panel, { name: panelName, title: "Hello World!",
initialize: function() { Firebug.Panel.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
//alert("panel init"); } });
Firebug.registerModule(Firebug.HelloWorldModel); Firebug.registerPanel(HelloWorldPanel); }})
下面是新增的Hello world面板的效果:


Model, Panel, Context
![Panel, Model and Context relations]()
The Model object should be used for data shared among pages within the same browser window.
The Context object should be used for data associated with a web page.
The Panel object should be used to store presentation data (i.e. HTML)
1. Similarly to the Panel, the Model has to be registered within a global Firebug object.
2. This method(showPanel) is executed by Firebug's framework whenever a panel is displayed.
3. HelloWorldPanel的initialize方法只在启动firebug时会被调用。
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