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2008-04-15 14:23:38

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Image Apprentice is a C/C++ based Image Processing Learner’s Toolkit. Students use it as a companion to their favourite Image Processing Textbook. It allows one to use self-written image processing algorithms as plugins.
It comes with a Plugin Development Kit (PDK) that has a skeleton code having a simple coding style. A student who has attended a 101-level course in C/C++ programming is well-equipped to write an Image Processing plugin for Image Apprentice using Visual C++.

AllSeeingI (ASI) is the codename for a computer vision and visualization framework. It is a visual programming environment for rapid development and easy reusability.

Editor's Note - This project is just getting started but may be a chance for developers to contribute to a brand new vision system.

Links to the Nottingham video processing environment otherwise known collectively as CamCap, for camera and video processing work and CLAG, for command line based image processing/display and prototyping. The environment is windows based and makes use of DirectShow and the intel open source computer vision library (OpenCV).

The CImg Library is an open source C++ toolkit for image processing. It provides simple classes and functions to load, save, process and display images in your own C++ code. CImg stands for "Cool Image" : It is simple to use and efficient. It's like a STL for image processing!

Project goal was to create a simple, robust vision system suitable for real time robotics applications. The system aims to perform global low level color vision at video rates without the use of special purpose harware.

One of the primary purposes of the CVIPtools development is to allow students, faculty, and other researchers to explore the power of computer processing of digital images.
The newest version of CVIPtools, version 4.3, developed at the Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, under the continuing direction of Dr. Scott E Umbaugh is currently available with the new textbook, Computer Imaging: Digital Image Analysis and Processing.

Code for the Edge Detection and Image SegmentatiON system. This system is a low-level feature extraction tool that integrates confidence based edge detection and mean shift based image segmentation. It was developed by the Robust Image Understanding Laboratory at Rutgers University.

Filters is a library (not an application) implementing image filters and image processing functions.

The Fast Computer Vision and Numerical Library. Gandalf is a C library designed to support the development of computer vision applications.
Gwyddion is a modular program for SPM (scanning probe microscopy) data analysis. Primarily it is supposed to be used for analysis of height fields obtained by means of scanning probe microscopy techniques (AFM, MFM, STM, NSOM), but generally it can be used for any other height field analysis or image analysis.

Gluas plus
Gluas is a GIMP plug-in providing a enviroment for testing algorithms for image processing. The environment contains a simple editor for entering the algorithms. It uses the lua interpreter.

HornetsEye also is an attempt to trim down the Mimas library and create a minimalistic and consistent C++/Ruby real-time computer vision library with an interface to Ruby.

The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is a comprehensive set of C++ classes for the development of neuromorphic models of vision. Neuromorphic models are computational neuroscience algorithms whose architecture and function is closely inspired from biological brains. The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit comprises not only base classes for images, neurons, and brain areas, but also fully-developed models such as our model of bottom-up visual attention and of Bayesian surprise.

Windows and UNIX - The idea behind IM was to create a toolkit that was not so complex as OpenCV, neither so big as VTK, but that can be used as a solid base to the development of thesis and dissertations, as for commercial applications.

ImageJ is a public domain Java image processing program inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either as an online applet or as a downloadable application, on any computer with a Java 1.1 or later virtual machine. Downloadable distributions are available for Windows, Mac OS, Mac OS X and Linux.

Editor's Note - This project is geared towards medical image analysis. If you need to analyze image cross-sections, break/create image stacks, then this package is worth some attention!

ImLib3D is a C++ library and visualisation system for 3D image processing. It contains most basic image processing algorithms, and some more sophisticated ones. ImLib3D images are STL-compliant templated containers.

Imalab is a powerful development environment for complex applications in computer vision. It allows for flexible interactive experimentation with the vision modules developed in the Prima team, and can be dynamically extended with new modules. A versatile scripting mechanism provides for fast and convenient interactive development.

Editor's Note - Most of the documentation is in French.

IMLAB is a free open source graphical application for Scientific Image Processing that runs in Windows, Linux and many other UNIX systems. It supports multiple windows, data types including 32 bit integers, 32 bit real numbers and complex numbers. It is implemented in C++ and also in C to provide a very simple way to add new functions. It has many image operations and supports several file formats.

Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) is a software library of highly optimized functions for multimedia, audio, video, speech, computer vision, image and signal processing.

IMPROMPTU, which stands for IMage PROcessing Module for the Prototyping, Testing, and Utilization of image analysis processes, is a software package for multi-dimensional image processing. With IMPROMPTU, a user can construct an arbitrary sequence of operations to run automatically on an input volume. This sequence, referred to as a process, can be made up of operations selected from any of several categories. Each category, which represents one general type of image-processing operation, contains a number of functions.

Jerry's Java Image Processing Pages. A great way to explore many image processing filters by experimenting with Java applets.

The Java Advanced Imaging API provides a set of object-oriented interfaces that support a simple, high-level programming model which lets you manipulate images easily.

MegaWave2 is a free software intended for image processing. It is made of a C library of modules, that contains original algorithms written by researchers and a Unix/Linux package designed for the fast developpement of new image processing algorithms.

This site contains well-tested C code for some basic image processing operations, along with a description of the functions and some design methods. A full set of affine transformations (translation, shear, rotation, scaling) on images of all depths is included, with the exception that some of the scaling methods do not work at all depths. There are also implementations of binary morphology, grayscale morphology, convolution and rank order filters, and applications such as jbig2 image processing and color quantization.

The LTI-Lib is an object oriented library with algorithms and data structures frequently used in image processing and computer vision. It has been developed at the Chair of Technical Computer Science (Lehrstuhl fuer Technische Informatik) LTI at the Aachen University of Technology, as part of many research projects in computer vision dealing with robotics, object recognition and sign language and gesture recognition.

Lispix is a public domain image analysis program for Microsoft Windows (PC), written and maintained by . It features a collection of special purpose research tools for electron microscopy and spectral imaging at NIST. Most of Lispix is written in Common Lisp.

LuaMat aims to provide a easy to use language to create visual effects and to modify images. LuaMat is a fast way to use the most popular algorithms of Image Processing and Computer Vision. As Lua, becoming the standard for video-game scripting engines, LuaMat is fast and has a simple syntax.

Mimas was originally conceived as a platform for real-time machine vision research. Its aim was and still is to reduce the turnaround time of new research into the application workspace. It is written in C++ and is released in source code form subject to the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

Mavis is computer vision software for mobile robots. It's part of an ongoing, group robotics project, called Leaf.

MIRIAD (Multichannel Image Reconstruction, Image Analysis and Display) is a toolbox, in the form of an environment with a large set of moderate-sized program which perform individual tasks, involving calibration, mapping, deconvolution and image analysis of interferometric data. MIRIAD software is also part of the Hat Creek telescope control software; data obtained from the telescopes is directly written into MIRIAD format with a MIRIAD user interface.

Motion is a program that monitors the video signal from one or more cameras and is able to detect if a significant part of the picture has changed; in other words, it can detect motion.

tnimage is a scientific image analysis program that allows you to create, edit, analyze, and produce color prints of images. It is particularly useful for analyzing images of SDS and agarose gels and X-ray or MRI images.

NeatVision is a free Java based image analysis and software development environment, which provides high level access to a wide range of image processing algorithms through well defined and easy to use graphical interface. NeatVision is in its second major release.

NIH Image is a public domain image processing and analysis program for the Macintosh. It was developed at the Research Services Branch (RSB) of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Editor's Note - The NIH IMAGE project is similar to ImageJ. In fact they are documented side by side. ImageJ is recommended to be used by PC based users as NIH IMAGE is a Mac based program.

OpenCV is an extensive open-source image processing library, built on the Intel Image Processing Library (IPL). OpenCV aids commercial uses of computer vision in human-computer interface, robotics, monitoring, biometrics and security by providing a free and open infrastructure where the distributed efforts of the vision community can be consolidated and performance optimized.

MATLAB and Octave Functions for Computer Vision and Image Processing.

The Projective Vision Toolkit (PVT) is a series of utilities that allows one to take an image sequence and compute the fundamental matrix and trilinear tensor.
This can be used for such problems as camera selfcalibration, structure from motion, camera motion annotation, image stabilization, 3D tracking and recognition, etc.

RAVL provides a base C++ class library, together with a range of computer vision, pattern recognition and supporting tools. The aim of RAVL is to move software developed within the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing at the University of Surrey, England for research purposes into the public domain and to support its use in a wider community.

Using RoboRealm you can create a low cost vision software solution with a standard webcam that allows you to explore the very complex world of image analysis and image processing. Through an easy to use analysis pipeline you can add image processing filters to translate an image into robotic movements, computer actions, or just plain fun! RoboRealm is free to !

RobotVisionCAD or in short RvCAD is a computer aided design for Image Processing and Computer Vision. RvCAD's GUI presents users with a view where users drag and drop Image Processor Elements, and visually connecting them to form Image Processing Pipeline. RvCAD supports real-time live video processing from VideoForWindow, DirectShow(WDM) and Video4Linux on linux, compatible capture device.

SPIDER (System for Processing Image Data from Electron microscopy and Related fields) is an image processing system for electron microscopy.

TINA (TINA Is No Acronym) is an open source environment developed to accelerate the process of image analysis research. TINA provides functionality to assist in all areas of image analysis including handling of image, image feature and geometrical data; statistical and numerical analysis of data; GUI development as well as transmission and containment of data. TINA also provides a range of high-level analysis techniques for both machine vision (3D object location, 2D object recognition, temporal-stereo depth estimation, etc) and medical image analysis (MR tissue segmentation, blood flow analysis, etc).

Exploring Tekkotsu Programming on the Sony AIBO. Tekkotsu (see ) is an application development framework for the Sony AIBO robot dog. ("Tekkotsu" literally means iron bones in Japanese, and refers to a metal framework, such as the skeleton of a building.) At its lowest level, Tekkotsu provides primitives for sensory processing, smooth control of effectors, and event-based communication.

It's a machine vision library, written in simple C++ and based on the Torch machine-learning library. This package contains Basic image processing and feature extraction algorithms such as rotation, flip, photometric normalizations (Histogram Equalization, Multiscale Retinex, Self-Quotient Image or Gross-Brajovic), edge detection, 2D DCT, 2D FFT, 2D Gabor, PCA to do Eigen-Faces, LDA to do Fisher-Faces

UTHSCSA ImageTool (IT) is a free image processing and analysis program for Microsoft Windows 9x, Windows ME or Windows NT. IT can acquire, display, edit, analyze, process, compress, save and print gray scale and color images.IT can read and write over 22 common file formats including BMP, PCX, TIF, GIF and JPEG.

VXL (the Vision-something-Libraries) is a collection of C++ libraries designed for computer vision research and implementation. It was created from TargetJr and the IUE with the aim of making a light, fast and consistent system. VXL is written in ANSI/ISO C++ and is designed to be portable over many platforms. There are libraries covering numerical algorithms, image processing, co-ordinate systems, camera geometry, stereo, video manipulation, structure recovery from motion, probability modelling, GUI design, classification, robust estimation, feature tracking, topology, structure manipulation, 3d imaging, and much more.

XMegaWave (XMW) is a freeware graphical windows environment oriented towards image processing. The development of XMW has been based on the collaboration between researchers from the University of the Balearic Islands (Spain), the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) and the University of Paris IX Dauphine (France).

XVision provides an application independent set of tools for visual feature tracking optimized to be simple to configure at the user level, yet extremely fast to execute.

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