It's very creepy to walk alone at 1 am..
Creepy和scary这两个形容词都是用来形容令人“害怕”的感觉。但这两者其实有些小小的差异。Creepy 的话是指“心里毛毛的”那种感觉,而scary则是真的令人感到害怕,所以在程度上来说scary比creepy还要来得恐怖些。比方说像是看恐怖电影,也许你可以说 "It's creepy." 和 "It's scary." 都可以,但是如果像是去从事高空弹跳 (bungee jump),我想对大部分的人来说都是scary而不只是creepy了。
一种保护眼睛的好方法: 桌面->右键->属性->外观->高级->项目选择(窗口)、颜色1(L)选择(其它)将色调改为:85,饱和度:123,亮度:205->添加到自定义颜色->在自定义颜色选定点确定->确定 这样所有的文档都不再是刺眼的白底黑字,而是非常柔和的豆沙绿色,这个色调是眼科专家配置的,长时间使用会很有效的缓解眼睛疲劳保护眼睛。别忘了分享给你们的好朋友哦^-^
The good method of a protection eye: Tabletop ->, keys right ->, attribute ->, appearance -> the advanced -> choose (window), 1 of color (L) not to be chosen project (other) to have tone changed into: 85,The degree of saturation: 123,Luminance: It add 205 -> get by colors self-defining ->, select confirm by fixed position at colors self-defining -> confirm a such file all have dazzling bottom words blacks white no longer, but very soft sweetened bean paste is green, this tone was disposed by ophthalmology expert, will use very effective relieving eyes and protecting eyes tiredly for a long time. Don't forget to share to your good friend ^ -^
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