# pkg_add phpMyAdmin-3.2.4.tgz
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:libiconv-1.13p0: ok (8 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:gettext-0.17p0: ok (7 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:libxml-2.7.6: ok (6 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:php5-core-5.2.12p1: ok (5 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:php5-mbstring-5.2.12p0: ok (4 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:php5-mysql-5.2.12p0: ok (3 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:libltdl-1.5.26p0: ok (4 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:mhash- ok (4 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:libmcrypt-2.5.8: ok (3 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:php5-mcrypt-5.2.12p0: ok (2 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:jpeg-7: ok (4 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:t1lib-5.1.0p1: ok (3 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:png-1.2.41: ok (2 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4:php5-gd-5.2.12: ok (1 to go)
phpMyAdmin-3.2.4: ok
--- +php5-core-5.2.12p1 -------------------
To enable the php5 module please create a symbolic
link from /var/www/conf/modules.sample/php5.conf
to /var/www/conf/modules/php5.conf.
ln -s /var/www/conf/modules.sample/php5.conf \
The recommended php configuration has been installed
to /var/www/conf/php.ini.
--- +php5-gd-5.2.12 -------------------
You can enable this module by creating a symbolic
link from /var/www/conf/php5.sample/gd.ini to
ln -fs /var/www/conf/php5.sample/gd.ini \
--- +php5-mbstring-5.2.12p0 -------------------
You can enable this module by creating a symbolic
link from /var/www/conf/php5.sample/mbstring.ini to
ln -fs /var/www/conf/php5.sample/mbstring.ini \
--- +php5-mcrypt-5.2.12p0 -------------------
You can enable this module by creating a symbolic
link from /var/www/conf/php5.sample/mcrypt.ini to
ln -fs /var/www/conf/php5.sample/mcrypt.ini \
--- +php5-mysql-5.2.12p0 -------------------
You can enable this module by creating a symbolic
link from /var/www/conf/php5.sample/mysql.ini to
ln -fs /var/www/conf/php5.sample/mysql.ini \
--- +phpMyAdmin-3.2.4 -------------------
The phpMyAdmin has been installed into /var/www/phpMyAdmin
You should point this to the DocumentRoot of your web-server:
# ln -s ../phpMyAdmin /var/www/htdocs/phpMyAdmin
(make sure you use a relative symlink since Apache is chrooted)
You can ensure you have a working install by accessing:
# pkg_add ImageMagick-
ImageMagick- ImageMagick-
# pkg_add ImageMagick-
ImageMagick- ok (9 to go)
ImageMagick- ok (8 to go)
ImageMagick- ok (9 to go)
ImageMagick- ok (8 to go)
ImageMagick- ok (7 to go)
ImageMagick- ok (6 to go)
ImageMagick- ok (5 to go)
ImageMagick- ok (4 to go)
ImageMagick- ok (3 to go)
ImageMagick- ok (2 to go)
ImageMagick- ok (1 to go)
ImageMagick- ok
You may wish to update your font path for /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts
--- +ghostscript-fonts-8.11p1 -------------------
To install these fonts for X11, just make sure that the fontpath
lists the 75dpi or 100dpi bitmap fonts before the ghostscript fonts,
and make sure you have the string ":unscaled" appended to the bitmap
font's fontpath. This way, the bitmap fonts will be used if they
match, and the Type 1 versions will be used if the font needs to be
scaled. Below is the relevant section from a typical xorg.conf file.
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
# pkg_add mediawiki-1.15.1.tgz
mediawiki-1.15.1: ok
--- +mediawiki-1.15.1 -------------------
The MediaWiki has been installed into /var/www/mediawiki
You should point this to the DocumentRoot of your web server:
# ln -s ../mediawiki /var/www/htdocs/mediawiki
(make sure you use a relative symlink since Apache is chrooted)
You can ensure you have a working install by accessing:
# pkg_add sphinx-
sphinx- ok
--- +sphinx- -------------------
If you are using Ruby-On-Rails, both the Sphincter and Ultrasphinx plugins
will automatically configure sphinx.
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