[root@wiki ~]# tar -zxf mediawiki-1.15.4.tar.gz -C /opt/www/mediawiki-1.15.3/ --strip-components=1
[root@wiki ~]# chown -R apache:apache /opt/www/mediawiki-1.15.3/
[root@wiki ~]# cd /opt/www/mediawiki-1.15.3/
[root@wiki mediawiki-1.15.3]# ls
HISTORY INSTALL manual redirect.php5 thumb.php
AdminSettings.php config howto install-utils.inc math redirect.phtml thumb.php5
AdminSettings.sample COPYING images languages opensearch_desc.php RELEASE-NOTES tools
api.php CREDITS img_auth.php LocalSettings.php opensearch_desc.php5 serialized trackback.php
api.php5 docs img_auth.php5 php5.php5 skins trackback.php5
extensions includes LocalSettings.php.old profileinfo.php StartProfiler.php update.log
back FAQ index.php maintenance README t UPGRADE
backup favicon.ico index.php5 Makefile redirect.php tests wiki.phtml
[root@wiki mediawiki-1.15.3]# cd maintenance/
[root@wiki maintenance]# ls
addwiki.php Doxyfile mcc.php rebuildrecentchanges.inc
apache-ampersand.diff dtrace mctest.php rebuildrecentchanges.php
archives dumpBackup.php moveBatch.php rebuildtextindex.inc
attachLatest.php dumpHTML.php mssql rebuildtextindex.php
attribute.php dumpInterwiki.inc mwdocgen.php refreshImageCount.php
backup.inc dumpInterwiki.php namespace2sql.php refreshLinks.inc
backupPrefetch.inc dumpLinks.php namespaceDupes.php refreshLinks.php
benchmarkPurge.php dumpSisterSites.php nextJobDB.php removeUnusedAccounts.inc
changePassword.php dumpTextPass.php nukeNS.php removeUnusedAccounts.php
checkAutoLoader.php dumpUploads.php nukePage.inc renameDbPrefix.php
checkBadRedirects.php edit.php nukePage.php renamewiki.php
checkImages.php eval.php ora renderDump.php
checkUsernames.php fetchInterwiki.pl orphans.php runJobs.php
cleanupCaps.php fetchText.php ourusers.php showJobs.php
cleanupDupes.inc findhooks.php parserTests.inc showStats.php
cleanupImages.php FiveUpgrade.inc parserTestsParserHook.php sqlite
cleanupSpam.php fixSlaveDesync.php parserTestsParserTime.php sql.php
cleanupTable.inc fixTimestamps.php parserTests.php stats.php
cleanupTitles.php fixUserRegistration.php parserTestsStaticParserHook.php storage
cleanupWatchlist.php fuzz-tester.php parserTests.txt tables.sql
clear_interwiki_cache.php gearman patchSql.php testRunner.postgres.sql
clear_stats.php generateSitemap.php populateCategory.inc testRunner.sql
commandLine.inc getLagTimes.php populateCategory.php undelete.php
convertLinks.inc getSlaveServer.php populateParentId.inc updateArticleCount.inc.php
convertLinks.php ibm_db2 populateParentId.php updateArticleCount.php
counter.php importDump.php postgres update.php
createAndPromote.php importImages.inc.php preprocessorFuzzTest.php updateRestrictions.php
deleteArchivedFiles.inc importImages.php purgeList.php updaters.inc
deleteArchivedFiles.php importLogs.inc purgeOldText.inc updateSearchIndex.inc
deleteArchivedRevisions.inc importLogs.php purgeOldText.php updateSearchIndex.php
deleteArchivedRevisions.php importTextFile.php README updateSpecialPages.php
deleteBatch.php importUseModWiki.php reassignEdits.inc.php upgrade1_5.php
deleteDefaultMessages.php initEditCount.php reassignEdits.php userDupes.inc
deleteImageMemcached.php initStats.inc rebuildall.php userOptions.inc
deleteOldRevisions.inc initStats.php rebuildFileCache.php userOptions.php
deleteOldRevisions.php installExtension.php rebuildImages.php users.sql
deleteOrphanedRevisions.inc.php interwiki.sql rebuildInterwiki.inc waitForSlave.php
deleteOrphanedRevisions.php language rebuildInterwiki.php wikipedia-interwiki.sql
deleteRevision.php Makefile rebuildmessages.php wiktionary-interwiki.sql
[root@wiki maintenance]# php update.php --aconf ../AdminSettings.php
MediaWiki 1.15.4 Updater
Going to run database updates for wikidb
Depending on the size of your database this may take a while!
Abort with control-c in the next five seconds...0
...have ipb_id field in ipblocks table.
...have ipb_expiry field in ipblocks table.
...already have interwiki table
...indexes seem up to 20031107 standards
...hitcounter table already exists.
...have rc_type field in recentchanges table.
...have user_real_name field in user table.
...querycache table already exists.
...objectcache table already exists.
...categorylinks table already exists.
Already have pagelinks; skipping old links table updates.
...il_from OK
...have rc_ip field in recentchanges table.
...image primary key already set.
...have rc_id field in recentchanges table.
...have rc_patrolled field in recentchanges table.
...logging table already exists.
...have user_token field in user table.
The watchlist table is already set up for email notification.
...watchlist talk page rows already present
...user table does not contain old email authentication field.
...page table already exists.
...have log_params field in logging table.
logging table has correct log_title encoding.
...have ar_rev_id field in archive table.
...have page_len field in page table.
revision timestamp indexes already up to 2005-03-13
...rev_text_id already in place.
...have rev_deleted field in revision table.
...have img_width field in image table.
...have img_metadata field in image table.
...have user_email_token field in user table.
...have ar_text_id field in archive table.
...page_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).
...ar_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).
...rc_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).
...wl_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).
...qc_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).
...log_namespace is already a full int (int(11)).
...have img_media_type field in image table.
...already have pagelinks table.
No img_type field in image table; Good.
Already have unique user_name index.
...user_groups table already exists.
...user_groups is in current format.
...have ss_total_pages field in site_stats table.
...user_newtalk table already exists.
...transcache table already exists.
...have iw_trans field in interwiki table.
...trackbacks table already exists.
...wl_notificationtimestamp is already nullable.
...timestamp key on logging already exists.
...have ipb_range_start field in ipblocks table.
Setting page_random to a random value on rows where it equals 0...changed 0 rows
...have user_registration field in user table.
...templatelinks table already exists
...externallinks table already exists.
...job table already exists.
...have ss_images field in site_stats table.
...langlinks table already exists.
...querycache_info table already exists.
...filearchive table already exists.
...have ipb_anon_only field in ipblocks table.
Checking for additional recent changes indices...
...index `rc_ns_usertext` seems ok.
...index `rc_user_text` seems ok.
...have user_newpass_time field in user table.
...redirect table already exists.
...querycachetwo table already exists.
...have ipb_enable_autoblock field in ipblocks table.
Checking for backlinking indices...
Checking if pagelinks index pl_namespace includes field pl_from...
...index pl_namespace on table pagelinks seems to be ok
Checking if templatelinks index tl_namespace includes field tl_from...
...index tl_namespace on table templatelinks seems to be ok
Checking if imagelinks index il_to includes field il_from...
...index il_to on table imagelinks seems to be ok
...have rc_old_len field in recentchanges table.
...have user_editcount field in user table.
...page_restrictions table already exists.
...have log_id field in logging table.
...have rev_parent_id field in revision table.
...have pr_id field in page_restrictions table.
...have rev_len field in revision table.
...have rc_deleted field in recentchanges table.
...have log_deleted field in logging table.
...have ar_deleted field in archive table.
...have ipb_deleted field in ipblocks table.
...have fa_deleted field in filearchive table.
...have ar_len field in archive table.
...have ipb_block_email field in ipblocks table.
Checking for categorylinks indices...
Checking if categorylinks index cl_sortkey includes field cl_from...
...index cl_sortkey on table categorylinks seems to be ok
...have oi_metadata field in oldimage table.
...usertext,timestamp key on archive already exists.
...usertext,timestamp key on image already exists.
...usertext,timestamp key on oldimage already exists.
...have ar_page_id field in archive table.
...have img_sha1 field in image table.
...protected_titles table already exists.
...have ipb_by_text field in ipblocks table.
...page_props table already exists.
...updatelog table already exists.
...category table already exists.
...category table already populated.
...have ar_parent_id field in archive table.
...have user_last_timestamp field in user_newtalk table.
...rev_parent_id column already populated.
protected_titles table has correct pt_title encoding.
Checking filearchive indices...
...have ss_active_users field in site_stats table.
...ss_active_users user count set...
...have ipb_allow_usertalk field in ipblocks table.
...pl_namespace, tl_namespace, il_to indices are already UNIQUE.
...change_tag table already exists.
...tag_summary table already exists.
...valid_tag table already exists.
Deleting old default messages (this may take a long time!)...Done
Checking site_stats row...ok.
Purging caches...done.
[root@wiki maintenance]#