job 表,
[root@atyu30 mediawiki-1.15.0]# cat maintenance/archives/patch-job.sql
-- Jobs performed by parallel apache threads or a command-line daemon
CREATE TABLE /*$wgDBprefix*/job (
job_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-- Command name, currently only refreshLinks is defined
job_cmd varbinary(60) NOT NULL default '',
-- Namespace and title to act on
-- Should be 0 and '' if the command does not operate on a title
job_namespace int NOT NULL,
job_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL,
-- Any other parameters to the command
-- Presently unused, format undefined
job_params blob NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY job_id (job_id),
KEY (job_cmd, job_namespace, job_title)
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
原来的 categorylinks表
[root@atyu30 mediawiki-1.15.0]# cat maintenance/archives/patch-categorylinks.sql
-- Track category inclusions *used inline*
-- This tracks a single level of category membership
-- (folksonomic tagging, really).
CREATE TABLE /*$wgDBprefix*/categorylinks (
-- Key to page_id of the page defined as a category member.
cl_from int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-- Name of the category.
-- This is also the page_title of the category's description page;
-- all such pages are in namespace 14 (NS_CATEGORY).
cl_to varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
-- The title of the linking page, or an optional override
-- to determine sort order. Sorting is by binary order, which
-- isn't always ideal, but collations seem to be an exciting
-- and dangerous new world in MySQL...
-- Truncate so that the cl_sortkey key fits in 1000 bytes
-- (MyISAM 5 with server_character_set=utf8)
cl_sortkey varchar(70) binary NOT NULL default '',
-- This isn't really used at present. Provided for an optional
-- sorting method by approximate addition time.
cl_timestamp timestamp NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY cl_from(cl_from,cl_to),
-- This key is trouble. It's incomplete, AND it's too big
-- when collation is set to UTF-8. Bleeeacch!
KEY cl_sortkey(cl_to,cl_sortkey),
-- Not really used?
KEY cl_timestamp(cl_to,cl_timestamp)
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
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