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分类: BSD

2007-07-07 08:26:55

Running GNOME 2.10 on OpenBSD 4.1
# export PKG_PATH=
# pkg_add gnome-desktop-2.10.2p2.tgz
# pkg_add gnome-session-2.10.0p3.tgz
#echo "exec gnome-session" > ~/.xinitrc

# startx

#pkg_info# cat pkg_info

ORBit2-2.13.3       high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker
atk-1.10.3p2        accessibility toolkit used by gtk+
bzip2-1.0.4         block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
cairo-1.2.6         vector graphics library
cdparanoia-3.a9.8p0 CDDA reading utility with extra data verification features
control-center2-2.10.2p2 GNOME control center
desktop-file-utils-0.10p1 utilities for 'desktop' entries
docbook-4.4         technical documentation XML/SGML definitions
docbook-dsssl-1.72  modular DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD
eel-2.10.1p4        Eazel Extensions Library
esound-0.2.34p0     sound library for Enlightenment
expat-2.0.0         XML 1.0 parser written in C
gail-1.8.5p3        GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library
gconf2-2.10.1p3     configuration database system for GNOME
gettext-0.14.6      GNU gettext
glib2-2.10.3p0      general-purpose utility library
glitz-0.5.6         OpenGL image compositing library
gnome-applets2-2.10.1p5 applets for use with the GNOME panel
gnome-desktop-2.10.2p2 components for the GNOME desktop
gnome-icon-theme-2.16.1 the base GNOME icon theme
gnome-keyring-0.4.4p3 password agent for the GNOME project
gnome-menus-2.10.2p0 Implementation of the FreeDesktop Desktop Menu Spec
gnome-mime-data-2.4.3 MIME and Application database for GNOME
gnome-panel-2.10.2p2 GNOME panel
gnome-session-2.10.0p3 GNOME session
gnome-terminal-2.10.0p2 GNOME terminal
gnome-themes-2.10.1 themes collection for GNOME
gnome-vfs2-2.10.1p0 GNOME Virtual File System
gstreamer-0.8.11p2  streaming media framework - core
gstreamer-plugins-0.8.11p11 GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-ins.
gtk+2-2.8.20p4      multi-platform graphical toolkit
gtk-engines2-2.8.2p1 collection of theme engines for GTK+2
hicolor-icon-theme-0.9 high-color icon theme shell for GNOME and KDE
iso8879-1986        character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)
jpeg-6bp3           IJG's JPEG compression utilities
libIDL-0.8.7        IDL parsing library
libart-2.3.17       high-performance 2D graphics library
libaudiofile-0.2.6p0 SGI audiofile library clone
libbonobo-2.10.1p0  GNOME component and compound document system
libbonoboui-2.10.1p2 user interface components for bonobo
libgcrypt-1.2.0p1   crypto library based on code used in GnuPG
libglade2-2.5.1p6   library for loading GLADE interface files at runtime
libgnome-2.10.0p0   libraries for the GNOME project
libgnomecanvas-2.10.2p3 graphics library for GNOME
libgnomeprint-2.10.3p0 printing framework for GNOME
libgnomeprintui-2.10.2p4 user interface components for libgnomeprint
libgnomeui-2.10.1p2 user interface components for GNOME
libgpg-error-1.1p0  error codes for GnuPG related software
libgsf-1.11.1p3     GNOME Structured File library
libgtkhtml-2.11.0p0 lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
libgtop2-2.14.6p0   portable library for obtaining system information
libiconv-1.9.2p3    character set conversion library
librsvg-2.9.5p6     SAX-based render library for SVG files
libwnck-2.10.0p5    window navigator construction kit
libxklavier-2.2     utility library for XKB
libxml-2.6.26p0     XML parsing library
libxslt-1.1.17      XSLT C Library for GNOME
metacity-2.10.3p2   Boring window manager for the adult in you.
nautilus-2.10.1p2   GNOME shell and file manager
pango-1.12.3p0      library for layout and rendering of text
png-1.2.14p0        library for manipulating PNG images
popt-1.7p0          getopt(3)-like library with a number of enhancements
scrollkeeper-0.3.14p2 Scrollkeeper Open Documentation Cataloging System
shared-mime-info-0.15p1 Shared mime database for desktops
startup-notification-0.8p0 library for tracking application startup
tiff-3.8.2p0        tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
vte-0.11.12p3       terminal emulatation library
xscreensaver-5.01p2-no_gle screen saver and locker for the X Window System
yelp-2.6.5p2        GNOME help browser


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chinaunix网友2008-06-21 14:40:48

请问你的email 还有qq号或是msn 号?

chinaunix网友2008-06-21 10:15:07

一般情况下是不需要设置的,如果你的显卡很个性,可能要调整xorg.conf 在4.2中我没有装过gnome,不太好好说,你可以尝试着按照上面的步骤装看看,有问题mail给我:)

chinaunix网友2008-06-21 09:31:52
