#ln -s sourceDir targetLinkName
-s Create a symbolic link.
If the -s option is used with two arguments, target
may be an existing directory or a non-existent file.
If target already exists and is not a directory, an
error is returned. source_file may be any path name
and need not exist. If it exists, it may be a file or
directory and may reside on a different file system
from target. If target is an existing directory, a
file is created in directory target whose name is
source_file or the last component of source_file. This
file is a symbolic link that references source_file.
If target does not exist, a file with name target is
created and it is a symbolic link that references
If the -s option is used with more than two arguments,
target must be an existing directory or an error will
be returned. For each source_file, a link is created
in target whose name is the last component of
source_file. Each new source_file is a symbolic link
to the original source_file. The files and target may
reside on different file systems.
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