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2008-05-17 09:20:12


一个最简单的例子便是 /all/,比如下面一段文字:

John’s ball fell into the hole

John cried because it is all his life.





3.1            行首、行尾定位符


Here is a tongue twister:

Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball, "Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball, Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.




Here is a tongue twister:

Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball, "Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball, Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.




3.2            词首、词尾定位符

词首定位符 \<

Here is a tongue twister:

Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball, "Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball, Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.




词尾定位符 \>

Here is a tongue twister:

Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball, "Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball, Bad luck Bobby

Bad luck ball
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.





John’s ball fell into the hole

John cried because it is his whole life




3.3            匹配单个字符

匹配任意的一个字符 .

Here is a tongue twister:

Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball, "Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball, Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.




匹配0个或多个前一字符 *

Here is a tongue twister:

Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball, "Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball, Bad luck Bobby, bad luck balll
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.

/ al*/



3.4            匹配多个字符

匹配一组字符里的任意字符 [ ]

Here is a tongue twister:

Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball, "Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball, Bad luck Bobby, bad luck balll
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.




匹配指定范围内的字符 [x-y]

Here is a tongue twister:

Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball, "Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball, Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.




匹配不在指定范围内的字符 [^ ]

Here is a tongue twister:

Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.

With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball, "Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball, Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.




根据字符x出现的次数匹配 x\{m\}  x\{m,\}  x\{m, n\}



3.5            转义字符

如果要匹配的字符串中含有正则表达式的原字符,需要用斜线将其转义,就像c语言里打印单引号 要写成 \’ 一样。这里有个例子:我们想要查找字符串,要查找的字符串里含有正则表达式的原字符“.”,因此这个正则表达式要写成 /google\.com/,如果不用 \ 转义,找到的将是google后面跟一个任意的字符,然后跟一个com的字符串。这显然不一定是我们要找的。


3.6            字符标签


Occurence and happening are the most general. I mean, the words occurence and happening are most generally used.












3.7            原字符组合使用的例子



Here is a tongue twister:

Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball, "Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball, Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.


匹配以Bob开头,后面跟任意个数的任意字符,然后以all结尾的字符串。这里再次重复, * Shell里表示任意个数的任意字符,而在正则表达式里表示任意个数的前一字符。与 . 配合使用表示任意个数(包括零个)的任意字符。实际上,* 也可以表示重复零次或任意次它前面的一组字符,我们称这一组(有时也可能是一个)字符为“原子”。当原子包括多个字符时,这多个字符要用圆括号括起来,并且需要将圆括号转义;当原子只含一个字符时,可以不用圆括号。在这个例子里,. 表示一个任意字符,紧跟着一个*表示重复0次或任意次前面的那个任意字符。而下面的例子


则表示匹配在字符串info前有0个或多个sup的字符串,因此 supinfo, info, supsupinfo都会被匹配。



Here is a tongue twister:

Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall
But so boldly Bobby banged it
That he burst his rubber ball, "Boo!" cried Bobby
Bad luck ball, Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball
Now to drown his many troubles
Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.



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chinaunix网友2009-03-25 17:23:57


chinaunix网友2008-09-27 11:31:48

啊!啊!啊! 太详细了! Thank you very very much much!