dlopen is the way to go. Here are a few examples:
Loading a plugin with dlopen:
main (const int argc, const char *argv[])
char *plugin_name;
char file_name[80];
void *plugin;
plugin = dlopen (file_name, RTLD_NOW);
if (!plugin)
fatal ("Cannot load %s: %s", plugin_name, dlerror ());
Compiling the above:
% cc -ldl -o program program.o
Then, assuming this API for the plugins:
/* The functions we will find in the plugin */
typedef void (*init_f) ();
init_f init;
typedef int (*query_f) ();
query_f query;
Finding the address of init() in the plugin:
init = dlsym (plugin, "init");
result = dlerror ();
if (result)
fatal ("Cannot find init in %s: %s", plugin_name, result);
init ();
With the other function, query(), which returns a value:
query = dlsym (plugin, "query");
result = dlerror ();
if (result)
fatal ("Cannot find query in %s: %s", plugin_name, result);
printf ("Result of plugin %s is %d\n", plugin_name, query ());
You can retrieve the complete example on line.
C-Pluff, a plug-in framework for C
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