Set a Workspace and Project
Workspaces and projects provide a way to organize your work. Much of
the power provided by SlickEdit derives from the information in your
projects. So it's important to set them up correctly.
A Workspace defined a set of projects and retains the settings for an
editing session. The dependencies between projects, compiler options,
working diectory and commands to build and execute projects are
defined. Opening a workspace returns a session to the same state as
wehn you last worked on it, including which files are open, the working
directory, and more. To see the auto restore options, click Tools >
Opteions > Application Options > Auto Restore. The data for each
workspace is stored in a text file with the extension .vpw.
A Project defined a set of files that build and execute as an unit.
For each projecdt you can specify the set of files it contains, a working directory, a set of commands to build and execute the project, compiler options and depenencied between other projects. A tag file for each project's source files is automatically created and enables slickedit advanced navigation functions.
Files can only be added to projects not indirectly to a workspace. A file may belong to multiple projectsz, and a project may belong to multiple workspaces. The data for each project is stored in a text file with the extension .vpj.
Wehn you creat a project, you select the project type based on the language and compiler you are using. Selecting the right project type is essential to configure SlickEdit to build and run you program. Once a project type is selected, it is possible to change it.
The number of projects you create in a given workspace depends on the type of program you are creating. Typically, you create a separate project for each build target in your program. In C/C++ you wold create a separate project for each DLL or SO and one for each executable. In Java, you might only create a single project.
If you have a workspace with multiple projects, you can use project dependencies to ensure that projects are built in the correct order. You may find it useful to define an umbrella project that depends on all other projects. This provides an easy way to rebuild all of your projects. Even if you have no project that meets this criteriaon, you can crete an empty project for that purpose.
File sin aworkspace are processed by the Context Tagging feature, building a database of the symbols they contain. This information is used for completions, providing prarameter information, navigating form a symbol to its definition or references, and more. It saves you a greate deal of time.
You can define as many workspaces as you like. For large systems that decompose into multiple subsystems and programs., you create a separate workspace for each program or subsystem. This helps you manage the complexity by limiting th number of files in your workspace.
SlickeEdit has a default workspace that is active before a workspace or after you close a workspace.However you cannot add projects or fils to this workspace. You can open files and edit them, and state will be saved, but using SlickeEdit in this way is like using a basic editor and will not provide the full benefit of SlickEdit's sysmbol analysis.
Organizing Files
SlickEdit places no restrictions on the location of your files.
Source files dont have to be located in the same directory as your project(.vpj) or workspace (.vpw). Adding files to a project doesnt copy the files. Adding a project to a workspace doesnt copy the project. This provides a great deal of flexibility to organize your files.
In general, there are 2 approaches to organizing your files.:
1. Single Root Approach
Workspace Directory
2. Multiple Root Approach
No single folder contains all of the workspace fils execlusively.
|--------Workspace Directory
| |------workspace.vpw
| |------ProjectC.vpj
When all team members are working with SlickEdit, the single root aparpoach is common.
Storing files remotely will have a definite impact on performance since network latency is added to disk latency. SlickEdit reads and writes workspace files frequently. So you should store them locally.
Working with libraries
A libarary is a pre-built unit of code providing application-independent functionality. Standard libraries are provided by the compiler., and many programs use third-party libraries. Some development projects have their own libraries.
Libraries should not be added to your workspace as a project. Key distinction is that libraires are prebuilt and will not be edited as part of the development effort. If you have library routines that you plant to edit and build as part of your development, those should be added to your workspace as a project.
SlickEdit automatically tags the standard libarries ofr C/C++ , Java, .NET, and COBOL as part of normal installation.
Managing Workspaces
Workspaces are just a means to aggraegate projects and store values from an editing session.
Opening Workspaces and Closing Workspaces
Creating Workspaces
Managing Projects within a Workspace
Sharing Projects between Workspaces
Working with Third-Party Workspaces
Visual Studio
Managing Projects
Project Types: GNU C/C++, Python, ...
Creating Projects
Creating Custom Project Types
Setting The Active Project
Each workspace contains one avtive project that is the one to be built when you click Build>Build. If the active project depends on other projects, those projects will be built first.
Defining Project Dependencies
Project Configurations
Configuring Project Directories
Configuring Project Tools
Configuring Build Settings
Managing Source Files
Adding and Removing Files
Creating New Files
Importing Files
Importing Makefiles
Loading Project Files for Editing
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