#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: gbk -*-
#python 测试与应用:41357415
#gtalk: xurongzhong#gmail.com
import pexpect
import sys
import re
import os
import time
def ssh_command(ip, command):
ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting'
# 为 ssh 命令生成一个 spawn 类的子程序对象.
child = pexpect.spawn('ssh -q -p 36000 soso_plt@'+ip + " " + command)
i = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, ssh_newkey, 'password: '])
# 如果登录超时,打印出错信息,并退出.
if i == 0: # Timeout
print 'ERROR!'
print 'SSH could not login. Here is what SSH said:'
print child.before, child.after
return None
# 如果 ssh 没有 public key,接受它.
if i == 1: # SSH does not have the public key. Just accept it.
child.sendline ('yes')
child.expect ('password: ')
i = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, 'password: '])
if i == 0: # Timeout
print 'ERROR!'
print 'SSH could not login. Here is what SSH said:'
print child.before, child.after
return None
# 输入密码.
return child
def process_info(Pr_name):
#获取drm_processes 的进程号
cmd = r"ps aux | grep " + Pr_name + r" | grep -v grep"
child = ssh_command(ip,cmd)
processes = child.before
processes_num = re.findall('soso_plt.*?(\d+) ', processes)
f_out.write("\n\n" + Pr_name + " 的进程信息:")
if not processes_num:
f_out.write("\nThere is NO " + Pr_name + " running" )
for pid in processes_num:
f_out.write("\n****"+ pid)
cmd = 'top -p' + pid + ' -b -n1 | tail -n2 | head -n1'
child = ssh_command(ip,cmd)
info = child.before
info = info.split()
cpu = info[8]
mem= info[9]
cmd = 'ls -l /proc/' + pid + '/fd |wc -l '
child = ssh_command(ip,cmd)
handle = child.before.strip()
f_out.write("\n********CPU占用率:"+ cpu + "****内存占用率:" + mem + "****句柄:" + handle)
def cpu_info():
child = ssh_command (ip , "cat /proc/cpuinfo " )
cpuinfo = child.before
cpu_num = re.findall('processor.*?(\d+)', cpuinfo)[-1]
cpu_num = str(int(cpu_num) + 1 )
f_out.write("\nCPU number:" + cpu_num )
def mem_info():
child = ssh_command(ip,"cat /proc/meminfo ")
meminfo = child.before
mem_values = re.findall('(\d+)\ kB', meminfo)
MemTotal = mem_values[0]
MemFree = mem_values[1]
Buffers = mem_values[2]
Cached = mem_values[3]
SwapCached = mem_values[4]
Active = mem_values[5]
Inactive = mem_values[6]
HighTotal = mem_values[7]
HighFree = mem_values[8]
LowTotal = mem_values[9]
LowFree = mem_values[10]
SwapTotal = mem_values[11]
SwapFree = mem_values[12]
Dirty = mem_values[13]
Writeback= mem_values[14]
AnonPages = mem_values[15]
Mapped = mem_values[16]
Slab = mem_values[17]
CommitLimit = mem_values[18]
Committed_AS = mem_values[19]
PageTables = mem_values[20]
VmallocTotal = mem_values[21]
VmallocUsed = mem_values[22]
VmallocChunk = mem_values[23]
Hugepagesize = mem_values[-1]
Free_Mem = int(MemFree) + int(Buffers) + int(Cached)
Used_Mem = int(MemTotal) - Free_Mem
Rate_Mem = Used_Mem/float(MemTotal)
f_out.write("\nMEM number:" + MemTotal )
f_out.write("\nMEM Free:" + str(Free_Mem) )
f_out.write("\nMEM Used:" + str(Used_Mem) )
f_out.write("\nMEM Usage:" + str(Rate_Mem) )
Rate_Swap = 1 - int(SwapFree)/float(SwapTotal)
f_out.write("\nSwapTotal:" + SwapTotal )
f_out.write("\nSwapFree:" + SwapFree )
f_out.write("\nSwap Usage:" + str(Rate_Swap) )
def vmstat_info():
child = ssh_command (ip , "vmstat 1 2 | tail -n 1" )
vmstat_info = child.before.strip().split()
processes_waiting = vmstat_info[0]
processes_sleep = vmstat_info[1]
io_bi = vmstat_info[8]
io_bo = vmstat_info[9]
System_in = vmstat_info[10]
System_cs = vmstat_info[11]
cpu_us = vmstat_info[12]
cpu_sy = vmstat_info[13]
cpu_id = vmstat_info[14]
cpu_wa = vmstat_info[15]
cpu_st = vmstat_info[16]
f_out.write("\nprocesses_waiting:" + processes_waiting )
f_out.write("\nprocesses_sleep:" + processes_sleep )
f_out.write("\nio_bi:" + io_bi )
f_out.write("\nio_bo:" + io_bo )
f_out.write("\nSystem_in:" + System_in )
f_out.write("\nSystem_cs :" + System_cs )
f_out.write("\ncpu_us:" + cpu_us )
f_out.write("\ncpu_sy:" + cpu_sy )
f_out.write("\ncpu_id:" + cpu_id )
f_out.write("\ncpu_wa:" + cpu_wa )
f_out.write("\ncpu_st:" + cpu_st )
Pr_name = sys.argv[1]
time_now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-",time.localtime())
filename = time_now + Pr_name + ".log"
f_out = open(filename,'w')
for ip in open("ip.txt"):
ip = ip.strip()
f_out.write("\n" + "*"*80+"\n\n"+ip)
child = ssh_command(ip,"top -b -n 1")
top = child.before
idle_cpu = re.search(',\ (\d+.*?)%id', top).group(1)
f_out.write("\nCPU IDLE:" + idle_cpu )
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