import os.path
import sys
import re
import traceback
from match import eq
from robottypes import is_str, unic
from robot.errors import DataError, TimeoutError, RemoteError
RERAISED_EXCEPTIONS = (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, MemoryError)
if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
from import StringWriter, PrintWriter
from java.lang import Throwable, OutOfMemoryError
_java_trace_re = re.compile('^\s+at (\w.+)')
_ignored_java_trace = ('org.python.', 'robot.running.', 'robot$py.',
'sun.reflect.', 'java.lang.reflect.')
_ignore_trace_until = (os.path.join('robot','running',''), '_run_handler')
_generic_exceptions = ('AssertionError', 'AssertionFailedError', 'Exception',
'Error', 'RuntimeError', 'RuntimeException',
'DataError', 'TimeoutError', 'ExecutionFailed', 'RemoteError')
def get_error_message():
"""Returns error message of the last occurred exception.
This method handles also exceptions containing unicode messages. Thus it
MUST be used to get messages from all exceptions originating outside the
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
if exc_type in (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
raise exc_value
if _is_java_exception(exc_value):
return _get_java_message(exc_type, exc_value)
return _get_python_message(exc_type, exc_value)
def get_error_details():
"""Returns error message and details of the last occurred exception.
Error message contains exception's type and message and details contains
This method handles also exceptions containing unicode messages. Thus it
MUST be used to get messages from all exceptions originating outside the
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
if exc_type in (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
raise exc_value
if _is_java_exception(exc_value):
message = _get_java_message(exc_type, exc_value)
details = _get_java_details(exc_value)
message = _get_python_message(exc_type, exc_value)
details = _get_python_details(exc_value, exc_traceback)
return message, details
def _is_java_exception(exc):
return sys.platform.startswith('java') and isinstance(exc, Throwable)
def _get_name(exc_type):
return exc_type.__name__
except AttributeError:
return unic(exc_type)
def _msg_to_str(msg):
if msg is None:
return ''
if not is_str(msg):
return unic(msg)
return msg
def _get_java_message(exc_type, exc_value):
exc_name = _get_name(exc_type)
# OOME.getMessage and even toString seem to throw NullPointerException
if exc_type is OutOfMemoryError:
exc_msg = str(exc_value)
exc_msg = exc_value.getMessage()
return _format_message(exc_name, exc_msg, java=True)
def _get_java_details(exc_value):
# OOME.printStackTrace seems to throw NullPointerException
if isinstance(exc_value, OutOfMemoryError):
return ''
output = StringWriter()
lines = [ line for line in str(output).splitlines()
if line and not _is_ignored_stacktrace_line(line) ]
details = '\n'.join(lines)
msg = _msg_to_str(exc_value.getMessage())
if msg:
details = details.replace(msg, '', 1)
return details
def _is_ignored_stacktrace_line(line):
res = _java_trace_re.match(line)
if res is None:
return False
location =
for entry in _ignored_java_trace:
if location.startswith(entry):
return True
return False
def _get_python_message(exc_type, exc_value):
# If exception is a "string exception" without a message exc_value is None
if exc_value is None:
return unic(exc_type)
name = _get_name(exc_type)
msg = unic(exc_value)
except UnicodeError: # Happens at least if exception message is unicode
msg = unic(exc_value.args[0])
return _format_message(name, msg)
def _get_python_details(exc_value, exc_tb):
if isinstance(exc_value, (DataError, TimeoutError)):
return ''
if isinstance(exc_value, RemoteError):
return exc_value.traceback
tb = traceback.extract_tb(exc_tb)
for row, (path, _, func, _) in enumerate(tb):
if path.endswith(_ignore_trace_until[0]) and func == _ignore_trace_until[1]:
tb = tb[row+1:]
details = 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n' \
+ ''.join(traceback.format_list(tb))
return details.strip()
def _format_message(name, message, java=False):
message = _msg_to_str(message)
if java:
message = _clean_up_java_message(message, name)
name = name.split('.')[-1] # Use only last part of the name
if message == '':
return name
if name in _generic_exceptions:
return message
return '%s: %s' % (name, message)
def _clean_up_java_message(msg, name):
# Remove possible stack trace from messages
lines = msg.splitlines()
while lines:
if _java_trace_re.match(lines[-1]):
msg = '\n'.join(lines)
# Remove possible exception name from the message
tokens = msg.split(':', 1)
if len(tokens) == 2 and tokens[0] == name:
msg = tokens[1]
return msg.strip()
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