import sys
import os
from argumentparser import ArgumentParser
from domwrapper import DomWrapper
from escaping import escape, unescape, escape_file_name
from error import get_error_message, get_error_details, RERAISED_EXCEPTIONS
from htmlutils import html_escape, html_attr_escape
from htmlwriter import HtmlWriter
from importing import simple_import, import_
from normalizing import normalize, normalize_tags, normpath, NormalizedDict
from match import eq, eq_any, any_eq_any, matches, matches_any, any_matches, \
contains, contains_any
from misc import get_temp_dir, get_not_none, plural_or_not, get_link_path, \
get_doc, cygpath, printable_name_from_path, printable_name, \
calc_percents, percents_to_widths, get_directory, seq2str, seq2str2
from outputcapture import capture_output, release_output
from robottime import get_timestamp, get_start_timestamp, format_time, \
get_time, get_elapsed_time, elapsed_time_to_string, \
timestr_to_secs, secs_to_timestr, secs_to_timestamp, \
timestamp_to_secs, parse_time
from robottypes import is_list, is_tuple, is_scalar, is_str, is_integer, \
is_boolean, is_number, is_list_of_str, to_boolean, to_list, \
dict2map, type_as_str, unic
from robotversion import get_version, get_java_version
from text import cut_long_message, cut_long_assign_msg, wrap
from xmlwriter import XmlWriter
from connectioncache import ConnectionCache
from idgenerator import IdGenerator, FileNameGenerator
# TODO: Capitalize these attributes. Do we need both VERSION and get_version()?
version = get_version() # Robot version as string
py_version = sys.version_info[:2] # Python version in tuple (major,minor)
java_version = get_java_version() # Java version in tuple (major,minor)
is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java')
is_windows = os.sep == '\\' # This works also in Jython on Windows
is_cygwin = 'cygwin' in sys.platform
platform = '%sython %s on %s' % (is_jython and 'J' or 'P',
sys.version.split()[0], sys.platform)
def get_full_version(who=''):
vers = '%s %s (%s)' % (who, version, platform)
return vers.strip()
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