Ken: Helli you are looking stressed, I thought I'd had a bad day! What's wrong?
Helli:I'm doing some work down at the local library, and Ken there was a huge accident.
Ken: Oh no,was anyone hurt? I hope one of the bookcases didn't fall over on someone,or was there a fire?
Ken: 哦,不会吧,有人受伤了吗?不会是书架倒下砸到人了吧,还是着火了?,I forgot to stamp someone's book last week and they got a fine and now it's all my fault.
Ken: That's not an emergency! Or an accident! Wow Helli-try missing an inter branch meeting like I did today and see how stressed you feel about work!
Ken: 这算什么大事!连意外都称不上!哇,Helli-你真应该试试像我今天一样没赶上部门之间的会议,你就知道什么叫真正的备受压力了.
Helli: Well the emergency was relative to the situation,sorry about your meeting Ken-but hey that will teach you to oversleep on a Monday morning!
Helli: 事情严不严重是因人而异的.Ken,你没赶上会议我很遗憾-但是这可以给你一个教训,让你再也不敢周一早上还睡懒觉.
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