分类: Mysql/postgreSQL
2008-02-19 10:13:08
mysql> select employee.name as employeeName, department.name as departmentName from employee, department where employee.departmentID = department.departmentID;
| employeeName | departmentName |
| Nora Edwards | Research and Development |
| Ben Smith | Finance |
| Ajay Patel | Research and Development |
| Candy Burnett | Research and Development |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)
| name | name |
| Ajay Patel | Finance |
| Nora Edwards | Finance |
| Candy Burnett | Finance |
| Ben Smith | Finance |
| Ajay Patel | Research and Development |
| Nora Edwards | Research and Development |
| Candy Burnett | Research and Development |
| Ben Smith | Research and Development |
| Ajay Patel | Human Resources |
| Nora Edwards | Human Resources |
| Candy Burnett | Human Resources |
| Ben Smith | Human Resources |
| Ajay Patel | Marketing |
| Nora Edwards | Marketing |
| Candy Burnett | Marketing |
| Ben Smith | Marketing |
这个查询叫做Cartesian product,笛卡尔集
select employee.name as employeeName, department.name as departmentName
from employee, department
where employee.departmentID = department.departmentID;
比如查询哪个部门有和Telco Inc相关的业务.
mysql> select department.name from client, assignment, employee, department where client.name='Telco Inc' and client.clientID = assignment.clientID and assignment.employeeID = employee.employeeID and employee.departmentID = department.departmentID;
| name |
| Research and Development |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
查找和'Nora Edwards'在部门工作的所有员工:
mysql> select e2.name from
employee e1, employee e2 where e1.name = 'Nora Edwards' and e1.departmentID =
| name |
| Ajay Patel |
| Nora Edwards |
| Candy Burnett |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
排除掉'Nora Edwards'的查询方法
select e2.name
from employee e1, employee e2
where e1.name = 'Nora Edwards'
and e1.departmentID = e2.departmentID
and e2.name != 'Nora Edwards';
select employee.name, department.name
from employee, department
where employee.departmentID = department.departmentID;
select employee.name, department.name
from employee join department
where employee.departmentID = department.departmentID;
替代. 也可以用CROSS
JOIN or INNER JOIN 代替上面的join
select * from employee;
| employeeID |
name | job | departmentID |
| 6651 | Ajay Patel | Programmer | 128 |
| 7513 | Nora Edwards | Programmer | 128 |
| 9006 | Candy Burnett | Systems
Administrator | 128 |
| 9842 | Ben Smith | DBA | 42 |
4 rows in set
(0.00 sec)
select * from assignment;
| clientID |
employeeID | workdate | hours |
| 1 | 7513 |
mysql> select employee.name from employee left join assignment on employee.employeeID = assignment.employeeID where clientID is null;
| name |
| Ben Smith |
| Ajay Patel |
| Candy Burnett |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
子查询又称为嵌套查询,是MySQL 4.1新增的功能, 它并没有增加新功能,但是使用子查询比使用连接更有可读性.多表的删除和更新其实也是一种特殊的子查询.本节主要介绍select语句中的子查询.
mysql> select employeeID, name from employee where job='Programmer';
| employeeID | name |
| 6651 | Ajay Patel |
| 7513 | Nora Edwards |
* 单值子查询
mysql> select e.employeeID, e.name from employee e, assignment a where e.employeeID = a.employeeID and a.hours = (select max(hours) from assignment);
| employeeID | name |
| 7513 | Nora Edwards |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
* 布尔子查询
布尔子查询一般是针对特殊功能,比如: IN, EXISTS, ALL, ANY, and SOME.
mysql> select name from employee where employeeID not in (select employeeID from assignment);
| name |
| Ben Smith |
| Ajay Patel |
| Candy Burnett |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select e.name, e.employeeID from employee e where not exists (select * from assignment where employeeID = e.employeeID);
| name | employeeID |
| Ben Smith | 9842 |
| Ajay Patel | 6651 |
| Candy Burnett | 9006 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
查询过程: 针对employee中的每一行,在子查询中查看是否都不匹配。
select e.name
from employee e, assignment a
where e.employeeID = a.employeeID
and a.hours > all
(select a.hours
from assignment a, employee e
where e.employeeID = a.employeeID
and e.job='Programmer');
SELECT 的语法请参考教材。
chinaunix网友2008-02-19 10:13:42
§7.4 习题和答案 1: A Cartesian product represents all possible combinations of rows in two or more tables represents the combinations of matching rows from two or more tables represents the rows from one table matched with rows from a second table; where this is not possible, the result row is filled with NULLs where the data from the second table would have been none of the above 2: A left join represents all possible combinations of rows in two or more tables represents the c