一直正常使用的150,在搬家之后被发现不听话了,启动不起来,LED一直提示E105,或者偶尔也报E15B。开始以为是bootlist错了。 在启动的时候按1进入SMS设置启动设备为hdisk0,(机器有2个pv,hdisk0和hdisk1,只有hdisk0有boot image),故障依旧;尝试使用光驱启动,很奇怪也是同样的报错。“不好,搬出大问题了 ”,我想。
这时候想起Service Guide,好,到IBM Infomation Center:去看看,Search 43P,然后把43P的Service Guide下载回来。open,search the Error Code“E105”,ok,get this tips:
E15B Transfer control to
O.S. (Service modeboot)
See “Boot Problems/Concerns” on page 4-27;follow the tips , Page to 4-27,突然让我看到这里5. Either the CD-ROM drive, SCSI adapter, the graphics adapter, or the system
board is most likely defective. A tty terminal attached to the serial port also can
be used to determine if the graphics adapters is causing the problem. This is
done by removing the graphics adapter, attaching a tty to the serial, and retrying
standalone diagnostics. If the standalone diagnostics load, the graphic adapter
should be replaced.冒了1身冷汗,不会是需要replaced Motherboard吧,那不是要报废机器??值得注意它提到显卡等东西也可能导致问题,于是我大胆设想会不会是显卡或者SCSI线松了。尝试插拔显卡。然后看着LED在欢快的跳着,等105的时候也非常顺利得跳过去了。多等几分钟,终于看到了久违的logo。呵呵,问题不大。
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