在命令行输入 faad.exe -h,可以得到如下帮助信息
faad.exe [options] infile.aac
-h Shows this help screen.
-i Shows info about the input file.
-a X Write MPEG-4 AAC ADTS output file.
-t Assume old ADTS format.
-o X Set output filename.
-f X Set output format. Valid values for X are:
1: Microsoft WAV format (default).
2: RAW PCM data.
-b X Set output sample format. Valid values for X are:
1: 16 bit PCM data (default).
2: 24 bit PCM data.
3: 32 bit PCM data.
4: 32 bit floating point data.
5: 64 bit floating point data.
-s X Force the samplerate to X (for RAW files).
-l X Set object type. Supported object types:
1: Main object type.
2: LC (Low Complexity) object type.
4: LTP (Long Term Prediction) object type.
23: LD (Low Delay) object type.
-d Down matrix 5.1 to 2 channels
-w Write output to stdio instead of a file.
-g Disable gapless decoding.
-q Quiet - suppresses status messages.
faad.exe infile.aac
faad.exe infile.mp4
faad.exe -o outfile.wav infile.aac
faad.exe -w infile.aac > outfile.wav
faad.exe -a outfile.aac infile.aac
faad.exe 参数, 输入文件
-h 显示帮助信息
-i 显示输入文件的信息
-a X 讲MPEG-4 AAC ADTS输出文件写入
-t 假设为老的ADTS格式
-o X 设置输出文件名称
-f X 设置输出文件格式,合法的值为1和2,默认为1,输出wav格式,2表示纯PCM
-b X 设置输出的样点格式。默认为1,表示16bit 2-5分别表示24bit,32bit,32bit浮点,64bit浮点。
-s X 强制采样率为X,仅仅为RAW文件提供
-l X 设置输出对象类型。1 为Main,2为LC,4为LTP,23为LD
-d 把5.1转换为2声道
-w 输出到stdout而不是文件
-g 禁止gapless解码
-q 安静模式,不输出状态信息
faad.exe infile.aac
faad.exe infile.mp4
faad.exe -o outfile.wav infile.aac
faad.exe -w infile.aac > outfile.wav
faad.exe -a outfile.aac infile.aac
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