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The X Resize and Rotate Extension (RandR) allows clients to dynamically change X screens, so as to resize, rotate and reflect the root window of a screen. The initial X11 design did not anticipate the need for dynamic resizing and it was necessary to restart the X server to bring about the changes. RandR extension framework brought the ability to change display characteristics without restarting the X session. The extension framework allows laptops and handheld computers change their screen size to drive external monitors at different resolutions than their built in screens. [1] The current version of the protocol specification is 1.2.
If one's desktop environment doesn't provide a graphical tool for interfacing with this functionality, the xrandr command line tool may be used.
發文者為Usagi 於七月11, 2006发文者为Usagi于七月11, 2006
xrandr指令可以用來改變X環境的桌面大小和螢幕頻率. xrandr指令可以用来改变X环境的桌面大小和萤幕频率.
$ xrandr -s 1024x768
$ xrandr -r 75
$ xrandr -q
它列出的訊息, 每行的第一個數字可以用來指定給-s 參數, 假設有一行這麼寫它列出的讯息,每行的第一个数字可以用来指定给-s参数,假设有一行这么写
20 640 x 480 ( 347mm x 260mm ) 75
$ xrandr -s 20
時, 就會把螢幕調成640×480 大小, 頻率75Hz时,就会把萤幕调成640×480大小,频率75Hz
如果有數個X環境同時運作的話, 可以用-d 參數去調整別的X環境, -d 後面加的是像:0 :1 :2 這樣, 例如:如果有数个X环境同时运作的话,可以用-d参数去调整别的X环境, -d后面加的是像:0 :1 :2这样,例如:
$ xrandr -s 800x600 -d :0
這篇文章發表於七月11, 2006 於2:18 午後 歸檔於Linux . . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.您可以留下迴響 , 或引用從你自己的網站.这篇文章发表于七月11, 2006于2:18午后归档于Linux . . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.您可以留下回响 ,或引用从你自己的网站.
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