ARM v6的SIMD指令相对较弱,我原先以为其不能实现负责的blend算法,可我在cario的pixman库中看到了,写的很精巧。
fbCompositeSrc_8888x8888arm (pixman_op_t op,
pixman_image_t * pSrc,
pixman_image_t * pMask,
pixman_image_t * pDst,
int16_t xSrc,
int16_t ySrc,
int16_t xMask,
int16_t yMask,
int16_t xDst,
int16_t yDst,
uint16_t width,
uint16_t height)
uint32_t *dstLine, *dst;
uint32_t *srcLine, *src;
int dstStride, srcStride;
uint16_t w;
uint32_t component_half = 0x800080;
uint32_t upper_component_mask = 0xff00ff00;
uint32_t alpha_mask = 0xff;
fbComposeGetStart (pDst, xDst, yDst, uint32_t, dstStride, dstLine, 1);
fbComposeGetStart (pSrc, xSrc, ySrc, uint32_t, srcStride, srcLine, 1);
while (height--)
dst = dstLine;
dstLine += dstStride;
src = srcLine;
srcLine += srcStride;
w = width;
//#define inner_branch
asm volatile (
"cmp %[w], #0\n\t"
"beq 2f\n\t"
/* load src */
"ldr r5, [%[src]], #4\n\t"
#ifdef inner_branch
/* We can avoid doing the multiplication in two cases: 0x0 or 0xff.
* The 0x0 case also allows us to avoid doing an unecessary data
* write which is more valuable so we only check for that */
"cmp r5, #0\n\t"
"beq 3f\n\t"
/* = 255 - alpha */
"sub r8, %[alpha_mask], r5, lsr #24\n\t"
"ldr r4, [%[dest]] \n\t"
"ldr r4, [%[dest]] \n\t"
/* = 255 - alpha */
"sub r8, %[alpha_mask], r5, lsr #24\n\t"
"uxtb16 r6, r4\n\t"
"uxtb16 r7, r4, ror #8\n\t"
/* multiply by 257 and divide by 65536 */
"mla r6, r6, r8, %[component_half]\n\t"
"mla r7, r7, r8, %[component_half]\n\t"
"uxtab16 r6, r6, r6, ror #8\n\t"
"uxtab16 r7, r7, r7, ror #8\n\t"
/* recombine the 0xff00ff00 bytes of r6 and r7 */
"and r7, r7, %[upper_component_mask]\n\t"
"uxtab16 r6, r7, r6, ror #8\n\t"
"uqadd8 r5, r6, r5\n\t"
#ifdef inner_branch
"str r5, [%[dest]], #4\n\t"
/* increment counter and jmp to top */
"subs %[w], %[w], #1\n\t"
"bne 1b\n\t"
: [w] "+r" (w), [dest] "+r" (dst), [src] "+r" (src)
: [component_half] "r" (component_half), [upper_component_mask] "r" (upper_component_mask),
[alpha_mask] "r" (alpha_mask)
: "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "cc", "memory"
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