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分类: C/C++

2011-10-19 22:49:11

BTW: 后来发现wireshark中已经有了bt-utp这个dissector,但是没有判断PIECE分包。
1. 如何定义小于1个字节的field
   >> 查了一下User Guide,发现可以在创建ProtoField的时候,使用mask参数就可以了。
2. 如何取小于1个字节field的值
   >> 这个需要位操作进行处理,具体见参考文献1。主要是, bit.bor, bit.bxor, bit.rshift, bit.lshift等。注意右移位是bit.rshift,而不是bit.brshift
3. 如何调用其他Dissector
   >> Dissector.get()获得系统中已经有的dissector;DissectorTable.get()获得系统中已经有的dissector table,再调用get_dissector()获得最终的dissector。
   >> 获得dissector后,就可以直接调用call,call的参数跟dissector function的参数一致。
  1. xx_protocol.dissector = function(buffer,pinfo,tree)
  2. --定义这个协议的解析函数,最后会将这个函数注册到wireshark用来解析数据的表中。这个函数的三个参数很重要,是wireshark引擎在调用该函数是会传入,
  3. --buffer就是我们要分析的数据,
  4. --pinfo记录了前面分析过协议留下的信息,
  5. --tree是用来在详细框中添加我们信息的结构。
4. 如何设置报文信息
   >>直接修改,其中pkt是dissector function传入的参数,具体见参考文献4.
5. 如何处理一个应用报文跨多个uTP报文
示例代码如下,BitTorrent的解析调用了wireshark内部已有的bittorrent.tcp dissector:
  1. do
  2.     -- Desc: uTP Protocol lua version
  3.     -- Author: WangYao,
  4.     -- Date: 2011/10/19
  6.     -- protol name
  7.     local p_utp = Proto("utp", "Micro Transport Protocol");

  8.     -- protocol fields
  9.     local f_version = ProtoField.uint8("utp.version", "Version", base.DEC,
  10.     {[1]="V1"}, 0x0F)
  11.     local f_type = ProtoField.uint8("utp.type", "Type", base.DEC,
  12.     {[0]="ST_DATA", [1]="ST_FIN", [2]="ST_STATE", [3]="ST_RESET", [4]="ST_SYN"}, 0xF0)
  13.     local f_next_extension_type = ProtoField.uint8("utp.next_extension_type", "Next Extension Type", base.DEC,
  14.     {[0]="No Extension", [1]="Selective acks", [2]="Extension bits"})
  15.     local f_extension_len = ProtoField.uint8("utp.extension_len", "Extension Length", base.DEC)
  16.     local f_extension_bitmask = ProtoField.bytes("utp.extension_bitmask", "Extension Bitmask", base.NONE)
  17.     local f_connection_id = ProtoField.uint16("utp.connection_id", "Connection_ID", base.DEC)
  18.     local f_timestamp_microseconds = ProtoField.uint32("utp.timestamp_microseconds", "timestamp_microseconds", base.DEC)
  19.     local f_timestamp_difference_microseconds = ProtoField.uint32("utp.timestamp_difference_microseconds", "timestamp_difference_microseconds", base.DEC)
  20.     local f_wnd_size = ProtoField.uint32("utp.wnd_size", "wnd_size", base.DEC)
  21.     local f_seq_nr = ProtoField.uint16("utp.seq_nr", "seq_nr", base.DEC)
  22.     local f_ack_nr = ProtoField.uint16("utp.ack_nr", "ack_nr", base.DEC)
  23.     p_utp.fields = {f_version, f_type, f_next_extension_type, f_extension_len, f_extension_bitmask, f_connection_id, f_timestamp_microseconds, f_timestamp_difference_microseconds, f_wnd_size, f_seq_nr, f_ack_nr}

  24.     -- other dissector
  25.     local data_dis = Dissector.get("data")
  26.     local bittorrent_dissector = Dissector.get("bittorrent.tcp")

  27.     -- utp dissector, return OFFSET
  28.     local function utp_dissector(buf,pkt,root)
  29.         local buf_len = buf:len()
  30.         local offset = 0

  31.         -- check pack len
  32.         if buf_len < 20 then return 0 end

  33.         -- get fields
  34.         local v_version = buf(offset, 1)
  35.         local v_type = buf(offset, 1)
  36.         offset = offset + 1
  37.         local v_next_extension_type = buf(offset, 1)
  38.         offset = offset + 1
  39.         local v_connection_id = buf(offset, 2)
  40.         offset = offset + 2
  41.         local v_timestamp_microseconds = buf(offset, 4)
  42.         offset = offset + 4
  43.         local v_timestamp_difference_microseconds = buf(offset, 4)
  44.         offset = offset + 4
  45.         local v_wnd_size = buf(offset, 4)
  46.         offset = offset + 4
  47.         local v_seq_nr = buf(offset, 2)
  48.         offset = offset + 2
  49.         local v_ack_nr = buf(offset, 2)
  50.         offset = offset + 2

  51.         -- check uTP
  52.         local i_version =, 0x0F)
  53.         -- local i_type =, 4), 0x0F)
  54.         local i_type = bit.rshift(, 0xF0), 4)
  55.         if( (i_version~=1) or (i_type~=0 and i_type~=1 and i_type~=2 and i_type~=3 and i_type~=4))
  56.             then return 0 end

  57.         local subtree = root:add(p_utp, buf(),"Micro Transport Protocol")
  58.         -- just add header
  59.         subtree:add(buf(0,0),"uTP Header: ")
  60.         subtree:add(f_version, v_version)
  61.         subtree:add(f_type, v_type)
  62.         subtree:add(f_next_extension_type, v_next_extension_type)
  63.         subtree:add(f_connection_id, v_connection_id)
  64.         subtree:add(f_timestamp_microseconds, v_timestamp_microseconds)
  65.         subtree:add(f_timestamp_difference_microseconds, v_timestamp_difference_microseconds)
  66.         subtree:add(f_wnd_size, v_wnd_size)
  67.         subtree:add(f_seq_nr, v_seq_nr)
  68.         subtree:add(f_ack_nr, v_ack_nr)

  69.         -- add pkt info
  70.         pkt.cols.protocol = "uTP"
  71.         if(i_type==0) then
  72.    = "uTP ST_DATA"
  73.         elseif(i_type==1) then
  74.    = "uTP ST_FIN"
  75.         elseif(i_type==2) then
  76.    = "uTP ST_STATE"
  77.         elseif(i_type==3) then
  78.    = "uTP ST_RESET"
  79.         elseif(i_type==4) then
  80.    = "uTP ST_SYN"
  81.         else
  82.    = "uTP UNKNOW"
  83.         end

  84.         while(v_next_extension_type:uint()~=0) do
  85.             -- add extension tree
  86.             local extendtree = subtree:add(p_utp, buf(offset, buf_len-offset):tvb(),"Extension")
  87.             if(v_next_extension_type:uint()==0) then
  88.                 extendtree:append_text(": NO Extension")
  89.             elseif(v_next_extension_type:uint()==1) then
  90.                 extendtree:append_text(": Selective acks")
  91.             elseif(v_next_extension_type:uint()==2) then
  92.                 extendtree:append_text(": Extension bits")
  93.             end

  94.             v_next_extension_type = buf(offset, 1)
  95.             offset = offset + 1
  96.             extendtree:add(f_next_extension_type, v_next_extension_type)
  97.             local v_extension_len = buf(offset, 1)
  98.             offset = offset + 1
  99.             extendtree:add(f_extension_len, v_extension_len)
  100.             local i_extension_len = v_extension_len:int()
  101.             local v_extension_bitmask = buf(offset, i_extension_len)
  102.             offset = offset + i_extension_len
  103.             extendtree:add(f_extension_bitmask, v_extension_bitmask)
  104.         end

  105.         return offset
  106.     end

  107.     -- check packet is bittorrent? header legal
  108.     local function check_bittorrent(buf)
  109.         local len = buf:len()
  110.         local pack_len = buf(0,4)
  111.         local pack_type

  112.         if(len<4) then
  113.             return false
  114.         elseif(buf(0,1):uint()==19 and len==68) then --handshake
  115.             return true
  116.         elseif(len==4) then --keepalive
  117.             if(pack_len:uint()==0) then return true
  118.             else return false
  119.             end
  120.         else
  121.             pack_type = buf(4,1)
  122.             --choke, unchoke, interested, not interested, have all, have none
  123.             if(pack_type:uint()==0 or pack_type:uint()==1 or pack_type:uint()==2 or pack_type:uint()==3 or pack_type:uint()==0x0E or pack_type:uint()==0x0F) then
  124.                 if(pack_len:uint()==1) then return true
  125.                 else return false
  126.                 end
  127.             --request, cancel, reject
  128.             elseif(pack_type:uint()==6 or pack_type:uint()==8 or pack_type:uint()==0x10) then
  129.                 if(pack_len:uint()==13) then return true
  130.                 else return false
  131.                 end
  132.             --port
  133.             elseif(pack_type:uint()==9) then
  134.                 if(pack_len:uint()==3) then return true
  135.                 else return false
  136.                 end
  137.             --have, suggest, allowed fast
  138.             elseif(pack_type:uint()==4 or pack_type:uint()==0x0D or pack_type:uint()==0x11) then
  139.                 if(pack_len:uint()==5) then return true
  140.                 else return false
  141.                 end
  142.             --bitfield, extend
  143.             elseif(pack_type:uint()==5 or pack_type:uint()==0x14) then
  144.                 if(pack_len:uint()<1024) then return true
  145.                 else return false
  146.                 end
  147.             --piece, max than 16K
  148.             elseif(pack_type:uint()==7) then
  149.                 if(pack_len:uint()>=16384) then return true
  150.                 else return false
  151.                 end
  152.             else
  153.                 return false
  154.             end
  155.         end

  156.         return false
  157.     end

  158.     -- protocol dissector, include bittorrent
  159.     function p_utp.dissector(buf,pkt,root)
  160.         local len = buf:len()
  161.         local offset = utp_dissector(buf, pkt, root)
  162.         if len>offset and offset>0 then
  163.             -- call bittorrent dissector
  164.             -- pass split PIECE pack
  165.             if check_bittorrent(buf(offset, len-offset)) then
  166.                 bittorrent_dissector:call(buf(offset, len-offset):tvb(), pkt, root)
  167.             else
  168.                 data_dis:call(buf(offset,len-offset):tvb(), pkt, root)
  169.             end
  170.         elseif offset==0 then
  171.             -- call data dissector
  172.             data_dis:call(buf,pkt,root)
  173.         end
  174.     end

  175.     -- add to DissectorTable
  176.     local udp_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
  177.     -- udp_table:add(4135, p_utp)
  178.     udp_table:add(10000, p_utp)
  179. end
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boyhailong2012-10-14 16:54:18
