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2006-10-06 13:46:54


int main()
    char error_content[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
    /* 错误信息 */
    struct pcap_pkthdr protocol_header;
    /* 数据包头 */
    pcap_t *pcap_handle;
    /* Libpcap句柄 */
    struct bpf_program bpf_filter;
    /* bpf过滤规则 */
    char bpf_filter_string[] = "";
    /* 过滤规则 */
    const u_char *packet_content;
    /* 数据包内容 */
    bpf_u_int32 net_mask;
    /* 网络掩码 */
    bpf_u_int32 net_ip;
    /* 网络地址 */
    char *net_interface;
    /* 网络接口 */
    net_interface = pcap_lookupdev(error_content);
    /* 获取网络接口 */
    pcap_lookupnet(net_interface, &net_ip, &net_mask, error_content);
    /* 获取网络地址和掩码地址 */
    pcap_handle = pcap_open_live(net_interface,  /* 网络接口 */
    BUFSIZ,  /* 数据包大小 */
    1,  /* 混杂模式 */
    0,  /* 等待时间 */
    error_content); /* 错误信息 */
    /* 打开网络接口 */
    pcap_compile(pcap_handle,  /* Libpcap句柄 */
     &bpf_filter,  /* BPF过滤规则 */
    bpf_filter_string,  /* BPF过滤规则字符串 */
    0,  /* 优化参数 */
    net_ip); /* 网络地址 */
    /* 编译过滤规则 */
    pcap_setfilter(pcap_handle,  /* Libpcap句柄 */ &bpf_filter); /* BPF过滤规则 */
    /* 设置过滤规则 */
    packet_content = pcap_next(pcap_handle,  /* Libpcap句柄 */ &protocol_header); /* 数据包信息 */
    /* 捕获一个数据包,返回此数据包的内容 */
    printf("Capture a packet from : %s\n", net_interface);
    /* 输出网络接口名字 */
    printf("The packet length is :%d\n", protocol_header.len);
    /* 输出捕获的数据包的长度 */
    /* 关闭Libpcap操作 */

return 0;

fisherman:/home/wangyao/Desktop/3.5.1# apt-cache search pcap etherape - graphical network monitor modeled after etherman
fprobe - export captured traffic to remote NetFlow Collector
fprobe-ng - export captured traffic to remote NetFlow Collector (meta)
libcap-bin - basic utility programs for using capabilities
libmlpcap-ocaml - binding of libpcap for OCaml
libmlpcap-ocaml-dev - binding of libpcap for OCaml
libnet-pcap-perl - Pcap interface for perl
libnet0 - library for the construction and handling of network packets (obsolete)
libnet1 - library for the construction and handling of network packets
libnet1-dev - development files for libnet
libpcap-dev - Development library for libpcap (transitional package)
libpcap-ruby1.8 - Ruby interface for the libpcap packet capture library
libpcap0.7 - System interface for user-level packet capture
libpcap0.7-dev - Development library and header files for libpcap 0.7
libpcap0.8 - System interface for user-level packet capture
libpcap0.8-dev - Development library and header files for libpcap 0.8
libprintsys - printcap parser, helper for gnulpr's printfilters
netdiscover - active/passive address scanner using arp requests
ngrep - grep for network traffic - Pike interface module for the pcap library (default) - Pike interface module for the pcap library
python-impacket - Python module to easily build and dissect network protocols
python-pcapy - Python interface to the libpcap packet capture library
sing - A fully programmable ping replacement
snort - Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System
snort-common - Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [common files]
snort-doc - Documentation for the Snort IDS [documentation]
snort-mysql - Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [MySQL]
snort-pgsql - Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [PostgreSQL]
tcpick - TCP stream sniffer and connection tracker
tcpspy - Incoming and Outgoing TCP/IP connections logger
tcptrace - Tool for analyzing tcpdump output
tcpxtract - extracts files from network traffic based on file signatures
ulogd - The Netfilter Userspace Logging Daemon
ulogd-pcap - pcap extension to ulogd
at76c503a-source - at76c503a driver source

#gcc get_a_packet_code.c -o get_a_packet_code -lpcap

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