包括三个部分:Semaphore(互斥锁),shm(共享内存),inter-process messaging (IPC)
Limits of Shared Memory by the Unix OS
SHMMAX max size of shared memory, normally 131072 bytes
SHMMIN minimum size of shared memory, normally 1 byte
SHMMNI max amount of shared memory segments on a system, normally 100
SHMSEG max amount of shared memory segments per process, normally 6
SHMMAX: 共享内存的最大值,一般是131072字节(128K)
SHMMIN: 最小内存,一般是1字节
SHMMNI: 共享内存的最大段数,一般是100
SHMSEG: 每个进程最大段数,一般是6
sysvshm.init_mem A default size of the shared memory segment.
ftok — Convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key
msg_get_queue — Create or attach to a message queue
msg_queue_exists — Check whether a message queue exists
msg_receive — Receive a message from a message queue
msg_remove_queue — Destroy a message queue
msg_send — Send a message to a message queue
msg_set_queue — Set information in the message queue data structure
msg_stat_queue — Returns information from the message queue data structure
sem_acquire — Acquire a semaphore
sem_get — Get a semaphore id
sem_release — Release a semaphore
sem_remove — Remove a semaphore
shm_attach — Creates or open a shared memory segment
shm_detach — Disconnects from shared memory segment
shm_get_var — Returns a variable from shared memory
shm_has_var — Check whether a specific entry exists
shm_put_var — Inserts or updates a variable in shared memory
shm_remove_var — Removes a variable from shared memory
shm_remove — Removes shared memory from Unix systems
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