QUSRTVUS - 按照format格式,每次读取用户空间获取的数据记录
dRtvSpcDta pr extpgm('QUSRTVUS')
d SpcName 20 const
d SpcPos 10i 0 const
d SpcLng 10i 0 const
d SpcDta 1 options(*varsize)
d ErrCde likeds(ErrCde) options(*nopass)
dErrCde ds
d BytPrv 10i 0 inz(0)
dSpcName ds
d SName 10 inz('SPACENAME')
d SLib 10 inz('QTEMP')
dPgmVar s 50
// Retrieve the first 50 bytes of the user space
RtvSpcDta( SpcName :1 :%size(PgmVar) :PgmVar :ErrCde);
// Display the data
dsply PgmVar;
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