QUSPTRUS - Retrieve pointer to user space(RPGIV 2)
dRtvSpcPtr pr extpgm('QUSPTRUS')
d SpcName 20 const
d UsrSpcPtr *
d ErrCde likeds(ErrCde) options(*nopass)
dErrCde ds
d BytPrv 10i 0 inz(0)
dSpcName ds
d SName 10 inz('SPACENAME')
d SLib 10 inz('QTEMP')
dUsrSpcPtr s *
dPgmVar s 50 based(UsrSpcPtr)
// Get a pointer to the user space
RtvSpcPtr( SpcName :UsrSpcPtr :ErrCde);
// Update the user space
PgmVar = 'Hello from program F1.9.A';
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