.* Compile options:
.* CrtPnlGrp PnlGrp( CBX1292H )
.* SrcFile( QPNLSRC )
.* SrcMbr( *PNLGRP )
:HELP NAME='MNGPRFAUT'.Manage profile authorization - Help
The Manage Profile Authorization (MNGPRFAUT) command is used to verify
or remove authorization codes.
The authorization codes are stored in a validation list object, that is
located by means of the library list. In the event that more copies of
the validation list is available in different libraries, the outcome of
running the profile authorization code related commands, will be
dependent on the setting of the job's library list.
:XH3.User profile (USRPRF)
The name of the user profile for which to manage the authorization
This is a required parameter.
:XH3.Group profile (GRPPRF)
The name of the group profile for which the authorization code was
This is a required parameter.
:HELP NAME='MNGPRFAUT/OPTION'.Authorization option (OPTION) - Help
:XH3.Authorization option (OPTION)
Specifies what type of processing the requested authorization code will
be subject to.
The possible values are:
Verifies that the authorization code for the specified user profile and
group profile combination exists and returns the following
authorization code attributes in the second level message text of the
completion message:
:LI.Creation date
:LI.Last verification date
:LI.Invalid password count
Removes the authorization code for the specified user profile and group
profile combination. The authorization code is removed from the system
and no information about it will remain available.
/* */
/* Program . . : CBX1292M */
/* Description : Manage profile authorization - setup */
/* Author . . : Carsten Flensburg */
/* Published . : Club Tech iSeries Programming Tips Newsletter */
/* Date . . . : January 20, 2005 */
/* */
/* */
/* Program function: Compiles, creates and configures all the */
/* MNGPRFAUT command objects. */
/* */
/* This program expects a single parameter */
/* specifying the library to contain the */
/* command objects. */
/* */
/* Object sources must exist in the respective */
/* source type default source files in the */
/* command object library. */
/* */
/* Requirements: This program must be run by a user profile */
/* having *ALLOBJ special authority. */
/* */
/* */
/* Compile options: */
/* CrtClPgm Pgm( CBX1292M ) */
/* SrcFile( QCLSRC ) */
/* SrcMbr( *PGM ) */
/* */
Pgm &UtlLib
Dcl &UtlLib *Char 10
MonMsg CPF0000 *N GoTo Error
CrtRpgMod &UtlLib/CBX1292 +
SrcFile( &UtlLib/QRPGLESRC ) +
SrcMbr( *Module ) +
DbgView( *NONE ) +
Aut( *USE )
CrtPgm &UtlLib/CBX1292 +
Module( &UtlLib/CBX1292 ) +
ActGrp( *NEW ) +
UsrPrf( *OWNER ) +
Aut( *USE )
ChgObjOwn Obj( &UtlLib/CBX1292 ) +
ObjType( *PGM ) +
ChgPgm Pgm( &UtlLib/CBX1292 ) +
RmvObs( *ALL )
CrtRpgMod &UtlLib/CBX1292V +
SrcFile( &UtlLib/QRPGLESRC ) +
SrcMbr( *Module ) +
DbgView( *NONE ) +
Aut( *USE )
CrtPgm &UtlLib/CBX1292V +
Module( &UtlLib/CBX1292V ) +
ActGrp( *NEW ) +
UsrPrf( *OWNER ) +
Aut( *USE )
ChgObjOwn Obj( &UtlLib/CBX1292V ) +
ObjType( *PGM ) +
ChgPgm Pgm( &UtlLib/CBX1292V ) +
RmvObs( *ALL )
CrtPnlGrp &UtlLib/CBX1292H +
SrcFile( &UtlLib/QPNLSRC ) +
SrcMbr( *PNLGRP )
CrtCmd Cmd( &UtlLib/MNGPRFAUT ) +
Pgm( CBX1292 ) +
SrcFile( &UtlLib/QCMDSRC ) +
SrcMbr( CBX1292X ) +
VldCkr( CBX1292V ) +
Allow( *INTERACT ) +
HlpPnlGrp( CBX1292H ) +
HlpId( *CMD ) +
CrtMsgF MsgF( &UtlLib/CBX1292M )
AddMsgD MsgId( CBX0001 ) +
MsgF( &UtlLib/CBX1292M ) +
Msg( 'User profile &1 authorization code to +
group profile &2 verified.' ) +
SecLvl( 'The following authorization code +
attributes were returned: &N &B +
Creation date . . . . . . : &3 &B +
Last verification date . . : &4 &B +
Invalid password count . . : &6' ) +
Fmt(( *CHAR 10 ) ( *CHAR 10 ) +
( *DTS ) ( *DTS ) ( *DTS ) +
( *BIN 4 ))
CrtMnu Menu( &UtlLib/PRFAUT ) +
Type( *UIM ) +
SrcFile( &UtlLib/QMNUSRC ) +
SrcMbr( CBX129 ) +
Aut( *USE )
RmvMsg Clear( *ALL )
SndPgmMsg Msg( 'Command MNGPRFAUT has been' *Bcat +
'successfully created in library' *Bcat +
&UtlLib *Tcat +
'.' ) +
MsgType( *COMP )
SndPgmMsg Msg( 'Menu PRFAUT has been' *Bcat +
'successfully created in library' *Bcat +
&UtlLib *Tcat +
'.' ) +
MsgType( *COMP )
/*-- Error handling: -----------------------------------------------*/
Call QMHMOVPM ( ' ' +
'*DIAG' +
x'00000001' +
x'00000001' +
x'0000000800000000' +
Call QMHRSNEM ( ' ' +
x'0000000800000000' +
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