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2010-06-21 10:31:01

QWVOLAGP & QWVOLACT -Open list of activation group & - attributes
     **  Program . . : CBX130
     **  Description : Analyze activation groups command
     **  Author  . . : Carsten Flensburg
     **  Published . : Club Tech iSeries Programming Tips Newsletter
     **  Date  . . . : February 10, 2005
     **  Program summary
     **  ---------------
     **  Work managemeny APIs:
     **    QWVOLAGP      Open list of          Generates a list of all the
     **                  activation group      activation groups that are
     **                  attributes            associated with a given job and
     **                                        their attributes.
     **    QWVOLACT      Open list of          Generates a list of all the
     **                  activation            activation attributes that are
     **                  attributes            associated with an activation
     **                                        group in a given job.
     **  Open list APIs:
     **    QGYCTLE       Get list entries      To retrieve open lists entries
     **                                        from an already open list the
     **                                        QGYGTLE (Get List Entries) API
     **                                        is available.
     **    QGYCLST       Close list            This API closes the previously
     **                                        opened list identified by the
     **                                        request handle parameter.
     **                                        Storage allocated is freed.
     **  Message handling API:
     **    QMHSNDPM      Send program message  Sends a message to a program stack
     **                                        entry (current, previous, etc.) or
     **                                        an external message queue.
     **                                        Both messages defined in a message
     **                                        file and immediate messages can be
     **                                        used. For specific message types
     **                                        only one or the other is allowed.
     **  Programmer's notes:
     **    Prior to V5R3 all Open List APIs are found in the QGY library.
     **    To run this program at V5R2 and earlier, library QGY needs to be
     **    in the job's library list.
     **    Open List APIs are located in option 12 - 'Host Servers' - of the
     **    operation system, and this option needs to be installed for these
     **    APIs to be available.  Running the command DSPSFWRSC enables you
     **    to verify the presence of this option.
     **  Compile and setup instructions:
     **    CrtRpgMod   Module( CBX130 )
     **                DbgView( *NONE )
     **                Aut( *USE )
     **    CrtPgm      Pgm( CBX130 )
     **                Module( CBX130 )
     **                ActGrp( *NEW )
     **                Aut( *USE )
     **-- Control specification:  --------------------------------------------**
     H Option( *SrcStmt: *NoDebugIo )  DecEdit( *JobRun )
     **-- Printer file:
     FQSYSPRT   O    F  132        Printer  InfDs( PrtLinInf )  OflInd( *InOf )
     **-- System information:
     D PgmSts         SDs                  Qualified
     D  PgmNam           *Proc
     D  JobNam                       26a   Overlay( PgmSts: 244 )
     D  CurJob                       10a   Overlay( PgmSts: 244 )
     D  UsrPrf                       10a   Overlay( PgmSts: 254 )
     D  JobNbr                        6a   Overlay( PgmSts: 264 )
     D  CurUsr                       10a   Overlay( PgmSts: 358 )
     **-- Printer file information:
     D PrtLinInf       Ds                  Qualified
     D  OvfLin                        5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 188 )
     D  CurLin                        5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 367 )
     D  CurPag                        5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 369 )
     **-- API error data structure:
     D ERRC0100        Ds                  Qualified
     D  BytPrv                       10i 0 Inz( %Size( ERRC0100 ))
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  MsgId                         7a
     D                                1a
     D  MsgDta                      128a
     **-- Global variables:
     D LstTim          s              6s 0
     D AutFlg          s              1a
     D JobNam_q        Ds                  Qualified
     D  JobNam                       10a
     D  UsrPrf                       10a
     D  JobNbr                        6a
     **-- List fields:
     D  JobNam         s             10a
     D  UsrPrf         s             10a
     D  JobNbr         s              6a
     D  ActGrpNam      s             10a
     D  ActGrpNbr      s             10i 0
     D  NbrActs        s             10i 0
     D  NbrHeaps       s             10i 0
     D  StcStgSiz      s             10i 0
     D  HeapStgSiz     s             10i 0
     D  RootPgmNam     s             10a
     D  RootPgmLib     s             10a
     D  RootPgmTyp     s             10a
     D  ActGrpStt      s              8a
     D  ShrActGrp      s              5a
     D  GrpInUse       s              5a
     D  AtrActNbr      s             10i 0
     D  AtrStcStg      s             10i 0
     D  ActPgmNam      s             10a
     D  ActPgmLib      s             10a
     D  ActPgmTyp      s             10a
     **-- Global constants:
     D OFS_MSGDTA      c                   16
     **-- API parameters:
     D RtnRcdNbr       s             10i 0 Dim( 2 )
     **-- Activation group information:
     D RAGA0100        Ds                  Qualified
     D  ActGrpNam                    10a
     D                                6a
     D  ActGrpNbr                    10i 0
     D  NbrActs                      10i 0
     D  NbrHeaps                     10i 0
     D  StcStgSiz                    10i 0
     D  HeapStgSiz                   10i 0
     D  RootPgmNam                   10a
     D  RootPgmLib                   10a
     D  RootPgmTyp                    1a
     D  ActGrpStt                     1a
     D  ShrActGrpInd                  1a
     D  InUseInd                      1a
     D                                4a
     **-- Activation attribute information:
     D RACT0100        Ds                  Qualified
     D  ActGrpNam                    10a
     D                                6a
     D  ActGrpNbr                    10i 0
     D                               10i 0
     D  ActNbr                       10i 0
     D  StcStgSiz                    10i 0
     D  ActPgmNam                    10a
     D  ActPgmLib                    10a
     D  ActPgmTyp                     1a
     D                               11a
     **-- List information:
     D LstInf          Ds                  Qualified  Dim( 2 )
     D  RcdNbrTot                    10i 0
     D  RcdNbrRtn                    10i 0
     D  Handle                        4a
     D  RcdLen                       10i 0
     D  InfSts                        1a
     D  Dts                          13a
     D  LstSts                        1a
     D                                1a
     D  InfLen                       10i 0
     D  Rcd1                         10i 0
     D                               40a

     **-- Open list of activation group attributes:
     D LstActGrpA      Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QWVOLAGP' )
     D  LaRcvVar                  65535a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  LaRcvVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  LaLstInf                     80a
     D  LaNbrRcdRtn                  10i 0 Const
     D  LaFmtNam                     10a   Const
     D  LaJobNam_q                   10a   Const
     D  LaIntJobId                   16a   Const
     D  LaError                    1024a          Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Open list of activation attributes:
     D LstActAtr       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QWVOLACT' )
     D  LaRcvVar                  65535a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  LaRcvVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  LaLstInf                     80a
     D  LaNbrRcdRtn                  10i 0 Const
     D  LaFmtNam                     10a   Const
     D  LaActGrpNbr                  10i 0 Const
     D  LaJobNam_q                   10a   Const
     D  LaIntJobId                   16a   Const
     D  LaError                    1024a          Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Get list entry:
     D GetLstEnt       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QGYGTLE' )
     D  GlRcvVar                  65535a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  GlRcvVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  GlHandle                      4a   Const
     D  GlLstInf                     80a
     D  GlNbrRcdRtn                  10i 0 Const
     D  GlRtnRcdNbr                  10i 0 Const
     D  GlError                    1024a          Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Close list:
     D CloseLst        Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QGYCLST' )
     D  ClHandle                      4a   Const
     D  ClError                    1024a          Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Send program message:
     D SndPgmMsg       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QMHSNDPM' )
     D  SpMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  SpMsgFq                      20a   Const
     D  SpMsgDta                    128a   Const
     D  SpMsgDtaLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  SpMsgTyp                     10a   Const
     D  SpCalStkE                    10a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     D  SpCalStkCtr                  10i 0 Const
     D  SpMsgKey                      4a
     D  SpError                   32767a          Options( *VarSize )

     **-- Write activation group detail line:
     D WrtActGrpLin    Pr
     **-- Write activation attribute detail line:
     D WrtActAtrLin    Pr
     **-- Write list header:
     D WrtLstHdr       Pr
     D  PxOvrFlwRel                  10i 0 Const  Options( *NoPass )
     **-- Write group header:
     D WrtGrpHdr       Pr
     **-- Write list trailer:
     D WrtLstTrl       Pr
     **-- Send completion message:
     D SndCmpMsg       Pr            10i 0
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying
     **-- Send escape message:
     D SndEscMsg       Pr            10i 0
     D  PxMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  PxMsgF                       10a   Const
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying

     D CBX130          Pr
     D  PxJobNam_q                         LikeDs( JobNam_q )
     D  PxActGrp                     10a
     D CBX130          Pi
     D  PxJobNam_q                         LikeDs( JobNam_q )
     D  PxActGrp                     10a


        If PxJobNam_q = '*';
          PxJobNam_q = PgmSts.JobNam;

        RtnRcdNbr(1) = 1;

        LstActGrpA( RAGA0100
                  : %Size( RAGA0100 )
                  : LstInf(1)
                  : 1
                  : 'RAGA0100'
                  : PxJobNam_q
                  : *Blanks
                  : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;

          If  ERRC0100.BytAvl < OFS_MSGDTA;
            ERRC0100.BytAvl = OFS_MSGDTA;

          SndEscMsg( ERRC0100.MsgId
                   : 'QCPFMSG'
                   : %Subst( ERRC0100.MsgDta: 1: ERRC0100.BytAvl - OFS_MSGDTA )

          DoW  LstInf(1).LstSts <> '2'  Or
               LstInf(1).RcdNbrTot >= RtnRcdNbr(1);

            If  PxActGrp = '*ALL' Or  PxActGrp = RAGA0100.ActGrpNam;


              ExSr  GetActAtr;

            RtnRcdNbr(1) += 1;

            GetLstEnt( RAGA0100
                     : %Size( RAGA0100 )
                     : LstInf(1).Handle
                     : LstInf(1)
                     : 1
                     : RtnRcdNbr(1)
                     : ERRC0100

            If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;

          If  PrtLinInf.CurLin = *Zero;


          CloseLst( LstInf(1).Handle: ERRC0100 );

          SndCmpMsg( 'List has been printed.' );


        *InLr = *On;


        BegSr  GetActAtr;

          RtnRcdNbr(2) = 1;

          LstActAtr( RACT0100
                   : %Size( RACT0100 )
                   : LstInf(2)
                   : 1
                   : 'RACT0100'
                   : RAGA0100.ActGrpNbr
                   : PxJobNam_q
                   : *Blanks
                   : ERRC0100

          If  ERRC0100.BytAvl = *Zero;

            DoW  LstInf(2).LstSts <> '2'  Or
                 LstInf(2).RcdNbrTot >= RtnRcdNbr(2);


              RtnRcdNbr(2) += 1;

              GetLstEnt( RACT0100
                       : %Size( RACT0100 )
                       : LstInf(2).Handle
                       : LstInf(2)
                       : 1
                       : RtnRcdNbr(2)
                       : ERRC0100

              If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;

            CloseLst( LstInf(2).Handle: ERRC0100 );


        BegSr  *InzSr;

          LstTim = %Int( %Char( %Time(): *ISO0));

          PrtLinInf.CurLin = *Zero;
          PrtLinInf.CurPag = *Zero;



     **-- Printer file definition:  ------------------------------------------**
     OQSYSPRT   EF           Header         2  2
     O                       UDATE         Y      8
     O                       LstTim              18 '  :  :  '
     O                                           75 'Job activation group attri-
     O                                              butes'
     O                                          107 'Program:'
     O                       PgmSts.PgmNam      118
     O                                          126 'Page:'
     O                       PAGE             +   1
     OQSYSPRT   EF           LstHdr         2
     O                                           16 'Job name . . . :'
     O                       JobNam              28
     O                                           46 'User . . . . . :'
     O                       UsrPrf              58
     O                                           76 'Number . . . . :'
     O                       JobNbr              84
     O                                          114 'Activation group . . . :'
     O                       PxActGrp           126
     OQSYSPRT   EF           ActGrpHdr      1
     O                                           10 'Group name'
     O                                           21 'Number'
     O                                           34 'Activations'
     O                                           43 'Heaps'
     O                                           56 'Static stg.'
     O                                           67 'Heap stg.'
     O                                           81 'Root program'
     O                                           95 'Root library'
     O                                          106 'Root type'
     O                                          114 'State'
     O                                          124 'Shared'
     O                                          132 'In use'
     OQSYSPRT   EF           ActGrpLin      1
     O                       ActGrpNam           10
     O                       ActGrpNbr     3     21
     O                       NbrActs       3     32
     O                       NbrHeaps      3     43
     O                       StcStgSiz     3     55
     O                       HeapStgSiz    3     66
     O                       RootPgmNam          79
     O                       RootPgmLib          93
     O                       RootPgmTyp         107
     O                       ActGrpStt          117
     O                       ShrActGrp          123
     O                       GrpInUse           132
     OQSYSPRT   EF           ActAtrHdr   1  1
     O                                           17 'Activation nbr.'
     O                                           31 'Static stg.'
     O                                           41 'Program'
     O                                           53 'Library'
     O                                           62 'Type'
     OQSYSPRT   EF           ActAtrLin      1
     O                       AtrActNbr     3     12
     O                       AtrStcStg     1     29
     O                       ActPgmNam           44
     O                       ActPgmLib           56
     O                       ActPgmTyp           68
     OQSYSPRT   EF           DtlBlk         1
     OQSYSPRT   EF           LstTrl         1
     O                                           40 '***  E N D  O F  L I S T  -
     O                                              ***'
     **-- Write list header:  ------------------------------------------------**
     P WrtLstHdr       B
     D                 Pi
     D  PxOvrFlwRel                  10i 0 Const  Options( *NoPass )


        JobNam = PxJobNam_q.JobNam;
        UsrPrf = PxJobNam_q.UsrPrf;
        JobNbr = PxJobNam_q.JobNbr;

        If  %Parms = *Zero;

          Except  Header;
          Except  LstHdr;

          If  PrtLinInf.CurLin > PrtLinInf.OvfLin - PxOvrFlwRel;

            Except  Header;
            Except  LstHdr;



     P WrtLstHdr       E
     **-- Write group header:  -----------------------------------------------**
     P WrtGrpHdr       B
     D                 Pi


        Except  ActGrpHdr;


        Except  ActAtrHdr;


     P WrtGrpHdr       E
     **-- Write activation group detail line:  -------------------------------**
     P WrtActGrpLin    B
     D                 Pi


        WrtLstHdr( 3 );

        ActGrpNam  = RAGA0100.ActGrpNam;
        ActGrpNbr  = RAGA0100.ActGrpNbr;
        NbrActs    = RAGA0100.NbrActs;
        NbrHeaps   = RAGA0100.NbrHeaps;
        StcStgSiz  = RAGA0100.StcStgSiz;
        HeapStgSiz = RAGA0100.HeapStgSiz;
        RootPgmNam = RAGA0100.RootPgmNam;
        RootPgmLib = RAGA0100.RootPgmLib;

        When  RAGA0100.RootPgmTyp = 'N';
          RootPgmTyp = '*DLT';

        When  RAGA0100.RootPgmTyp = '0';
          RootPgmTyp = '*PGM';

        When  RAGA0100.RootPgmTyp = '1';
          RootPgmTyp = '*SRVPGM';

        When  RAGA0100.RootPgmTyp = '2';
          RootPgmTyp = '*JAVA';

          RootPgmTyp = *Blanks;

        When  RAGA0100.ActGrpStt = '0';
          ActGrpStt = '*USER';

        When  RAGA0100.ActGrpStt = '1';
          ActGrpStt = '*SYSTEM';

          ActGrpStt = *Blanks;

        When  RAGA0100.ShrActGrpInd = '0';
          ShrActGrp = '*YES';

        When  RAGA0100.ShrActGrpInd = '1';
          ShrActGrp = '*NO';

        When  RAGA0100.InUseInd = '0';
          GrpInUse = '*NO';

        When  RAGA0100.InUseInd = '1';
          GrpInUse = '*YES';

        Except  ActGrpLin;


     P WrtActGrpLin    E
     **-- Write activation attribute detail line:  ---------------------------**
     P WrtActAtrLin    B
     D                 Pi


        WrtLstHdr( 3 );

        AtrActNbr = RACT0100.ActNbr;
        AtrStcStg = RACT0100.StcStgSiz;
        ActPgmNam = RACT0100.ActPgmNam;
        ActPgmLib = RACT0100.ActPgmLib;

        When  RACT0100.ActPgmTyp = '0';
          ActPgmTyp = '*PGM';

        When  RACT0100.ActPgmTyp = '1';
          ActPgmTyp = '*SRVPGM';

          ActPgmTyp = *Blanks;

        Except  ActAtrLin;


     P WrtActAtrLin    E
     **-- Write list trailer:  -----------------------------------------------**
     P WrtLstTrl       B
     D                 Pi


        Except  LstTrl;


     P WrtLstTrl       E
     **-- Send completion message:  ------------------------------------------**
     P SndCmpMsg       B
     D                 Pi            10i 0
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying
     D MsgKey          s              4a


        SndPgmMsg( 'CPF9897'
                 : 'QCPFMSG   *LIBL'
                 : PxMsgDta
                 : %Len( PxMsgDta )
                 : '*COMP'
                 : '*PGMBDY'
                 : 1
                 : MsgKey
                 : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;
          Return  -1;

          Return  0;



     P SndCmpMsg       E
     **-- Send escape message:  ----------------------------------------------**
     P SndEscMsg       B
     D                 Pi            10i 0
     D  PxMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  PxMsgF                       10a   Const
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying
     D MsgKey          s              4a


        SndPgmMsg( PxMsgId
                 : PxMsgF + '*LIBL'
                 : PxMsgDta
                 : %Len( PxMsgDta )
                 : '*ESCAPE'
                 : '*PGMBDY'
                 : 1
                 : MsgKey
                 : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;
          Return  -1;

          Return   0;


     P SndEscMsg       E
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