QGYOLSPL - Open List of Spooled Files
h NoMain
* Program . . : LSTSPLF Author . . : Rick Chevalier
* Date . . . . : 6/04/2002
* Purpose . . : Generate a list of selected spool files
* Modifications: Date/Prgrmmr
* None to this point.
* File definitions
* External procedure prototypes
* Open list of spooled files
d OpnLstSplF Pr ExtPgm('QGY/QGYOLSPL')
d 32000 Receiver variable
d 10i 0 Receiver var length
d 80 List information
d 10i 0 Nbr of rec to retur
d 1024 Sort information
d 1024 Filter information
d 26 Qualified job name
d 8 Format of list
d 256 Error code
* Internal procedure prototypes
d LstSplF Pr 4
d 80 List information
d * Const Receiver variable
d 10i 0 Receiver var length
d 10i 0 Options(*Omit: *NoPass) Nbr of rec to retur
d 26 Options(*Omit: *NoPass) Qualified job name
d 1024 Options(*Omit: *NoPass) Filter information
d 1024 Options(*Omit: *NoPass) Sort information
d 8 Options(*NoPass) Format of list
* LstSplF - Open list of selected spool files
p LstSplF b Export
d LstSplF pi 4
d pLstInf 80
d pRcvVar@ * Const
d pRcvLen 10i 0
d pNbrRtn 10i 0 Options(*Omit: *NoPass)
d pQualJob 26 Options(*Omit: *NoPass)
d pFltrInf 1024 Options(*Omit: *NoPass)
d pSortInf 1024 Options(*Omit: *NoPass)
d pLstFmt 8 Options(*NoPass)
* Variables for optional parameters and pointers
d lsRcvVar s 32000 Based(pRcvVar@)
d lsLstInf ds 80 List information
d liTotRec 10i 0 Inz(0)
d liRecTrn 10i 0 Inz(0)
d liReqHdle 4
d liRecLen 10i 0 Inz(0)
d liInfCmp 1
d liCrtDtTm 13
d liStsInd 1
d liRsv1 1
d liInfRtnLen 10i 0 Inz(0)
d liRec1 10i 0 Inz(0)
d liRsv2 40
d lsNbrRtn s 10i 0 Inz(1)
d lsSortInf ds 1024 Sort information
d siNbrKeys 10i 0 Inz(0)
d siStrPos 10i 0 Inz(0)
d siFldLen 10i 0 Inz(0)
d siDtaTyp 5i 0 Inz(x'00')
d siSrtOrd 1 Inz(x'00')
d siRsv1 1 Inz(x'00')
d lsFltrInf ds 1024 Filter information
d* fiNbrUsr 10i 0
d* fiUsrNme 60
d* fiNbrOutQ 10i 0
d* fiOutQ 100
d* fiFrmType 10
d* fiUsrDta 10
d* fiNbrSts 10i 0
d* fiSplSts 60
d* fiNbrDev 10i 0
d* fiDevNme 60
d lsQualJob s 26
d lsLstFmt s 8 Inz('OSPL0300')
* Error structure
d lsErrCd ds 256
d lsErrPrv 10i 0 Inz(256)
d lsErrAvl 10i 0 Inz(0)
d lsErrID 7
d lsErrDta 132
* Calculations
// If job information is passed us it
If %Parms > 4 And %Addr(pQualJob) <> *Null;
lsQualJob = pQualJob;
// If filter information is passed us it
If %Parms > 5 And %Addr(pFltrInf) <> *Null;
lsFltrInf = pFltrInf;
// If sort information is passed us it
If %Parms > 6 And %Addr(pSortInf) <> *Null;
lsSortInf = pSortInf;
// If list format value is passed us it
If %Parms > 7 And %Addr(pLstFmt) <> *Null;
lsLstFmt = pLstFmt;
CallP OpnLstSplF(lsRcvVar: pRcvLen: lsLstInf: pNbrRtn: lsSortInf:
lsFltrInf: lsQualJob: lsLstFmt: lsErrCd);
// Place list information into return parameter
pLstInf = lsLstInf;
Return liReqHdle;
p LstSplF e
h nomain
* Program . . : RtvLstEnt Author . . : Rick Chevalier
* Date . . . . : 6/05/2002
* Purpose . . : Retrieve entry or entries from a generated list
* Modifications: Date/Prgrmmr
* None to this point.
* Required Parameter Group:
* 1 Parm 1 Input Char(10)
* 2 Parm 2 Input Dec(5,0)
* 3 Parm 3 Input Binary(4)
* 4 Parm 4 Input *
* Internal procedure prototypes
d RtvLstEnt pr
d 4 List handle
d * Const Receiver variable
d 10i 0 Receiver length
d 10i 0 Records to return
d 10i 0 Starting record
d 80 List information
* External procedure prototypes
d GetLstEnt pr ExtPgm('QGY/QGYGTLE')
d 32000 Receiver variable
d 10i 0 Receiver length
d 4 List handle
d 80 List information
d 10i 0 Records to return
d 10i 0 Starting record
d 256 Error information
* Internal procedure
p RtvLstEnt b export
d RtvLstEnt pi
d LstHdl 4
d RcvVar@ * Const
d RcvLen 10i 0
d NbrToRtn 10i 0
d StartRec 10i 0
d ListInfo 80
d RcvVar s 32000 Based(RcvVar@)
* API standard error structure
d Error ds 256
d Provid 10i 0 Inz(128)
d Avail 10i 0 Inz(0)
d ErrID 7
d ErrData 128 a
CallP GetLstEnt(RcvVar: RcvLen: LstHdl: ListInfo: NbrToRtn: StartRec:
p RtvLstEnt e
h BndDir('RMVSPLF') DftActGrp(*No) ActGrp(*Caller)
* Program . . : RMVSPLF Author . . : Rick Chevalier
* Date . . . . : 6/04/2002
* Purpose . . : Remove selected spool files
* Modifications: Date/Prgrmmr
* None to this point.
* File definitions
* External procedure prototypes
* Open list of spooled files
d LstSplF Pr 4
d 80 List information
d * Const Receiver variable
d 10i 0 Receiver var length
d 10i 0 Options(*Omit: *NoPass) Nbr of rec to retur
d 26 Options(*Omit: *NoPass) Qualified job name
d 1024 Options(*Omit: *NoPass) Filter information
d 1024 Options(*Omit: *NoPass) Sort information
d 8 Options(*NoPass) Format of list
* Retrieve additional list entries
d RtvLstEnt pr
d 4 List handle
d * Const Receiver variable
d 10i 0 Receiver length
d 10i 0 Records to return
d 10i 0 Starting record
d 80 List information
* Close list
d CloseList Pr ExtPgm('QGY/QGYCLST')
d 4 Request handle
d 128 Error code
* Process or run a command.
dprccmd pr *
d 32702 Command string
d 1 options(*nopass: *omit) Prompt type
* Send a message to the program message queue.
d SndPgmMsg pr 4
d 7 Message ID
d 20 Qualified msg file
d * Const Message data
d 10 Options(*NoPass) Message type
d 10 Options(*NoPass) Stack entry
d 9b 0 Options(*NoPass) Stack counter
* Internal procedure prototypes
* Data definitions
* Program entry parameter definitions
d pFile s 10
d pJob s 26
d pUsrLst ds 52
d pNbrUsr 5i 0 Overlay(pUsrLst: 1)
d pUsers 50 Overlay(pUsrLst: 3)
d pDltDate s 7
d pOutQLst ds 102
d pNbrOutQ 5i 0 Overlay(pOutQLst: 1)
d pOutQs 100 Overlay(pOutQLst: 3)
d pFrmType s 10
d pUsrDta s 10
d pStsLst ds 52
d pNbrSts 5i 0 Overlay(pStsLst: 1)
d pStatus 50 Overlay(pStsLst: 3)
d pDevLst ds 52
d pNbrDev 5i 0 Overlay(pDevLst: 1)
d pDevices 50 Overlay(pDevLst: 3)
* Parameters for call to SndPgmMsg
d spmMsgID s 7 Inz(' ')
d spmMsgF s 20 Inz(' ')
d spmMsgDta@ s * Inz(%Addr(spmMsgDta))
d spmMsgDta s 1024
d spmMsgTyp s 10 Inz('*INFO')
d spmStkEnt s 10 Inz('*')
d spmStkCtr s 9b 0 Inz(3)
* Parameters for call to LstSplF
d lsRcvVar@ s *
d lsRcvVar s 32000 Receiver variable
d lsRcvLen s 10i 0 Inz(%Size(lsRcvVar)) Receiver var length
d lsLstInf ds 80 List information
d liTotRec 10i 0 Inz(0)
d liNbrRtn 10i 0 Inz(0)
d liReqHdle 4
d liRecLen 10i 0 Inz(0)
d liInfCmp 1
d liCrtDtTm 13
d liStsInd 1
d liRsv1 1
d liInfRtnLen 10i 0 Inz(0)
d liRec1 10i 0 Inz(0)
d liRsv2 40
d lsNbrRtn s 10i 0 Inz(50) Nbr of ent to retur
d lsSortInf ds 1024 Sort parameters
d siNbrKeys 10i 0 Inz(0)
d siStrPos 10i 0 Inz(0)
d siFldLen 10i 0 Inz(0)
d siDtaTyp 5b 0 Inz(x'00')
d siSrtOrd 1 Inz(x'00')
d siRsv1 1 Inz(x'00')
d lsFltrInf s 1024 Filter parameters
d lsQualJob s 26 Qualified job name
d lsLstFmt s 8 Returned list forma
* Returned spool entry information
d spRcvVar@ s *
d spRcvVar ds Based(spRcvVar@)
d spJobNme 10
d spUsrNme 10
d spJobNbr 6
d spSplNme 10
d spSplNbr 10i 0
d spSts 10i 0
d spDteOpn 7
d spTmeOpn 6
d spSplSch 1
d spSysNme 10
d spUsrDta 10
d spFrmType 10
d spOutQ 10
d spOutQLib 10
d spAuxStg 10i 0
d spSplSize 10i 0
d spSizeMlt 10i 0
d spTotPgs 10i 0
d spCpyRmn 10i 0
d spPrty 1
d spRsv1 3
* Error structure
d lsErrCd ds 256
d lsErrPrv 10i 0 Inz(256)
d lsErrAvl 10i 0 Inz(0)
d lsErrID 7
d lsErrDta 132
* Returned list handle
d LstHdl s 4
* Miscellaneous variables
d DltCmd s 32702
d Start s 10i 0 Inz(1)
d x s 10i 0
d y s 10i 0
d EndOfList s n Inz(*Off) End of list flag
d DltEntry s n Inz(*Off) Delete entry flag
d NbrRmv s 10i 0 Number removed
d NbrRead s 10i 0 Number read
d ds 4
d Bin4 10i 0 Convert from 2 to 4
d chrBin4 4 Overlay(Bin4) Substring field
* Calculations
// Format input parameters for list generation
lsQualJob = pJob;
Bin4 = pNbrUsr;
lsFltrInf = chrBin4;
y = 5;
For x = 1 to pNbrUsr;
%Subst(lsFltrInf: y) = %Subst(pUsers: (x * 10) - 9: 10);
y = y + 12;
Bin4 = pNbrOutQ;
%Subst(lsFltrInf: y) = chrBin4;
y = y + 4;
For x = 1 to pNbrOutQ;
%Subst(lsFltrInf: y) = %Subst(pOutQs: (x * 20) - 19: 20);
y = y + 20;
%Subst(lsFltrInf: y: 10) = pFrmType;
y = y + 10;
%Subst(lsFltrInf: y :10) = pUsrDta;
y = y + 10;
Bin4 = pNbrSts;
%Subst(lsFltrInf: y) = chrBin4;
y = y + 4;
For x = 1 to pNbrSts;
%Subst(lsFltrInf: y) = %Subst(pStatus: (x * 10) - 9: 10);
y = y + 12;
Bin4 = pNbrDev;
%Subst(lsFltrInf: y) = chrBin4;
y = y + 4;
For x = 1 to pNbrDev;
%Subst(lsFltrInf: y) = %Subst(pDevices: (x * 10) - 9: 10);
y = y + 12;
// Begin list generation
lsRcvVar@ = %Addr(lsRcvVar);
LstHdl = LstSplF(lsLstInf: lsRcvVar@: lsRcvLen: lsNbrRtn: lsQualJob:
// If no entries are returned set end of list flag
If liNbrRtn <= 0;
EndOfList = *On;
// Substring return field into it's parts
DoW Not EndOfList;
spRcvVar@ = %Addr(lsRcvVar);
// Process list entries
For x = 1 to liNbrRtn;
// File and date are not selected by the API. Check relationships
// and set delete flag accordingly.
When pFile = *Blanks or pFile = spSplNme;
When pDltDate = *Zeros;
DltEntry = *On;
When pDltDate <> *Zeros and spDteOpn < pDltDate;
DltEntry = *On;
When pDltDate <> *Zeros and spDteOpn >= pDltDate;
DltEntry = *Off;
When pFile <> spSplNme;
DltEntry = *Off;
// If entry matches selection criteria remove it
If DltEntry;
DltCmd = 'DLTSPLF FILE(' + %TrimR(spSplNme) + ') JOB(' +
spJobNbr + '/' + %TrimR(spUsrNme) + '/' +
%TrimR(spJobNme) + ') SPLNBR(' + %Char(spSplNbr) +
NbrRmv += 1;
spRcvVar@ = spRcvVar@ + liRecLen;
// If list is not complete retrieve next group of list entries
NbrRead += liNbrRtn;
If (NbrRead < liTotRec and liStsInd = '2') or
(liStsInd <> '2' and liStsInd <> '3');
Start = Start + liNbrRtn;
Clear lsRcvVar;
lsNbrRtn = %Size(lsRcvVar)/liRecLen;
CallP RtvLstEnt(LstHdl: lsRcvVar@: lsRcvLen: lsNbrRtn:
Start: lsLstInf);
// If list is complete set end of list flag
EndOfList = *On;
// Close the list
CallP CloseList(LstHdl: lsErrCd);
// Send completion message
spmMsgDta = %Char(NbrRmv) + ' spool file entries removed.';
CallP SndPgmMsg(spmMsgID: spmMsgF: spmMsgDta@:
spmMsgTyp :spmStkEnt :spmStkCtr);
*InLR = *On;
* Define - Define key lists and parameter lists
c Define BegSr
c *Entry PList
c Parm pFile
c Parm pJob
c Parm pUsrLst
c Parm pDltDate
c Parm pOutqLst
c Parm pFrmType
c Parm pUsrDta
c Parm pStsLst
c Parm pDevLst
c EndSr
h nomain
* Program . . : PRCCMD Author . . : Rick Chevalier
* Date . . . . : 1/19/2000
* Purpose . . : Process or run a command.
* Modifications: Date/Prgrmmr
* None to this point.
* Required Parameter Group:
* 1 Source command string Input Char(*)
* Optional Parameter Group:
* 2 Processing type Input Char(1)
* '0' - Never prompt the command
* '1' - Always prompt the command
* Dft '2' - Prompt the command if selective prompting characters are present in the comman
* '3' - Show help
* Internal procedure prototypes
* Prototype for process command procedure (PrcCmd)
d PrcCmd pr *
d 32702 Command
d 1 options(*nopass: *omit) Prompt type
* External procedure prototypes.
* Send program message.
dsndpgmmsg pr 4
d##_msgid 7
d##_msgf 20
d##_msgdta@ * const
d##_msgtyp 10 options(*nopass) Defaults to *DIAG
* Process command (QCAPCMD) API. Check or run a CL command.
pprccmd b export
dprccmd pi *
d##_cmd 32702
d##_pmttyp 1 options(*nopass: *omit) Default = 2
* 1 Length of source command string Input Binary(4)
* 2 Options control block Input Char(*)
* 3 Options control block length Input Binary(4)
* 4 Options control block format Input Char(8)
* 5 Changed command string Output Char(*)
* 6 Length available for changed command string Input Binary(4)
* 7 Length of changed command string available to return Output Binary(4)
* 8 Error code I/O Char(*)
d##_cmdlen s 9b 0
d##_ocb ds
d ##_typprc 9b 0 inz(2) Type of processing
d ##_dbcs 1 inz('0') DBCS data handling
d ##_pmtact 1 Prompter action
d ##_cmdstx 1 inz('0') Command syntax
d ##_msgkey 4 inz(*blanks) Msg retrieve key
d ##_reserve 9 inz(x'000000000000000000') Reserved
d##_ocblen s 9b 0 inz(20)
d##_ocbfmt s 8 inz('CPOP0100')
d##_chgcmd s 32702
d##_chglen s 9b 0
d##_chgavl s 9b 0 inz(32702)
d##_error ds
d ##_erbp 1 4B 0 inz(128) Bytes provided
d ##_erba 5 8B 0 Bytes available
d ##_erexid 9 15 Exception ID
d ##_erexdta 17 116 Exception data
d##_msgf s 20 inz('QCPFMSG *LIBL ')
* Parameter list for API call.
c qcapcmd plist
c parm ##_cmd
c parm ##_cmdlen
c parm ##_ocb
c parm ##_ocblen
c parm ##_ocbfmt
c parm ##_chgcmd
c parm ##_chglen
c parm ##_chgavl
c parm ##_error
* Determine the length of the command string to process.
c eval ##_cmdlen = %len(%trim(##_cmd))
* Determine the length of the command string to process.
c if (%parms = 2 and %addr(##_pmttyp) = *null) or
c %parms = 1
c eval ##_pmtact = '2'
c else
c eval ##_pmtact = ##_pmttyp
c endif
* Process command.
c call 'QCAPCMD' qcapcmd
* If no error return address of attribute information.
c if ##_erexid = *blanks
c return %addr(##_chgcmd)
* Send error message to job log and return null address.
c else
c callp sndpgmmsg(##_erexid: ##_msgf:
c %addr(##_erexdta))
c return *null
c endif
pprccmd e
h nomain
* Program . . : SNDPGMMSG Author . . : Rick Chevalier
* Date . . . . : 12/11/2000
* Purpose . . : Send a program message.
* Modifications: Date/Prgrmmr
* None to this point.
* Parameter definitions
* 1 Message identifier Input Char(7)
* 2 Qualified message file name Input Char(20)
* 3 Message data or immediate text Input Char(*)
* 4 Message type Input Char(10)
* 5 Call stack counter Input Binary(4)
* Internal procedure prototypes.
dsndpgmmsg pr 4
d##_msgid 7
d##_msgf 20
d##_msgdta@ * const
d##_msgtyp 10 options(*nopass)
d##_stkent 10 options(*nopass)
d##_stkctr 9b 0 options(*nopass)
* Send program message.
psndpgmmsg b export
dsndpgmmsg pi 4
d##_msgid 7
d##_msgf 20
d##_msgdta@ * const
d##_msgtypi 10 options(*nopass)
d##_stkenti 10 options(*nopass)
d##_stkctri 9b 0 options(*nopass)
* Additional API parameters.
* 4 Length of message data or immediate text Input Binary(4)
* 6 Call stack entry Input Char(*) or Pointer
* 7 Call stack counter Input Binary(4)
* 8 Message key Output Char(4)
* 9 Error code I/O Char(*)
* Parameters for Send Program Message (QMHSNDPM) API
d##_msgdta ds 1024 based(##_msgdta@)
d##_dtalen s 9b 0
d##_msgtyp s 10
d##_stkent s 10 inz('*')
d##_stkctr s 9b 0
d##_msgkey s 4
d##_error ds 128
d ##_erbp 1 4B 0 inz(0) Bytes provided
d ##_erba 5 8B 0 inz(0) Bytes available
d ##_erexid 9 15 Exception ID
d ##_erexdta 17 116 Exception data
c eval ##_dtalen = %len(%trimr(##_msgdta))
* If message type is passed use it. If not default to *DIAG.
c if %parms >= 4
c eval ##_msgtyp = ##_msgtypi
c else
c eval ##_msgtyp = '*DIAG'
c endif
* If stack entry is passed use it. If not default to current entry (*).
c if %parms >= 5
c eval ##_stkent = ##_stkenti
c else
c eval ##_stkent = '*'
c endif
* If stack counter is passed use it. If not default to 0.
c if %parms >= 6
c eval ##_stkctr = ##_stkctri
c else
c eval ##_stkctr = 0
c endif
* Send message.
c call 'QMHSNDPM'
c parm ##_msgid
c parm ##_msgf
c parm ##_msgdta
c parm ##_dtalen
c parm ##_msgtyp
c parm ##_stkent
c parm ##_stkctr
c parm ##_msgkey
c parm ##_error
c return ##_msgkey
psndpgmmsg e
Thanks to Rick Chevalier
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