QWCLOBJL - List Object Locks
Can anybody out there point me to an example of using QWCLOBJL (List Object Locks)
API in ILE RPG? I've not made much use of list API's, and I'm having a little trouble
wrapping my head around retreival and presentation.
D CrtUsrSpc PR ExtPgm('QUSCRTUS')
D UsrSpc 20A CONST
D ExtAttr 10A CONST
D InitSize 10I 0 CONST
D InitVal 1A CONST
D PublicAuth 10A CONST
D Text 50A CONST
D Replace 10A CONST
D ErrorCode 32766A options(*varsize)
D UsrSpc 20A CONST
D Pointer *
D LstObjLck PR ExtPgm('QWCLOBJL')
D UsrSpc 20A const
D Format 8A const
D Object 20A const
D ObjType 10A const
D Member 10A const
D ErrorCode 32766A options(*varsize)
D* API error code data structure
D* Bytes Provided (size of struct)
D dsECBytesP 1 4I 0 INZ(256)
D* Bytes Available (returned by API)
D dsECBytesA 5 8I 0 INZ(0)
D* Msg ID of Error Msg Returned
D dsECMsgID 9 15
D* Reserved
D dsECReserv 16 16
D* Msg Data of Error Msg Returned
D dsECMsgDta 17 256
D* List API generic header data structure
D dsLH DS BASED(p_UsrSpc)
D* Filler
D dsLHFill1 103A
D* Status (I=Incomplete,C=Complete
D* F=Partially Complete)
D dsLHStatus 1A
D* Filler
D dsLHFill2 12A
D* Header Offset
D dsLHHdrOff 10I 0
D* Header Size
D dsLHHdrSiz 10I 0
D* List Offset
D dsLHLstOff 10I 0
D* List Size
D dsLHLstSiz 10I 0
D* Count of Entries in List
D dsLHEntCnt 10I 0
D* Size of a single entry
D dsLHEntSiz 10I 0
D* List Object Locks API format OBJL0100
D dsOL DS based(p_Entry)
D* Job Name
D dsOL_JobName 10A
D* Job User Name
D dsOL_UserName 10A
D* Job Number
D dsOL_JobNbr 6A
D* Lock State
D dsOL_LckState 10A
D* Lock Status
D dsOL_LckSts 10i 0
D* Lock Type
D dsOL_LckType 10i 0
D* Member (or *BLANK)
D dsOL_Member 10A
D* 1=Shared File, 0=Not Shared
D* (or 0=not applicable)
D dsOL_Share 1A
D* Lock Scope
D dsOL_LckScope 1A
D* Thread identifier
D dsOL_ThreadID 8A
D p_UsrSpc S *
D p_Entry S *
D Msg S 50A
D x S 10I 0
C *entry plist
c parm ObjName 10
C parm ObjLib 10
c parm ObjType 10
c parm Member 10
c eval *inlr = *on
c if %parms < 4
c eval Msg = 'Usage: objlock NAME LIB TYPE MBR'
c dsply Msg
c return
c endif
C* Create a user space to store output of
C* the list object locks API
c callp CrtUsrSpc('OBJLOCKS QTEMP': 'USRSPC':
c 1: x'00': '*ALL': 'Output of List ' +
c 'Object Locks API': '*YES': dsEC)
c if dsECBytesA > 0
c eval Msg = 'QUSCRTUS error ' + dsECMsgID
c dsply msg
c return
c endif
C* Dump the Object Locks to the user space
c callp LstObjLck('OBJLOCKS QTEMP': 'OBJL0100':
c ObjName+ObjLib: ObjType: Member: dsEC)
c if dsECBytesA > 0
c eval Msg = 'QWCLOBJL error ' + dsECMsgID
c dsply msg
c return
c endif
C* Get a pointer to the user space
c callp RtvPtrUS('OBJLOCKS QTEMP': p_UsrSpc)
C* Read each entry in the list
C* and (for sake of example) display
C* the lock details
c for x = 0 to (dsLHEntCnt-1)
c eval p_Entry = p_UsrSpc +
c (dsLHLstOff + (dsLHEntSiz*x))
c eval Msg = 'Job = '+%trimr(dsOL_JobNbr) +'/'+
c %trimr(dsOL_UserName)+'/'+
c %trimr(dsOL_JobName)
c Msg dsply
c eval Msg = 'Lock State = ' + dsOL_LckState
c Msg dsply
c select
c when dsOL_LckSts = 1
c eval Msg = 'Lock Status = HELD'
c when dsOL_LckSts = 2
c eval Msg = 'Lock Status = WAIT'
c when dsOL_LckSts = 2
c eval Msg = 'Lock Status = REQ'
c endsl
c Msg dsply
c select
c when dsOL_LckType = 1
c eval Msg = 'Lock Type = OBJECT'
c when dsOL_LckType = 2
c eval Msg = 'Lock Type = MBR CTL BLK'
c when dsOL_LckType = 3
c eval Msg = 'Lock Type = MBR ACC PTH'
c when dsOL_LckType = 3
c eval Msg = 'Lock Type = MBR DATA'
c endsl
c Msg dsply
c eval Msg = 'Member = ' + dsOL_Member
c Msg dsply
c if dsOL_Share = '1'
c eval Msg = 'Share lock = YES'
c else
c eval Msg = 'Share lock = NO'
c endif
c Msg dsply
c if dsOL_LckScope = '1'
c eval Msg = 'Scope = THREAD'
c else
c eval Msg = 'Scope = JOB'
c endif
c Msg dsply
c eval Msg = '<< PRESS ENTER >>'
c dsply Msg
c endfor
Thanks to Scott Klement
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