Retrieve Job Lock
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- Api error data structure: -----------------------------**
D ApiError Ds
D AeBytPro 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
D AeBytAvl 10i 0 Inz
D AeMsgId 7a
D 1a
D AeMsgDta 128a
**-- Global variables: -------------------------------------**
D Idx 5i 0
**-- Job lock information: ---------------------------------**
D JBLK0100 Ds 65535
D JlBytAvl 10i 0
D JlBytRtn 10i 0
D JlNbrObjLck 10i 0
D JlOfsObjLck 10i 0
D JlNbrLckObjRt 10i 0
D JlLckObjEntLn 10i 0
D LckInf Ds Based( pLckInf )
D LiObjNam 10a
D LiObjLib 10a
D LiObjTyp 10a
D LiObjExtAtr 10a
D LiLckStt 10a
D 2a
D LiLckSts 10i 0
D LiMbrLcks 10i 0
D LiLckCnt 10i 0
D LiLckScp 1a
D 2a
D LiThrId 8a
**-- Job id: -----------------------------------------------**
D JlJobId Ds
D JiJobNam 10a Inz( '*' )
D JiUsrNam 10a
D JiJobNbr 6a
D JiIntJobId 16a Inz( *Blanks )
D 2a Inz( *Allx'00' )
D JlThrInd 10i 0 Inz( 2 )
D JlThrId 8a
**-- Retrieve job record locks: ----------------------------**
D RtvJobLck Pr ExtPgm( 'QWCRJBLK' )
D JlRcvVar 65535a Options( *VarSize )
D JlRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D JlFmtNam 8a Const
D JlJobId 56a Const
D JlFmtJobId 8a Const
D JlError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Mainline: ---------------------------------------------**
C CallP RtvJobLck( JBLK0100
C : %Size( JBLK0100 )
C : 'JBLK0100'
C : JlJobId
C : 'JIDF0100'
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C ExSr PrcJobLck
C EndIf
C Return
**-- Process job locks: ------------------------------------**
C PrcJobLck BegSr
C Eval pLckInf = %Addr( JBLK0100 ) +
C JlOfsObjLck
C For Idx = 1 to JlNbrLckObjRt
**-- Do whatever...
C If Idx < JlNbrLckObjRt
C Eval pLckInf = pLckInf + JlLckObjEntLn
C EndIf
C EndFor
C EndSr
Dennis Lovelady wrote:
Thanks for sharing that code, Carsten. Yeah, that looks useful in the
right places. :)
Not to fault your code (which, again, I do appreciate!), I'm curious why
you don't use QSYSINC items for some of that stuff (like QUSEC, for example).
If it's because of variable data being left undefined (such as QUSED01), you
might find the following useful:
* PLEASE keep the next two lines TOGETHER!!!
D/Copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qusec
D QUSED01 1024
* PLEASE keep the previous two lines TOGETHER!!!
Carsten Flensburg replied:
Well, it's partly due to the circumstance that I started coding APIs before
QSYSINC became an option and thus invented my own set of naming standards -
and partly due to the fact that I've run into some problems actually using the
library because of errors in the header files.
I also just checked the include file for the QWCRJBLK API and though it was
introduced just recently - V5R1- it still uses positional definition of the
structure subfields and defines numeric subfields as Binary instead of Integer
data type... - I prefer using the more recent options in both cases.
On the other hand - as I'm confronted with more and more C code and style -
I really start liking the idea of a general header file set to ease both the
use of APIs and functions and the maintainance of a global coding standard.
Speaking of RPG/IV I just don't think that QSYSINC - in general - has the
adequate level of quality yet.
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg & Dennis Lovelady
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