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2010-06-04 17:19:00

Retrieve Database File Description

     **  Program . . : CBX123
     **  Description : Print file field description
     **  Author  . . : Carsten Flensburg
     **  Published . : Club Tech iSeries Programming Tips Newsletter
     **  Date  . . . : September 9, 2004
     **  Program summary
     **  ---------------
     **  Database and file API:
     **    QDBRTVFD      Retrieve database     Allows you to get the complete and
     **                  file description      specific information about a file.
     **                                        The information is returned to a
     **                                        receiver variable in either a file
     **                                        definition template or a format
     **                                        definition mapping.
     **  Message handling API:
     **    QMHSNDPM      Send program message  Sends a message to a program stack
     **                                        entry (current, previous, etc.) or
     **                                        an external message queue.
     **                                        Both messages defined in a message
     **                                        file and immediate messages can be
     **                                        used. For specific message types
     **                                        only one or the other is allowed.
     **  C library function:
     **    tstbts        Test bits             Tests the bit value of the bit
     **                                        located with the bit offset
     **                                        parameter, bit 0 being the
     **                                        leftmost and 64k the maximum.
     **  Program description:
     **    This program will retrieve and print information about a database
     **    file's fields.  The information is printed in a list and includes
     **    field attributes, key fields and, in case of a logical file being
     **    requested, any record select/omit specifications.
     **  Sequence of events:
     **    1. Storage is allocated to the API receiver variable.
     **    2. The QDBRTVFD API is called to collect information about file
     **       key fields and select/omit specifications.  If more data is
     **       available than the storage currently allocated to the API
     **       receiver variable can hold, enough storage is reallocated,
     **       and the API call is repeated.
     **    3. The key fields and select/omit specifications are retrieved
     **       and stored in two arrays for later processing.
     **    4. The QDBRTVFD API is called again, this time to collect the
     **       requried information about record format and field attributes.
     **       Again storage is reallocated and the API call repeated until
     **       all available information is retrieved.
     **    5. The file field list is printed and subsequently the key field
     **       information section is also printed.  In case the requested
     **       file is a logical file, a select/omit specification section is
     **       printed.
     **    6. The allocated storage is released and a completion message is
     **       sent to the caller.
     **    7. If during the processing described above an API error occurs,
     **       the returned error message data is retrieved from the API
     **       error data structure, and an escape message is sent to the
     **       caller, informing about the specific error.  Prior to sending
     **       the escape message, which terminates the program immediately,
     **       the allocated storage is deallocated.
     **  Programmer's notes:
     **    Overflow could occur during the formatting of the check values
     **    and select/omit criteria specification, if the number or size of
     **    these values result in a string larger than 70 respectively 98
     **    bytes.
     **    The format of the produced list can be adapted to any desired
     **    length and overflow values by adjusting the FormLen() and
     **    FormOfl() keywords in the QSYSPRT F-specification below.
     **    The 'dummy' structure specifications that are commented out, are
     **    included in order to document the bit-fields that are embedded in
     **    the return structures:
     **      D  Qdbfhflg                      2a
     **      D*  Reserved_1    :2
     **      D*  Qdbfhfpl      :1
     **    In the above example the field Qdbfhflg is defined as a 2 byte
     **    character field but it contains a number of bit-settings storing
     **    different flags and attributes.  The :n notation defines the
     **    number of bits that each bit-field occupies, from left to right.
     **    Thus the bit-field Reserved_1 occupies the two leftmost bits in
     **    the Qdbfhflg field and Qdbfhfpl the third bit.  To extract the
     **    actual bit settings, the tstbts C library function is used.
     **  Compilation specification:
     **    CrtRpgMod  Module( CBX123 )
     **               DbgView( *LIST )
     **    CrtPgm     Pgm( CBX123 )
     **               Module( CBX123 )
     **               ActGrp( QILE )
     **-- Header specifications:  --------------------------------------------**
     H BndDir( 'QC2LE' )  Option( *SrcStmt )
     **-- Printer file:
     FQSYSPRT   O    F  132        Printer InfDs( PrtInf )  OflInd( *InOf )
     F                                     FormLen( 70 )    FormOfl( 68 )
     **-- Printer file information:
     D PrtInf          Ds                  Qualified
     D  WrtCnt                       10i 0 Overlay( PrtInf: 243 )
     D  OvfLin                        5i 0 Overlay( PrtInf: 188 )
     D  CurLin                        5i 0 Overlay( PrtInf: 367 )
     D  CurPag                        5i 0 Overlay( PrtInf: 369 )
     **-- System information:
     D                SDs
     D  PsPgmNam         *Proc
     **-- API error data structure:
     D ERRC0100        Ds                  Qualified
     D  BytPro                       10i 0 Inz( %Size( ERRC0100 ))
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0 Inz
     D  MsgId                         7a
     D                                1a
     D  MsgDta                      128a
     **-- API parameters:
     D FilRtnQ         Ds                  Qualified
     D  FilNam                       10a
     D  LibNam                       10a
     D ApiRcvSiz       s             10u 0
     **-- Global variables:
     D RcdIdx          s             10i 0
     D FldIdx          s             10i 0
     D ChkIdx          s             10i 0
     D KeyIdx          s             10i 0
     D SltIdx          s             10i 0
     D ValIdx          s             10i 0
     D KeyTyp          s             10a   Varying
     D AccPth          s             10a   Varying
     **-- Output fields:
     D OutHdr          Ds                  Inz
     D  Time                          6s 0
     D  FilNam                       10a
     D  LibNam                       10a
     D  FilTyp                       10a
     D  RcdFmt                       10a
     D  RcdLen                        5i 0
     D  FldCnt                        5i 0
     D OutDtl          Ds                  Inz
     D  FldNam                       10a
     D  FldTyp                       10a
     D  BufPos                        5i 0
     D  FldLen                        5i 0
     D  KeySeq                        4a
     D  FldDig                        3a
     D  FldDec                        3a
     D  FldTxt                       50a
     D  FldHdg                       62a
     D  TxtLin2                      70a
     D  SpcTxt                       98a
     **-- Key field & select/omit statement arrays:
     D KeyFld          s             10a   Dim( 120 )
     D SltStm          s            128a   Dim( 512 )  Varying
     **-- Check keyword conversion:
     D ChkDfn          Ds
     D  ChkHex                       21a   Inz( x'636466677172737475767778797A-
     D                                     A0A1A2A3A5A6A7' )
     D  ChkKwd                      231a   Inz( 'CHKMSGID   -
     D                                     CHECK(ME)  -
     D                                     CHECK(FE)  -
     D                                     CHECK(MF)  -
     D                                     RANGE      -
     D                                     VALUES     -
     D                                     COMP GT    -
     D                                     COMP GE    -
     D                                     COMP EQ    -
     D                                     COMP NE    -
     D                                     COMP LE    -
     D                                     COMP LT    -
     D                                     COMP NL    -
     D                                     COMP NG    -
     D                                     CHECK(M10) -
     D                                     CHECK(M11) -
     D                                     CHECK(VN)  -
     D                                     CHECK(AB)  -
     D                                     CHECK(VNE) -
     D                                     CHECK(M10F)-
     D                                     CHECK(M11F)' )
     D  ChkHexA                       1a   Dim( 21 )  Overlay( ChkDfn: 1 )
     D  ChkKwdA                      11a   Dim( 21 )  Overlay( ChkDfn: 22 )
     **-- Select/omit keyword conversion:
     D SltDfn          Ds
     D  SltCod                       20a   Inz( 'ALEQGEGTLELTNENGNLVA' )
     D  SltKwd                       80a   Inz( 'ALL     -
     D                                     COMP EQ -
     D                                     COMP GE -
     D                                     COMP GT -
     D                                     COMP LE -
     D                                     COMP LT -
     D                                     COMP NE -
     D                                     COMP NG -
     D                                     COMP NL -
     D                                     VALUES  ' )
     D  SltCodA                       2a   Dim( 10 )  Overlay( SltDfn: 1 )
     D  SltKwdA                       8a   Dim( 10 )  Overlay( SltDfn: 21 )
     **-- Field type conversion:
     D TypDfn          Ds
     D  TypHex                       38a   Inz( x'0000000100020003000480040005-
     D                                     800500068006000B000C000D400440054006-
     D                                     80448046FFFF' )
     D  TypTxt                      190a   Inz( 'Binary    -
     D                                     Float     -
     D                                     Zoned     -
     D                                     Packed    -
     D                                     Char      -
     D                                     Var char  -
     D                                     Graph     -
     D                                     Var graph -
     D                                     DBCS      -
     D                                     Var DBCS  -
     D                                     Date      -
     D                                     Time      -
     D                                     Timestamp -
     D                                     BLOB/CLOB -
     D                                     DBCLOB    -
     D                                     CLOB-open -
     D                                     Datalink C-
     D                                     Datalink O-
     D                                     NULL      ' )
     D  TypHexA                       2a   Dim( 19 )  Overlay( TypDfn: 1 )
     D  TypTxtA                      10a   Dim( 19 )  Overlay( TypDfn: 39 )
     **-- FILD0100 formats:
     D Qdb_Qdbfh       Ds                  Based( pQdb_Qdbfh )  Qualified
     D  Qdbfyret                     10i 0
     D  Qdbfyavl                     10i 0
     D  Qdbfhflg                      2a
     D*  Reserved_1    :2
     D*  Qdbfhfpl      :1
     D*  Reserved_2    :1
     D*  Qdbfhfsu      :1
     D*  Reserved_3    :1
     D*  Qdbfhfky      :1
     D*  Reserved_4    :1
     D*  Qdbfhflc      :1
     D*  Qdbfkfso      :1
     D*  Reserved_5    :4
     D*  Qdbfigcd      :1
     D*  Qdbfigcl      :1
     D  Reserved_7                    4a
     D  Qdbflbnum                     5i 0
     D  Qdbfkdat                     14a
     D  Qdbfknum                      5i 0 Overlay( Qdbfkdat: 1 )
     D  Qdbfkmxl                      5i 0 Overlay( Qdbfkdat: *Next )
     D  Qdbfkflg                      1a   Overlay( Qdbfkdat: *Next )
     D*  Reserved_8    :1
     D*  Qdbfkfcs      :1
     D*  Reserved_9    :4
     D*  Qdbfkfrc      :1
     D*  Qdbfkflt      :1
     D  Qdbfkfdm                      1a   Overlay( Qdbfkdat: *Next )
     D  Reserved_10                   8a   Overlay( Qdbfkdat: *Next )
     D  Qdbfhaut                     10a
     D  Qdbfhupl                      1a
     D  Qdbfhmxm                      5i 0
     D  Qdbfwtfi                      5i 0
     D  Qdbfhfrt                      5i 0
     D  Qdbfhmnum                     5i 0
     D  Reserved_11                   9a
     D  Qdbfbrwt                      5i 0
     D  Qaaf                          1a
     D*  Reserved_12   :7
     D*  Qdbfpgmd      :1
     D  Qdbffmtnum                    5i 0
     D  Qdbfhfl2                      2a
     D*  Qdbfjnap      :1
     D*  Reserved_13   :1
     D*  Qdbfrdcp      :1
     D*  Qdbfwtcp      :1
     D*  Qdbfupcp      :1
     D*  Qdbfdlcp      :1
     D*  Reserved_14   :9
     D*  Qdbfkfnd      :1
     D  Qdbfvrm                       5i 0
     D  Qaaf2                         2a
     D*  Qdbfhmcs      :1
     D*  Reserved_15   :1
     D*  Qdbfknll      :1
     D*  Qdbf_nfld     :1
     D*  Qdbfvfld      :1
     D*  Qdbftfld      :1
     D*  Qdbfgrph      :1
     D*  Qdbfpkey      :1
     D*  Qdbfunqc      :1
     D*  Reserved_118  :2
     D*  Qdbfapsz      :1
     D*  Qdbfdisf      :1
     D*  Reserved_68   :1
     D*  Reserved_69   :1
     D*  Reserved_70   :1
     D  Qdbfhcrt                     13a
     D  Qdbfhtx                      52a
     D   Reserved_18                  2a   Overlay( Qdbfhtx: 1 )
     D   Qdbfhtxt                    50a   Overlay( Qdbfhtx: *Next )
     D  Reserved_19                  13a
     D  Qdbfsrc                      30a
     D   Qdbfsrcf                    10a   Overlay( Qdbfsrc: 1 )
     D   Qdbfsrcm                    10a   Overlay( Qdbfsrc: *Next )
     D   Qdbfsrcl                    10a   Overlay( Qdbfsrc: *Next )
     D  Qdbfkrcv                      1a
     D  Reserved_20                  23a
     D  Qdbftcid                      5i 0
     D  Qdbfasp                       2a
     D  Qdbfnbit                      1a
     D*  Qdbfhudt      :1
     D*  Qdbfhlob      :1
     D*  Qdbfhdtl      :1
     D*  Qdbfhudf      :1
     D*  Qdbfhlon      :1
     D*  Qdbfhlop      :1
     D*  Qdbfhdll      :1
     D*  Reserved_21   :1
     D  Qdbfmxfnum                    5i 0
     D  Reserved_22                  76a
     D  Qdbfodic                     10i 0
     D  Reserved_23                  14a
     D  Qdbffigl                      5i 0
     D  Qdbfmxrl                      5i 0
     D  Reserved_24                   8a
     D  Qdbfgkct                      5i 0
     D  Qdbfos                       10i 0
     D  Reserved_25                   8a
     D  Qdbfocs                      10i 0
     D  Reserved_26                   4a
     D  Qdbfpact                      2a
     D  Qdbfhrls                      6a
     D  Reserved_27                  20a
     D  Qdbpfof                      10i 0
     D  Qdblfof                      10i 0
     D  Qdbfssfp                      6a
     D   Qdbfnlsb                     1a   Overlay( Qdbfssfp: 1 )
     D*   Qdbfsscs     :3
     D*   Reserved_103 :5
     D   Qdbflang                     3a   Overlay( Qdbfssfp: *Next )
     D   Qdbfcnty                     2a   Overlay( Qdbfssfp: *Next )
     D  Qdbfjorn                     10i 0
     D  Qdbfevid                     10i 0
     D  Reserved_28                  14a
     D Qdb_Qdbfb       Ds                  Qualified  Based( pQdb_Qdbfb )
     D  Reserved_48                  48a
     D  Qdbfbf                       10a
     D  Qdbfbfl                      10a
     D  Qdbft                        10a
     D  Reserved_49                  37a
     D  Qdbfbgky                      5i 0
     D  Reserved_50                   2a
     D  Qdbfblky                      5i 0
     D  Reserved_51                   2a
     D  Qdbffogl                      5i 0
     D  Reserved_52                   3a
     D  Qdbfsoon                      5i 0
     D  Qdbfsoof                     10i 0
     D  Qdbfksof                     10i 0
     D  Qdbfkyct                      5i 0
     D  Qdbfgenf                      5i 0
     D  Qdbfodis                     10i 0
     D  Reserved_53                  14a
     D Qdb_Qdbfk       Ds                  Qualified  Based( pQdb_Qdbfk )
     D  Qdbfkfld                     10a
     D  Reserved_59                   3a
     D  Qdbfksq                       1a
     D*  Qdbfksad      :1
     D*  Qdbfksn       :2
     D*  Reserved_60   :1
     D*  Qdbfksac      :1
     D*  Qdbfkszf      :1
     D*  Qdbfksdf      :1
     D*  Qdbfkft       :1
     D  Reserved_61                  18a
     D Qdb_Qdbfss      Ds                  Qualified  Based( pQdb_Qdbfss )
     D  Reserved_54                   2a
     D  Qdbfssso                      1a
     D  Qdbfssop                      2a
     D  Qdbfssfn                     10a
     D  Qdbfsspnum                    5i 0
     D  Qsosaf                        1a
     D*  Reserved_55   :7
     D*  Qdbfssfi      :1
     D  Qdbfssfj                      5i 0
     D  Reserved_56                   8a
     D  Qdbfsoso                     10i 0
     D Qdb_Qdbfsp      Ds                  Qualified  Based( pQdb_Qdbfsp )
     D  Qdbfspno                     10i 0
     D  Qdbfspln                      5i 0
     D  Qdbfspin                      1a
     D  Qasopaf                       1a
     D*  Qdbfsigc      :1
     D*  Qdbfshex      :1
     D*  Qdbfsnul      :1
     D*  Reserved_57   :5
     D  Qdbfsppj                      5i 0
     D  Reserved_58                  10a
     D  Qdbfspvl                    128a
     **-- FILD0200 formats:
     D Qdb_Qddfmt      Ds                  Qualified  Based( pQdb_Qddfmt )
     D  Qddbyrtn                     10i 0
     D  Qddbyava                     10i 0
     D  Reserved_62                  24a
     D  Qddfmtf                       1a
     D  Qddfxlto                     10i 0
     D  Qddfrcao                     10i 0
     D  Qddfdico                     10i 0
     D  Qddfrcid                      5i 0
     D  Qddfsrcd                      5i 0
     D  Qddfrtcd                      5i 0
     D  Qddfrlcd                      5i 0
     D  Reserved_64                   7a
     D  Qddftflgs                     1a
     D  Qddflgs                       1a
     D  Reserved_67                   4a
     D  Qddfrlen                     10i 0
     D  Qddfname                     10a
     D  Qddfseq                      13a
     D  Qddftext                     50a
     D  Qddffldnum                    5i 0
     D  Qddf_...
     D  Identity_Off                 10i 0
     D Qdb_Qddffld     Ds                  Qualified  Based( pQdb_Qddffld )
     D  Qddfdefl                     10i 0
     D  Qddffldi                     30a
     D  Qddfflde                     30a
     D  Qddfftyp                      2a
     D  Qddffiob                      1a
     D  Qddffobo                     10i 0
     D  Qddffibo                     10i 0
     D  Qddffldb                      5i 0
     D  Qddffldd                      5i 0
     D  Qddffldp                      5i 0
     D  Qddffkbs                      1a
     D  Qddffldst                     1a
     D  Qddfjref                      5i 0
     D  Qddffldst2                    1a
     D  Qddflgs2                      1a
     D  Qddfvarx                      5i 0
     D  Reserved_72                   2a
     D  Qddflalc                      5i 0
     D  Qddfdttf                      1a
     D  Qddfdtts                      1a
     D  Qddfcsid                      5i 0
     D  Qddftsid                      5i 0
     D  Qddfhsid                      5i 0
     D  Qddflsid                      5i 0
     D  Qddfldur                      1a
     D  Reserved_73                   1a
     D  Qddfwsid                      5i 0
     D  Reserved_061                  1a
     D  Reserved_062                  1a
     D  Reserved_063                  5i 0
     D  Qddflagco                     1a
     D  Reserved_74                  68a
     D  Qddfcplx                     10i 0
     D  Qddfbmaxl                    10i 0
     D  Qddfbpadl                     5i 0
     D  Qddfdicd                     10i 0
     D  Qddfdftd                     10i 0
     D  Qddfderd                     10i 0
     D  Reserved_75                   6a
     D  Qddftxtd                     10i 0
     D  Reserved_102                  2a
     D  Qddfrefd                     10i 0
     D  Qddfedtl                      5i 0
     D  Qddfedtd                     10i 0
     D  Reserved_76                   5i 0
     D  Qddfchd                      10i 0
     D  Qddfvckl                      5i 0
     D  Qddfvckd                     10i 0
     D  Qddfxals                     10i 0
     D  Qddffpnd                     10i 0
     D  Reserved_77                   8a
     D  Qddfvpx                       1a
     D Qdb_Qddfvchk    Ds                  Qualified  Based( pQdb_Qddfvchk )
     D  Qddfvcnume                    5i 0
     D  Reserved_82                  14a
     D  Qddfvcen                      1a
     D Qdb_Qddfvcst    Ds                  Qualified  Based( pQdb_Qddfvcst )
     D  Qddfvccd                      1a
     D  Qddfvcnump                    5i 0
     D  Qddfvcel                      5i 0
     D  Reserved_83                  11a
     D  Qddfvcpm                      1a
     D Qdb_Qddfvcpr    Ds                  Qualified  Based( pQdb_Qddfvcpr )
     D  Qddfvcpl                      5i 0
     D  Reserved_84                  14a
     D  Qddfvcpv                    256a
     D Qdb_Qddfftxt    Ds                  Qualified  Based( pQdb_Qddfftxt )
     D  Qddfftst                     50a
     D Qdb_Qddfcolh    Ds                  Qualified  Based( pQdb_Qddfcolh )
     D  Qddfch1                      20a
     D  Qddfch2                      20a
     D  Qddfch3                      20a
     **-- Retrieve database file description:
     D RtvDbfDsc       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QDBRTVFD' )
     D  RdRcvVar                  32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  RdRcvVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  RdFilRtnQ                    20a
     D  RdFmtNam                      8a   Const
     D  RdFilNamQ                    20a   Const
     D  RdRcdFmtNam                  10a   Const
     D  RdOvrPrc                      1a   Const
     D  RdSystem                     10a   Const
     D  RdFmtTyp                     10a   Const
     D  RdError                   32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Send program message:
     D SndPgmMsg       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QMHSNDPM' )
     D  SpMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  SpMsgFq                      20a   Const
     D  SpMsgDta                    128a   Const
     D  SpMsgDtaLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  SpMsgTyp                     10a   Const
     D  SpCalStkE                    10a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     D  SpCalStkCtr                  10i 0 Const
     D  SpMsgKey                      4a
     D  SpError                    1024a          Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Test bit in string:
     D tstbts          Pr            10i 0 ExtProc( 'tstbts' )
     D  String                         *   Value
     D  BitOfs                       10u 0 Value

     **-- Send escape message:
     D SndEscMsg       Pr            10i 0
     D  PxMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  PxMsgF                       10a   Const
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying
     **-- Send message by type:
     D SndMsgTyp       Pr            10i 0
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying
     D  PxMsgTyp                     10a   Const

     **-- Entry parameters:
     D CBX123          Pr
     D  PxDbfNamQ                    20a
     D  PxRcdFmt                     10a
     D CBX123          Pi
     D  PxDbfNamQ                    20a
     D  PxRcdFmt                     10a


        ApiRcvSiz  = 65535;
        pQdb_Qdbfh = %Alloc( ApiRcvSiz );
        Qdb_Qdbfd.Qdbfyavl = 0;

        DoU  Qdb_Qdbfh.Qdbfyavl <= ApiRcvSiz;

          If  Qdb_Qdbfh.Qdbfyavl > ApiRcvSiz;
            ApiRcvSiz = Qdb_Qdbfh.Qdbfyavl;
            pQdb_Qdbfh  = %ReAlloc( pQdb_Qdbfh: ApiRcvSiz );

          RtvDbfDsc( Qdb_Qdbfh
                   : ApiRcvSiz
                   : FilRtnQ
                   : 'FILD0100'
                   : PxDbfNamQ
                   : PxRcdFmt
                   : '0'
                   : '*LCL'
                   : '*EXT'
                   : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl = *Zero;

          pQdb_Qdbfb = pQdb_Qdbfh + Qdb_Qdbfh.Qdbfos;

          If  tstbts( %Addr( Qdb_Qdbfh.Qdbfhflg ): 2 ) = 1;
            FilTyp = 'LF';
            FilTyp = 'PF';

          FilNam = FilRtnQ.FilNam;
          LibNam = FilRtnQ.LibNam;

          For RcdIdx = 1  To Qdb_Qdbfh.Qdbflbnum;

            If PxRcdFmt = Qdb_Qdbfb.Qdbft  Or
               PxRcdFmt = '*FIRST';

              RcdFmt = Qdb_Qdbfb.Qdbft;

              If  Qdb_Qdbfh.Qdbfpact = 'AR';
                AccPth = '*ARRIVAL';
                AccPth = '*KEYED';

              If  tstbts( %Addr( Qdb_Qdbfh.Qdbfhflg ): 6 ) = 1;
                ExSr  GetKeyFlds;

              If  tstbts( %Addr( Qdb_Qdbfh.Qdbfhflg ): 9 ) = 1;
                ExSr  GetSltOmit;


            If  RcdIdx < Qdb_Qdbfh.Qdbflbnum;
              pQdb_Qdbfb = pQdb_Qdbfb + %Size( Qdb_Qdbfb );


        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl = *Zero;

          ApiRcvSiz   = 65535;
          pQdb_Qddfmt = %Alloc( ApiRcvSiz );

          DoU  Qdb_Qddfmt.Qddbyava <= ApiRcvSiz;

            If  Qdb_Qddfmt.Qddbyava > ApiRcvSiz;
              ApiRcvSiz   = Qdb_Qddfmt.Qddbyava;
              pQdb_Qddfmt = %ReAlloc( pQdb_Qddfmt: ApiRcvSiz );

            RtvDbfDsc( Qdb_Qddfmt
                     : ApiRcvSiz
                     : FilRtnQ
                     : 'FILD0200'
                     : PxDbfNamQ
                     : PxRcdFmt
                     : '0'
                     : '*LCL'
                     : '*EXT'
                     : ERRC0100

          If  ERRC0100.BytAvl = *Zero;

            pQdb_Qddffld  = %Addr( Qdb_Qddfmt ) + 256;

            RcdLen = Qdb_Qddfmt.Qddfrlen;
            FldCnt = Qdb_Qddfmt.Qddffldnum;

            For FldIdx = 1  To Qdb_Qddfmt.Qddffldnum;

              If  Qdb_Qddffld.Qddftxtd > *Zero;
                pQdb_Qddfftxt = pQdb_Qddffld + Qdb_Qddffld.Qddftxtd;
                pQdb_Qddfftxt = *Null;

              If  Qdb_Qddffld.Qddfchd > *Zero;
                pQdb_Qddfcolh = pQdb_Qddffld + Qdb_Qddffld.Qddfchd;
                pQdb_Qddfcolh = *Null;

              ExSr  PrtDtlLin;

              If  Qdb_Qddffld.Qddfvckd > *Zero;
                ExSr  PrtChkVal;

              If FldIdx < Qdb_Qddfmt.Qddffldnum;
                pQdb_Qddffld = pQdb_Qddffld + Qdb_Qddffld.Qddfdefl;

            ExSr  PrtKeyFld;
            ExSr  PrtSltStm;

          DeAlloc  pQdb_Qddfmt;

        DeAlloc  pQdb_Qdbfh;

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;

          SndEscMsg( ERRC0100.MsgId
                   : 'QCPFMSG'
                   : %Subst( ERRC0100.MsgDta: 1: ERRC0100.BytAvl - 16 )

        SndMsgTyp( 'Field description list has been printed.': '*COMP' );

        *InLr = *On;

        BegSr  PrtChkVal;

          pQdb_Qddfvchk = pQdb_Qddffld + Qdb_Qddffld.Qddfvckd;
          pQdb_Qddfvcst = %Addr( Qdb_Qddfvchk.Qddfvcen );

          For ChkIdx = 1  To Qdb_Qddfvchk.Qddfvcnume;

            pQdb_Qddfvcpr = %Addr( Qdb_Qddfvcst.Qddfvcpm );

            TxtLin2 = ChkKwdA( %Lookup( Qdb_Qddfvcst.Qddfvccd: ChkHexA ));

            For ValIdx = 1  To Qdb_Qddfvcst.Qddfvcnump;

              TxtLin2 = %TrimR( TxtLin2 ) + ' ' +
                       %Subst( Qdb_Qddfvcpr.Qddfvcpv
                             : 1
                             : Qdb_Qddfvcpr.Qddfvcpl

              If  ValIdx < Qdb_Qddfvcst.Qddfvcnump;
                pQdb_Qddfvcpr = pQdb_Qddfvcpr + 16 + Qdb_Qddfvcpr.Qddfvcpl;

            ExSr  PrtHdrLin;

            Except  DtlLin2;

            If  ChkIdx < Qdb_Qddfvchk.Qddfvcnume;
              pQdb_Qddfvcpr = %Addr( Qdb_Qddfvcst.Qddfvcpm );
              pQdb_Qddfvcst = pQdb_Qddfvcst + Qdb_Qddfvcst.Qddfvcel;


        BegSr  PrtKeyFld;

          ExSr  PrtHdrLin;

          SpcTxt = AccPth + '  ' + KeyTyp;

          Except  HdrKey;
          Except  SpcLin;

          For KeyIdx = 1  To %Elem( KeyFld );

            If  KeyFld(KeyIdx) = *Blank;

            ExSr  PrtHdrLin;

            SpcTxt = %Char( KeyIdx ) + '  ' + KeyFld(KeyIdx);
            Except  SpcLin;



        BegSr  PrtSltStm;

          If  FilTyp = 'LF';

            ExSr  PrtHdrLin;
            Except  HdrSlt;

            If  SltStm(1) = *Blank;
              SpcTxt = '*NONE';
              Except  SpcLin;

              For SltIdx = 1  To %Elem( SltStm );

                If  SltStm(SltIdx) = *Blank;

                ExSr  PrtHdrLin;

                SpcTxt = SltStm(SltIdx);
                Except  SpcLin;



        BegSr  GetKeyFlds;

          If  Qdb_Qdbfh.Qdbfpact = 'KU';
            KeyTyp = '*UNIQUE';

          pQdb_Qdbfk = pQdb_Qdbfh + Qdb_Qdbfb.Qdbfksof;

          For  KeyIdx = 1  To Qdb_Qdbfb.Qdbfbgky;

            KeyFld(KeyIdx) = Qdb_Qdbfk.Qdbfkfld;

            If KeyIdx < Qdb_Qdbfb.Qdbfbgky;
              pQdb_Qdbfk = pQdb_Qdbfk + %Size( Qdb_Qdbfk );



        BegSr  GetSltOmit;

          pQdb_Qdbfss = pQdb_Qdbfh + Qdb_Qdbfb.Qdbfsoof;

          For  SltIdx = 1  To Qdb_Qdbfb.Qdbfsoon;

            If  Qdb_Qdbfss.Qdbfssop <> 'AL';

              SltStm(SltIdx) = Qdb_Qdbfss.Qdbfssso + '  ' +
                               Qdb_Qdbfss.Qdbfssfn + ' '  +
                               SltKwdA( %Lookup( Qdb_Qdbfss.Qdbfssop
                                               : SltCodA

              pQdb_Qdbfsp = pQdb_Qdbfh + Qdb_Qdbfss.Qdbfsoso;

              For  ValIdx = 1  To Qdb_Qdbfss.Qdbfsspnum;

                SltStm(SltIdx) = SltStm(SltIdx) + ' ' +
                                 %Subst( Qdb_Qdbfsp.Qdbfspvl
                                       : 1
                                       : Qdb_Qdbfsp.Qdbfspln - 20

                If ValIdx < Qdb_Qdbfss.Qdbfsspnum;
                  pQdb_Qdbfsp = pQdb_Qdbfh + Qdb_Qdbfsp.Qdbfspno;


            If SltIdx < Qdb_Qdbfb.Qdbfsoon;
              pQdb_Qdbfss = pQdb_Qdbfss + %Size( Qdb_Qdbfss );



        BegSr  PrtDtlLin;

          ExSr  PrtHdrLin;

          Clear  OutDtl;

          FldNam = Qdb_Qddffld.Qddfflde;
          FldTyp = TypTxtA( %Lookup( Qdb_Qddffld.Qddfftyp
                                   : TypHexA

          KeyIdx = %Lookup( FldNam: KeyFld );

          If  KeyIdx > *Zero;
            KeySeq = %Char( KeyIdx );

            If  KeyTyp = '*UNIQUE';
              %Subst( KeySeq: %Size( KeySeq ): 1 ) = 'U';

          BufPos = Qdb_Qddffld.Qddffobo + 1;
          FldLen = Qdb_Qddffld.Qddffldb;

          If  Qdb_Qddffld.Qddffldd > *Zero;
            EvalR  FldDig = %Char( Qdb_Qddffld.Qddffldd );
            EvalR  FldDec = %Char( Qdb_Qddffld.Qddffldp );

          If  pQdb_Qddfftxt <> *Null;
            FldTxt = Qdb_Qddfftxt.Qddfftst;

          If  pQdb_Qddfcolh <> *Null;
            FldHdg = Qdb_Qddfcolh.Qddfch1 + ' ' +
                     Qdb_Qddfcolh.Qddfch2 + ' ' +

          Except  DtlLin;

          If FldTxt <> FldHdg  And FldTxt > *Blanks;
            TxtLin2 = FldTxt;
            Except  DtlLin2;


        BegSr  PrtHdrLin;

          If  PrtInf.CurLin > PrtInf.OvfLin - 6  Or
              PrtInf.WrtCnt = *Zero;

            Except  Header;


        Begsr  *InzSr;

          Time   = Time;

          PrtInf.WrtCnt = *Zero;
          PrtInf.CurLin = *Zero;


     **-- Print file definition:
     OQSYSPRT   EF           Header         2  3
     O                       UDATE         Y      8
     O                       Time                18 '  :  :  '
     O                                           74 'Print file field descrip-
     O                                              tion'
     O                                          107 'Program:'
     O                       PsPgmNam           118
     O                                          126 'Page:'
     O                       PAGE             +   1
     OQSYSPRT   EF           Header         1
     O                                           16 'File . . . . . :'
     O                       FilNam              28
     O                                           56 'Record format . . . :'
     O                       RcdFmt              68
     O                                           96 'Record length . . . :'
     O                       RcdLen        3    103
     OQSYSPRT   EF           Header         2
     O                                           16 '  Library  . . :'
     O                       LibNam              28
     O                                           56 'File type . . . . . :'
     O                       FilTyp              68
     O                                           96 'Record field count  :'
     O                       FldCnt        3    103
     OQSYSPRT   EF           Header         1
     O                                           10 'Field name'
     O                                           22 'Field type'
     O                                           30 'Buffer'
     O                                           38 'Length'
     O                                           46 'Digits'
     O                                           52 'Dec.'
     O                                           57 'Key'
     O                                           93 'Column heading/text/check -
     O                                              values'
     OQSYSPRT   EF           DtlLin         1
     O                       FldNam              10
     O                       FldTyp              22
     O                       BufPos        3     29
     O                       FldLen        3     36
     O                       FldDig              44
     O                       FldDec              50
     O                       KeySeq              58
     O                       FldHdg             123
     OQSYSPRT   EF           DtlLin2        1
     O                       TxtLin2            131
     OQSYSPRT   EF           HdrKey      1
     O                                           31 'Access path . . . . . . . -
     O                                              . . :'
     OQSYSPRT   EF           HdrSlt      1
     O                                           31 'Select/omit statements  . -
     O                                              . . :'
     OQSYSPRT   EF           SpcLin         1
     O                       SpcTxt             131

     **-- Send escape message:  ----------------------------------------------**
     P SndEscMsg       B
     D                 Pi            10i 0
     D  PxMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  PxMsgF                       10a   Const
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying
     D MsgKey          s              4a


        SndPgmMsg( PxMsgId
                 : PxMsgF + '*LIBL'
                 : PxMsgDta
                 : %Len( PxMsgDta )
                 : '*ESCAPE'
                 : '*PGMBDY'
                 : 1
                 : MsgKey
                 : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;
          Return  -1;

          Return   0;


     P SndEscMsg       E
     **-- Send message by type:  ---------------------------------------------**
     P SndMsgTyp       B
     D                 Pi            10i 0
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying
     D  PxMsgTyp                     10a   Const
     D MsgKey          s              4a


        SndPgmMsg( 'CPF9897'
                 : 'QCPFMSG   *LIBL'
                 : PxMsgDta
                 : %Len( PxMsgDta )
                 : PxMsgTyp
                 : '*PGMBDY'
                 : 1
                 : MsgKey
                 : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;
          Return  -1;

          Return   0;


     P SndMsgTyp       E
/*                                                                   */
/*  Compile options:                                                 */
/*                                                                   */
/*    CrtCmd Cmd( PRTFFD )                                           */
/*           Pgm( CBX123 )                                           */
/*           SrcMbr( CBX123X )                                       */
/*           HlpPnlGrp( CBX123H )                                    */
/*           HlpId( *CMD )                                           */
/*                                                                   */
        Cmd      Prompt( 'Print File Field Description' )

        Parm     FILE          Q0001             +
                 Min( 1 )                        +
                 File( *UNSPFD )                 +
                 Choice( *NONE )                 +
                 Prompt( 'File' )

        Parm     RCDFMT        *Name             +
                 Dft( *FIRST )                   +
                 SpcVal(( *FIRST ))              +
                 Expr( *YES )                    +
                 Prompt( 'Record format' )

Q0001:  Qual                   *Name    10       +
                 Min( 1 )                        +
                 Expr( *YES )

        Qual                   *Name    10       +
                 Dft( *LIBL )                    +
                 SpcVal(( *LIBL )                +
                        ( *CURLIB ))             +
                 Expr( *YES )                    +
                 Prompt( 'Library' )
Panel group
.*  Compile options:
.*    CrtPnlGrp PnlGrp( CBX123H )
.*              SrcFile( QPNLSRC )
.*              SrcMbr( *PNLGRP )
:HELP NAME='PRTFFD'.Print file field description - Help
The Print File Field Description (PRTFFD) command prints database file
field-level information for the specified file.  This information
includes data type, length, buffer position and check values as well as
key field specification and, for logical files, any select/omit criteria
:XH3.File (FILE)
Specifies the name and library of the database file for which to print
the field information.
This is a required parameter.
Specify the name of the library where the database file is located.
The possible values are:
All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first
match is found.
The current library for the job is searched.  If no library is
specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
Specify the name of the library to qualify the file name.
:HELP NAME='PRTFFD/RCDFMT'.Record format (RCDFMT) - Help
:XH3.Record format (RCDFMT)
If a logical file having more than one record format was specified as
the file name, this parameter is used to identify the record format
that you want used when retrieving the field information.
The possible values are:
The first record format found will be used to identify the file record
Specify the name of the record format to use.

Thanks to Carsten Flensburg writing for
Club Tech iSeries Programming Tips Newsletter
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