Retrieve Job Lock
** Program . . : CBX504
** Description : List job's object locks
** Author . . : Carsten Flensburg
** Published . : Club Tech iSeries Programming Tips Newsletter
** Date . . . : July 15, 2004
** Program description:
** This program is intended to ease the process of retrieving the
** current job's list of object locks. The information returned is
** object name, library and type as well as object lock state, similar
** to some of the information that is displayed by the DSPJOB or
** WRKJOB commands' Job Locks panel. Running the command DSPJOB
** OPTION( *JOBLCK ) will show the information referred to above.
** Program CBX504T is provided to give an example of how to call
** this program.
** Parameters:
** PxEntNbr BOTH The maximum number of job object lock entries
** to return in the output array. A maximum
** of 128 job object lock entries can be returned.
** On return this parameter specifies the
** actual number of job object locks loaded
** in the second parameter.
** PxLckEnt OUTPUT The list of job object lock entries are returned
** in this parameter. The object name, library and
** type as well as object lock state is returned
** for each job object lock entry as illustrated
** below:
** 1 41 81
** | -------- entry 1 -------- | -------- entry 2 -------- |
** 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81
** | obj | lib | type | lock | obj | lib | type | lock |
**-- Compilation specification:
** CrtBndRpg Pgm( 'library'/CBX504 )
** SrcFile( 'library'/QRPGLESRC )
** DbgView( *LIST )
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- Api error data structure: -----------------------------------------**
D ERRC0100 Ds Qualified
D BytPro 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ERRC0100 ))
D BytAvl 10i 0 Inz
D MsgId 7a
D 1a
D MsgDta 256a
**-- Global variables: -------------------------------------------------**
D Eix s 10i 0
D ApiRcvSiz s 10u 0
**-- Job lock information: ---------------------------------------------**
D JBLK0100 Ds Qualified Based( pLstHdr )
D BytRtn 10i 0
D BytAvl 10i 0
D NbrObjLck 10i 0
D OfsObjLck 10i 0
D NbrLckObjRtn 10i 0
D LckObjEntLen 10i 0
D JBLK0100E Ds Qualified Based( pLstEnt )
D ObjNam 10a
D ObjLib 10a
D ObjTyp 10a
D ObjExtAtr 10a
D LckStt 10a
D 2a
D LckSts 10i 0
D MbrLcks 10i 0
D LckCnt 10i 0
D LckScp 1a
D 3a
D ThrId 8a
D ThrHdl 10u 0
** V5R2:
D LckSpcId 20a
D ObjAspNam 10a
D ObjLibAspNam 10a
D ObjAspNbr 10i 0
D ObjLibAspNbr 10i 0
**-- Job id: -----------------------------------------------------------**
D JlJobId Ds
D JiJobNam 10a Inz( '*' )
D JiUsrNam 10a
D JiJobNbr 6a
D JiIntJobId 16a Inz( *Blanks )
D 2a Inz( *Allx'00' )
D JlThrInd 10i 0 Inz( 3 )
D JlThrId 8a
**-- Retrieve job locks: -----------------------------------------------**
D RtvJobLck Pr ExtPgm( 'QWCRJBLK' )
D JlRcvVar 65535a Options( *VarSize )
D JlRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D JlFmtNam 8a Const
D JlJobId 56a Const
D JlFmtJobId 8a Const
D JlError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
D JlLckFlr 53a Const Options( *NoPass )
D JlFlrFmt 8a Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Parameters: -------------------------------------------------------**
D PxEntNbr s 5p 0
D PxLckEnt s 40a Dim( 128 )
C *Entry Plist
C Parm PxEntNbr
C Parm PxLckEnt
**-- Mainline: ---------------------------------------------------------**
C Eval ApiRcvSiz = 10240
C Eval pLstHdr = %Alloc( ApiRcvSiz )
C DoU JBLK0100.BytAvl <= ApiRcvSiz Or
C ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero
C If ApiRcvSiz < JBLK0100.BytAvl
C Eval ApiRcvSiz = JBLK0100.BytAvl
C Eval pLstHdr = %ReAlloc( pLstHdr: ApiRcvSiz )
C EndIf
C CallP RtvJobLck( JBLK0100
C : ApiRcvSiz
C : 'JBLK0100'
C : JlJobId
C : 'JIDF0100'
C : ERRC0100
C )
C EndDo
C If JBLK0100.NbrLckObjRtn > *Zero And
C ERRC0100.BytAvl = *Zero
C ExSr PrcJobLcks
C Else
C Eval PxEntNbr = *Zero
C EndIf
C DeAlloc pLstHdr
C Eval *InLr = *On
C Return
**-- Process job locks: ------------------------------------------------**
C PrcJobLcks BegSr
C Eval pLstEnt = pLstHdr + JBLK0100.OfsObjLck
C For Eix = 1 to JBLK0100.NbrLckObjRtn
C Eval PxLckEnt(Eix) = JBLK0100E.ObjNam +
C JBLK0100E.ObjLib +
C JBLK0100E.ObjTyp +
C JBLK0100E.LckStt
**-- Specific exit point for this example:
C If Eix = PxEntNbr Or
C Eix = %Elem( PxLckEnt ) Or
C Eix = JBLK0100.NbrLckObjRtn
C Leave
C EndIf
**-- General logic to keep entry pointer within list size:
C If Eix < JBLK0100.NbrLckObjRtn
C Eval pLstEnt = pLstEnt + JBLK0100.LckObjEntLen
C EndIf
C EndFor
C Eval PxEntNbr = Eix
C EndSr
And the calling program:
**-- Compilation specification: ----------------------------------------**
** CrtBndRpg Pgm( 'library'/CBX504T )
** SrcFile( 'library'/QRPGLESRC )
** DbgView( *LIST )
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- Global variables: -------------------------------------------------**
D Eix s 10i 0
**-- File information----------------------------------------------------**
D LckInf Ds
D LiObjNam 10a
D LiObjLib 10a
D LiObjTyp 10a
D LiLckStt 10a
**-- Parameters: -------------------------------------------------------**
D PxEntNbr s 5p 0 Inz( %Elem( PxLckEnt ))
D PxLckEnt s 40a Dim( 64 )
C Call 'CBX504'
C Parm PxEntNbr
C Parm PxLckEnt
C For Eix = 1 to PxEntNbr
C Eval LckInf = PxLckEnt(Eix)
C LckInf Dsply
C EndFor
C Return
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg and
Club Tech iSeries Programming Tips Newsletter
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