List users authorized to object
** Program . . : CBX5031
** Description : Check private authority
** Author . . : Carsten Flensburg
** Published . : Club Tech iSeries Programming Tips Newsletter
** Date . . . : April 15, 2004
** Program summary
** ---------------
** Parameters:
** INPUT PxObjNam Object name, the object for which to
** check the specified authorization level.
** INPUT PxObjLib Object library.
** INPUT PxObjTyp Object type.
** INPUT PxAut Authorization level to check for.
** Valid values:
** *ALL
** *USE
** INPUT PxUsrPrf Name of user profile having it's
** authority checked.
** Special values:
** *CURRENT The user currently running
** the job.
** *PUBLIC The public authority for
** the specified object is
** checked.
** OUTPUT PxRtnCod A boolean value indicating the result
** of the requested action.
** Valid return codes:
** 0 = Authority level not found
** 1 = Authority level found
** Security API:
** QSYLUSRA List users authorized Creates a list of users having a
** to object private authority to the object
** specified. The list is put into
** a user space.
** Object - User space APIs:
** QUSCRTUS Create user space Creates a user space in either
** user domain or system domain.
** Only user domain user spaces are
** accessible by the user space APIs.
** QUSDLTUS Delete user space Deletes the user space specified.
** QUSPTRUS Retrieve pointer to The address of the first byte
** user space of the storage allocated by the
** user space requested is returned.
** Programmer's notes:
** This program checks if a user holds a private authorization of
** the specified level to an object. No other authorization sources
** are taken into account during the authorization check.
** Compile options:
** CrtRpgMod Module( CBX5031 ) DbgView( *LIST )
** CrtPgm Pgm( CBX5031 )
** Module( CBX5031 )
** **
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- System information: -----------------------------------------------**
D PgmSts SDs
D PsJobUsr 10a Overlay( PgmSts: 254 )
D PsCurUsr 10a Overlay( PgmSts: 358 )
**-- Global variables: -------------------------------------------------**
D Idx s 10i 0
**-- API error data structure: -----------------------------------------**
D ApiError Ds
D AeBytPro 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
D AeBytAvl 10i 0 Inz
**-- Create User Space Parameter: --------------------------------------**
D CuUsrSpcQ Ds
D CuUsrSpcNam 10 Inz( 'AUTLST ' )
D CuUsrSpcLib 10 Inz( 'QTEMP ' )
**-- Entry format USRA0100: --------------------------------------------**
D USRA0100 Ds Based( pLstEnt )
D U1UsrPrf 10a
D U1AutVal 10a
D U1AutLstMgt 1a
D U1ObjOpr 1a
D U1ObjMgt 1a
D U1ObjExs 1a
D U1DtaRead 1a
D U1DtaAdd 1a
D U1DtaUpd 1a
D U1DtaDlt 1a
D U1DtaExe 1a
D 10a
D U1ObjAlt 1a
D U1ObjRef 1a
**-- API format USRA0100: Header information: --------------------------**
D HdrInf Ds Based( pHdrInf )
D HiObjNam 10a
D HiLibNam 10a
D HiObjTyp 10a
D HiOwnNam 10a
D HiAutL 10a
D HiPriGrp 10a
D HiFldAut 1a
D HiAspDevLib 10a
D HiAspDevObj 10a
**-- User Space Generic Header: ---------- -----------------------------**
D UsrSpc Ds Based( pUsrSpc )
D UsOfsHdr 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 117 )
D UsOfsLst 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 125 )
D UsNumLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 133 )
D UsSizLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 137 )
**-- Pointers: ---------------------------------------------------------**
D pUsrSpc s * Inz( *Null )
D pHdrInf s * Inz( *Null )
D pLstEnt s * Inz( *Null )
**-- List authorized users: --------------------------------------------**
D LstAutUsr Pr ExtPgm( 'QSYLUSRA' )
D LaSpcNamQ 20a Const
D LaFmtNam 8a Const
D LaObjNamQ 20a Const
D LaObjTyp 10a Const
D LaError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
D LaAspDev 10a Options( *NoPass )
**-- Create user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D CrtUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSCRTUS' )
D CsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D C***tAtr 10a Const
D CsInzSiz 10i 0 Const
D CsInzVal 1a Const
D CsPubAut 10a Const
D CsText 50a Const
D CsReplace 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D CsError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
D CsDomain 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D CsTfrSizRqs 10i 0 Const Options( *NoPass )
D CsOptSpcAlg 1a Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Retrieve pointer to user space: ------------------------------------**
D RtvPtrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSPTRUS' )
D RpSpcNamQ 20a Const
D RpPointer *
D RpError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Delete user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D DltUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSDLTUS' )
D DsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D DsError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Parameters: -------------------------------------------------------**
D PxObjNam s 10a
D PxObjLib s 10a
D PxObjTyp s 10a
D PxUsrPrf s 10a
D PxAut s 10a
D PxRtnCod s n
C *Entry Plist
C Parm PxObjNam
C Parm PxObjLib
C Parm PxObjTyp
C Parm PxUsrPrf
C Parm PxAut
C Parm PxRtnCod
**-- Mainline: ---------------------------------------------------------**
C Eval PxRtnCod = *Off
C If PxUsrPrf = '*CURRENT'
C Eval PxUsrPrf = PsCurUsr
C EndIf
C CallP CrtUsrSpc( CuUsrSpcQ
C : *Blanks
C : 65535
C : x'00'
C : *Blanks
C : '*YES'
C : ApiError
C )
C CallP LstAutUsr( CuUsrSpcQ
C : 'USRA0100'
C : PxObjNam + PxObjLib
C : PxObjTyp
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C CallP RtvPtrSpc( CuUsrSpcQ
C : pUsrSpc
C )
C ExSr ChkUsrAut
C EndIf
C CallP DltUsrSpc( CuUsrSpcQ
C : ApiError
C )
C Return
**-- Check user authority: ---------------------------------------------**
C ChkUsrAut BegSr
C Eval pHdrInf = pUsrSpc + UsOfsHdr
C Eval pLstEnt = pUsrSpc + UsOfsLst
C For Idx = 1 to UsNumLstEnt
C If U1UsrPrf = PxUsrPrf
C ExSr ChkAutVal
C Leave
C EndIf
C If Idx < UsNumLstEnt
C Eval pLstEnt = pLstEnt + UsSizLstEnt
C EndIf
C EndFor
C EndSr
**-- Check authority value: --------------------------------------------**
C ChkAutVal BegSr
C Select
C When PxAut = '*ALL ' And
C U1AutVal = '*ALL '
C Eval PxRtnCod = *On
C When PxAut = '*CHANGE ' And
C U1ObjOpr = 'Y' And
C U1DtaRead = 'Y' And
C U1DtaAdd = 'Y' And
C U1DtaUpd = 'Y' And
C U1DtaDlt = 'Y' And
C U1DtaExe = 'Y'
C Eval PxRtnCod = *On
C When PxAut = '*USE ' And
C U1ObjOpr = 'Y' And
C U1DtaRead = 'Y' And
C U1DtaExe = 'Y'
C Eval PxRtnCod = *On
C When PxAut = '*AUTLMGT ' And
C U1AutLstMgt = 'Y'
C Eval PxRtnCod = *On
C When PxAut = '*EXCLUDE ' And
C U1AutVal = '*EXCLUDE '
C Eval PxRtnCod = *On
C EndSl
C EndSr
The calling program
**-- Program parameters: -----------------------------------------------**
D PxObjNam s 10a
D PxObjLib s 10a
D PxObjTyp s 10a
D PxUsrPrf s 10a
D PxAut s 10a
D PxRtnCod s n
**-- Check private authority:
C Call 'CBX5031'
C Parm 'QSYS' PxObjLib
C Parm '*AUTL' PxObjTyp
C Parm 'QSYS' PxUsrPrf
C Parm '*ALL' PxAut
C Parm PxRtnCod
C If PxRtnCod = '1'
C Else
C EndIf
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg
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