Convert edit code mask
** Program . . : CBX109S
** Description : Get file field value by key
** Program summary
** ---------------
** Object - User space APIs:
** QUSCRTUS Create user space Creates a user space in either
** user domain or system domain.
** Only user domain user spaces are
** accessible by the user space APIs.
** QUSDLTUS Delete user space Deletes the user space specified.
** QUSPTRUS Retrieve pointer to The address of the first byte
** user space of the storage allocated by the
** user space requested is returned.
** Database and file APIs:
** QUSLFLD List fields Lists the fields of the specified
** file record format to user space.
** The list includes information
** about each field's attributes and
** record buffer position.
** Work management API:
** QUSRJOBI Retrieve job Retrieves specific information
** information about a specific job, covering
** all attributes and other state
** and runtime related information.
** Edit function API:
** QECCVTEC Convert edit code Converts an edit code into an
** mask edit mask, which is a set of
** instructions used by the edit
** function to format a numeric
** value into a character string.
** MI builtins:
** _LBEDIT Late bound edit Transforms a numeric value from
** its internal format to character
** form, using the provided edit
** mask. Late bound here refers to
** the source value location not
** having to be provided until
** runtime.
** _MEMMOVE Copy memory Copies a string from one pointer
** specified location to another.
** C library functions:
** _Ropen Open record file Opens the record file specified
** as defined by the keywords in the
** mode parameter. If the file does
** not exist it will not be created.
** The mode parameter specifies the
** type of file access as well as
** optional parameters to control
** f.x. whether the file is read in
** arrival or keyed order.
** The *LIBL & *CURLIB special values
** are supported for the library
** name and an optional member name
** is possible to specify in the
** format library/file(member).
** _Rclose Close record file This API closes the previously
** opened record file identified by
** the file pointer parameter.
** Storage allocated is freed and
** all buffers are flushed.
** _Rreadk Read by key Reads a record in a keyed file
** matching the key value parameter.
** This key value can be partial.
** The record is locked unless the
** No_Lock option is set.
** Service program procedures:
** GetFldVal Get field value Based on a file name, field name
** and key value, the corresponding
** field value is returned in left
** adjusted character format.
** The library list is searched to
** locate the file specified.
** This function can be called as
** a single request performing all
** involved steps at once. Or - if
** repeated retrievals from the same
** file are required - as a session
** performing the initialization and
** termination process only once.
** If an error occurs in the process
** the resulting error message id is
** returned as the field value.
** LstFld List fields Lists to the specified user space
** a list of the specified file's
** fields, including name, data type
** and length.
** Chain Read record by key Performs the actual keyed access
** to the file identified by the
** file pointer passed and returns,
** if a match is found, the record
** buffer retrieved.
** RtvFld Retrieve field The buffer offset, data type and
** field length of the field name
** specified is retrieved from the
** user space field list.
** Based on these field attributes
** the field's value is extracted
** and, if necessary, converted to
** character format and eventually
** returned to the caller.
** The record buffer is available
** to this procedure by means of a
** global variable.
** EditC Edit by edit code Converts the specified buffer
** location containing a numeric
** value in internal format to a
** readable character format as
** defined by the specified edit
** code.
** ApyDecFmt Apply decimal Applies the current job's decimal
** format format to binary fields having
** decimal positions.
** Programmer's notes:
** This API example's intention is to demonstrate the ability to parse
** an externally defined record buffer using various APIs, MI builtins
** and C library functions.
** The flexibility achieved by the parameterized field value level
** access to an externally defined file could be further extended to
** enable the reverse functionality. The _CVTEFN and _LBCPYNV(R) MI
** builtins offer functionality that enables you to update a numeric
** field in a record buffer, based on a character representation of a
** numeric value, respectively another buffer location containing a
** numeric value.
** This way many types of file and data exchanges could be soft coded
** throughout the whole exchange process. Note however, that updating
** production data at the buffer level requires careful design and a
** high level of precaution - the above lines only intents to point
** out the possibility - in case that need should arise at some point.
** Compile options required:
** CrtRpgMod CBX109S +
** DbgView( *LIST )
** CrtSrvPgm CBX109S +
** Module( CBX109S ) +
** Export( *ALL ) +
** ActGrp( QSRVPGM )
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------------------**
H NoMain BndDir( 'QC2LE' ) Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- System information: -----------------------------------------------**
D PgmSts SDs
D PsPgmNam *Proc
D PsMsgId 7a Overlay( PgmSts: 40 )
**-- Api error data structure: -----------------------------------------**
D ApiError Ds
D AeBytPro 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
D AeBytAvl 10i 0 Inz
D AeMsgId 7a
D 1a
D AeMsgDta 128a
**-- I/O feedback structure & constants: -------------------------------**
D RIOFB Ds Based( pRIOFB )
D pKey *
D pSysParm *
D IoRcdRrn 10u 0
D IoNbrBytRw 10i 0
D IoBlkCnt 5i 0
D IoBlkFllBy 1a
D IoBitFld 1a
D IoRsv 20a
D Key_Lt c x'09000100'
D Key_Le c x'0A000100'
D Key_Eq c x'0B000100'
D Key_Eq_N c x'0B000101'
D Key_Ge c x'0C000100'
D Key_Gt c x'0D000100'
D No_Lock c x'00000001'
**-- Edit template & constants: ----------------------------------------**
D DPA_Template_T Ds
D SclTyp 1a
D SclLen 5i 0
D DecPos 3i 0 Overlay( SclLen: 1 )
D DecLen 3i 0 Overlay( SclLen: 2 )
D Rsv 10i 0 Inz
D T_SIGNED c x'00'
D T_FLOAT c x'01'
D T_ZONED c x'02'
D T_PACKED c x'03'
**-- Global variables: -------------------------------------------------**
D RcdBuf s 4096a
D pRFILE s *
D rc s 10i 0
**-- Global constants: -------------------------------------------------**
D Null c ''
**-- Create user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D CrtUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSCRTUS' )
D CsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D C***tAtr 10a Const
D CsInzSiz 10i 0 Const
D CsInzVal 1a Const
D CsPubAut 10a Const
D CsText 50a Const
**-- Optional 1:
D CsReplace 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D CsError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Optional 2:
D CsDomain 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Retrieve pointer to user space: ------------------------------------**
D RtvPtrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSPTRUS' )
D RpSpcNamQ 20a Const
D RpPointer *
D RpError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Delete user space: ------------------------------------------------**
D DltUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSDLTUS' )
D DsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D DsError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- List fields to user space: ----------------------------------------**
D LstFldSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSLFLD' )
D LfSpcNamQ 20a Const
D LfFmtNam 8a Const
D LfFilNamQual 20a Const
D LfRcdFmtNam 10a Const
D LfOvrPrc 1a Const
D LfError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Convert edit code to mask: ----------------------------------------**
D CvtCdeMsk Pr ExtPgm( 'QECCVTEC' )
D CcEdtMsk 256a
D CcEdtMskLen 10i 0
D CcRcvVarLen 10i 0
D CcZroFilChr 1a
D CcEdtCde 1a Const
D CcCcyInd 1a Const
D CcSrcVarPrc 10i 0 Const
D CcSrcVarDec 10i 0 Const
D CcError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve job information: -----------------------------------------**
D RtvJobInf Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSRJOBI' )
D RiRcvVar 32767a Options( *VarSize )
D RiRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D RiFmtNam 8a Const
D RiJobNamQ 26a Const
D RiJobIntId 16a Const
**-- Optional 1:
D RiError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Optional 2:
D RiRstStc 1a Options( *NoPass )
**-- Open file: --------------------------------------------------------**
D Ropen Pr * ExtProc( '_Ropen' )
D pRFile * Value Options( *String )
D pMode * Value Options( *String )
**-- Close file: -------------------------------------------------------**
D Rclose Pr 10i 0 ExtProc( '_Rclose' )
D pRFile * Value
**-- Read by key: ------------------------------------------------------**
D Rreadk Pr * ExtProc( '_Rreadk' )
D pRFile * Value
D pBuffer * Value
D BufLength 10u 0 Value
D Options 10i 0 Value
D pKey * Value
D KeyLength 10u 0 Value
**-- Copy memory: ------------------------------------------------------**
D MemCpy Pr * ExtProc( '_MEMMOVE' )
D pOutMem * Value
D pInpMem * Value
D iMemSiz 10u 0 Value
**-- Edit function: ----------------------------------------------------**
D Edit Pr ExtProc( '_LBEDIT' )
D RcvVar * Value
D RcvVarLen 10u 0 Const
D SrcVar * Value
D SrcVarAtr Const Like( DPA_Template_T )
D EdtMsk 256a Const
D EdtMskLen 10u 0 Const
**-- Get field value: --------------------------------------------------**
D GetFldVal Pr 1024a Varying
D PxRqsTyp 10i 0 Const
D PxFilNam 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D PxFldNam 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D PxKey 256a Const Varying Options( *NoPass )
**-- List fields: ------------------------------------------------------**
D LstFld Pr 7a Varying
D PxUsrSpc 20a Const
D PxFilNam 10a Const
**-- Read file by key: -------------------------------------------------**
D Chain Pr 10240a Varying
D PxFilPtr * Const
D PxKeyVal 256a Const
**-- Retrieve field: ---------------------------------------------------**
D RtvFld Pr 1024a Varying
D PxUsrSpc 20a Const
D PxFldNam 10a Const
**-- Edit code: --------------------------------------------------------**
D EditC Pr 256a Varying
D PxDecVar * Value
D PxDecTyp 1a Const
D PxDecDig 5u 0 Const
D PxDecPos 5u 0 Const
D PxEdtCde 1a Const
**-- Apply decimal format: ---------------------------------------------**
D ApyDecFmt Pr 32a Varying
D PxInpStr 32a Value Varying
D PxDecPos 5u 0 Const
**-- Get field value: --------------------------------------------------**
P GetFldVal B Export
D Pi 1024a Varying
D PxRqsTyp 10i 0 Const
D PxFilNam 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D PxFldNam 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D PxKey 256a Const Varying Options( *NoPass )
**-- Local variables:
D FldVal s 1024a Varying
**-- Get field value: --------------------------------------------------**
C Eval FldVal = Null
C If %Parms >= 2
C If PxRqsTyp = 0 Or
C PxRqsTyp = 1
C CallP CrtUsrSpc( UsrSpc
C : *Blanks
C : 65535
C : x'00'
C : *Blanks
C : '*YES'
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl > *Zero
C Eval FldVal = AeMsgId
C Else
C Eval FldVal = LstFld( UsrSpc
C : PxFilNam
C )
C Monitor
C Eval pRFILE = Ropen( PxFilNam
C : 'rr, nullcap=Y'
C )
C On-Error
C Eval FldVal = PsMsgId
C EndMon
C EndIf
C EndIf
C EndIf
C If %Parms = 4 And
C FldVal = Null And
C pRFILE > *Null
C If PxRqsTyp = 0 Or
C PxRqsTyp = 2
C Eval RcdBuf = Chain( pRFILE: PxKey )
C If RcdBuf <> Null
C Eval FldVal = RtvFld( UsrSpc
C : PxFldNam
C )
C EndIf
C EndIf
C EndIf
C If %Parms >= 1
C If PxRqsTyp = 0 Or
C PxRqsTyp = 3
C Eval rc = Rclose( pRFILE )
C CallP DltUsrSpc( UsrSpc
C : ApiError
C )
C EndIf
C EndIf
C Return FldVal
P GetFldVal E
**-- List fields: ------------------------------------------------------**
P LstFld B Export
D Pi 7a Varying
D PxUsrSpc 20a Const
D PxFilNam 10a Const
**-- List fields: ------------------------------------------------------**
C CallP LstFldSpc( PxUsrSpc
C : 'FLDL0100'
C : PxFilNam + '*LIBL'
C : '*FIRST'
C : '0'
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C Return Null
C Else
C Return AeMsgId
C EndIf
P LstFld E
**-- Read file by key: -------------------------------------------------**
P Chain B Export
D Pi 10240a Varying
D PxFilPtr * Const
D PxKeyVal 256a Const
D StrBuf s 10240a
D RtnBuf s 10240a Varying
D KeyFld s 256a
**-- Chain: ------------------------------------------------------------**
C Eval KeyFld = PxKeyVal
C Eval pRIOFB = Rreadk( PxFilPtr
C : %Addr( StrBuf )
C : %Size( StrBuf )
C : Key_Eq_N
C : %Addr( KeyFld )
C : %Len( %TrimR( KeyFld ))
C )
C If IoNbrBytRw > 0
C Eval RtnBuf = %SubSt( StrBuf: 1: IoNbrBytRw )
C EndIf
C Return RtnBuf
P Chain E
**-- Retrieve field: ---------------------------------------------------**
P RtvFld B Export
D Pi 1024a Varying
D PxUsrSpc 20a Const
D PxFldNam 10a Const
**-- Local variables:
D FldVal s 1024a
D Idx s 10u 0
**-- API format FLDL0100:
D FldLst100 Ds Based( pLstEnt )
D F1FldNam 10a
D F1DtaTyp 1a
D F1DtaUse 1a
D F1OutBufPos 10i 0
D F1InpBufPos 10i 0
D F1Len 10i 0
D F1Digits 10i 0
D F1DecPos 10i 0
D F1TxtDsc 50a
D F1EdtCod 2a
D F1EdtWrdLen 10i 0
D F1EdtWrd 64a
D F1ColHdg1 20a
D F1ColHdg2 20a
D F1ColHdg3 20a
D F1IntFldNam 10a
D F1AltFldNam 30a
D F1AltFldNamLn 10i 0
D F1NbrChrDbcs 10i 0
D F1AlwNull 1a
D F1HstVarInd 1a
D F1DatTimFmt 4a
D F1DatTimSep 1a
D F1VarFldLenIn 1a
D F1TxtDscCcsId 10i 0
D F1DtaCcsId 10i 0
D F1ColHdgCcsId 10i 0
D F1EdtWrdCcsId 10i 0
D F1Ucs2DspFldL 10i 0
**-- API header information:
D HdrInf Ds Based( pHdrInf )
D FlFilNamU 10a
D FlFilLibU 10a
D FlFilTyp 10a
D FlRcdFmtNamU 10a
D FlRcdLen 10i 0
D FlRcdFmtId 13a
D FlRcdTxtDsc 50a
D 1a
D FlRcdTxtCcsId 10i 0
D FlVarLenFldIn 1a
D FlGphFldInd 1a
D FlDatTimFldIn 1a
D FlNulCapFldIn 1a
**-- User space generic header:
D UsrSpc Ds Based( pUsrSpc )
D UsOfsHdr 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 117 )
D UsOfsLst 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 125 )
D UsNumLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 133 )
D UsSizLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 137 )
**-- User space pointers:
D pUsrSpc s * Inz( *Null )
D pHdrInf s * Inz( *Null )
D pLstEnt s * Inz( *Null )
**-- Retrieve field: ---------------------------------------------------**
C CallP RtvPtrSpc( PxUsrSpc: pUsrSpc )
C Eval pHdrInf = pUsrSpc + UsOfsHdr
C Eval pLstEnt = pUsrSpc + UsOfsLst
C For Idx = 1 To UsNumLstEnt
C If F1FldNam = PxFldNam
C Select
C When F1DtaTyp = 'A' Or
C F1DtaTyp = 'L' Or
C F1DtaTyp = 'T' Or
C F1DtaTyp = 'Z'
C CallP MemCpy( %Addr( FldVal )
C : %Addr( RcdBuf ) +
C F1InpBufPos - 1
C : F1Len
C )
C When F1DtaTyp = 'P' Or
C F1DtaTyp = 'Z' Or
C F1DtaTyp = 'B'
C Eval FldVal = EditC( %Addr( RcdBuf ) +
C F1InpBufPos - 1
C : F1DtaTyp
C : F1Digits
C : F1DecPos
C : 'P'
C )
C EndSl
C Leave
C EndIf
C If Idx < UsNumLstEnt
C Eval pLstEnt = pLstEnt + UsSizLstEnt
C EndIf
C EndFor
C Return %TrimR( FldVal )
P RtvFld E
**-- Edit code: --------------------------------------------------------**
P EditC B Export
D Pi 256a Varying
D PxDecVar * Value
D PxDecTyp 1a Const
D PxDecDig 5u 0 Const
D PxDecPos 5u 0 Const
D PxEdtCde 1a Const
**-- Local variables & constants:
D EdtMsk s 256a
D EdtMskLen s 10i 0
D RcvVar s 256a
D RcvVarLen s 10i 0
D ZroFilChr s 1a
D DecDig s 10u 0
**-- Edit: -------------------------------------------------------------**
C Select
C When PxDecTyp = 'P' Or
C PxDecTyp = 'Z'
C If PxDecTyp = 'P'
C Eval SclTyp = T_PACKED
C Else
C Eval SclTyp = T_ZONED
C EndIf
C Eval DecDig = PxDecDig
C Eval DecPos = PxDecPos
C Eval DecLen = PxDecDig
C When PxDecTyp = 'B'
C Eval SclTyp = T_SIGNED
C Eval DecDig = PxDecDig
C Eval DecPos = *Zero
C If DecDig > 5
C Eval DecDig = 10
C Eval DecLen = 4
C Else
C Eval DecDig = 5
C Eval DecLen = 2
C EndIf
C EndSl
C CallP CvtCdeMsk( EdtMsk
C : EdtMskLen
C : RcvVarLen
C : ZroFilChr
C : PxEdtCde
C : ' '
C : DecDig
C : DecPos
C : ApiError
C )
C CallP(e) Edit( %Addr( RcvVar )
C : RcvVarLen
C : PxDecVar
C : DPA_Template_T
C : EdtMsk
C : EdtMskLen
C )
C If %Error
C Return Null
C ElseIf PxDecTyp = 'B' And
C PxDecPos > *Zero
C Return ApyDecFmt( %SubSt( RcvVar: 1: RcvVarLen )
C : PxDecPos
C )
C Else
C Return %TrimL( %SubSt( RcvVar: 1: RcvVarLen ))
C EndIf
P EditC E
**-- Apply decimal format: ---------------------------------------------**
P ApyDecFmt B
D Pi 32a Varying
D PxInpStr 32a Value Varying
D PxDecPos 5u 0 Const
**-- Local variables:
D ZroOfs s 5u 0
D DecOfs s 5u 0
**-- Job info format JOBI0400:
D J4RcvDta Ds
D J4BytRtn 10i 0
D J4BytAvl 10i 0
D J4JobNam 10a
D J4UsrNam 10a
D J4JobNbr 6a
D J4DecFmt 1a Overlay( J4RcvDta: 457 )
C CallP RtvJobInf( J4RcvDta
C : %Size( J4RcvDta )
C : 'JOBI0400'
C : '*'
C : *Blank
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl > *Zero
C Return PxInpStr
C Else
C If J4DecFmt = 'J'
C Eval ZroOfs = %Len( PxInpStr ) - PxDecPos
C Eval DecOfs = ZroOfs + 1
C Else
C Eval ZroOfs = %Len( PxInpStr ) - PxDecPos + 1
C Eval DecOfs = ZroOfs
C EndIf
C Eval PxInpStr = %Xlate( ' '
C : '0'
C : PxInpStr
C : ZroOfs
C )
C If J4DecFmt = ' '
C Return %Replace( '.'
C : PxInpStr
C : DecOfs
C : 0
C )
C Else
C Return %Replace( ','
C : PxInpStr
C : DecOfs
C : 0
C )
C EndIf
C EndIf
P ApyDecFmt E
The calling program
** Program . . : CBX109T
** Description : Get file field value by key - Test
** Program directions
** ------------------
** This test program retrieves field values from the TCP/IP host table
** which is stored in a physical file named QATOCHOST in QUSRSYS.
** Go CFGTCP option 10 allow you to examine the current entries in this
** table. If you want, or if required, please change the key value from
** '' to another existing entry in the table. Please also
** check that you have sufficient authority to the table prior to
** running this test program.
** Another option would be to replace the file name, field name and key
** value specified in the example below to values of your own choice.
** This test program presents the retrieved field values using the DSPLY
** facility. You could also simply start a debug session against this
** program and step through the code lines, to watch the process as it
** unfolds.
** When the debug session is positioned on a GetFldVal() procedure
** statement you can use F22 to step into the subprocedure and examine
** the statements executed there. The F10 step instruction also applies
** while in the subprocedure.
** Compile options required:
** CrtRpgMod CBX109T +
** DbgView( *LIST )
** CrtPgm CBX109T +
** Module( CBX109T ) +
** BndSrvPgm( CBX109S ) +
** ActGrp( QILE )
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- Global definitions: -----------------------------------------------**
D FldVal s 1024a Varying
D DspVal s 42a
D SngRqs c 0
D InzRqs c 1
D RunRqs c 2
D TrmRqs c 3
**-- Get field value: --------------------------------------------------**
D GetFldVal Pr 1024a Varying
D PxRqsTyp 10i 0 Const
D PxFilNam 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D PxFldNam 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D PxKey 256a Const Varying Options( *NoPass )
**-- Mainline: ---------------------------------------------------------**
C Eval FldVal = GetFldVal( SngRqs
C : ''
C )
C Eval DspVal = FldVal
C 'HOSTNME1 =' Dsply DspVal
C Eval FldVal = GetFldVal( InzRqs
C )
C Eval FldVal = GetFldVal( RunRqs
C : ''
C )
C Eval DspVal = FldVal
C 'HOSTNME1 =' Dsply DspVal
C Eval FldVal = GetFldVal( RunRqs
C : ''
C )
C Eval DspVal = FldVal
C 'IPINTGER =' Dsply DspVal
C Eval FldVal = GetFldVal( RunRqs
C : ''
C )
C Eval DspVal = FldVal
C 'TXTDESC =' Dsply DspVal
C Eval FldVal = GetFldVal( TrmRqs )
C Return
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg
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