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2010-06-04 16:01:33

Set profile exit program & Retrieve profile exit program


/*  Description : Set profile exit program command                   */
/*  Program function:  SETPRFEXIT command processing program         */
/*                                                                   */
/*  Program summary                                                  */
/*  ---------------                                                  */
/*  Work management APIs:                                            */
/*    QWTSETPX       Set profile exit   Sets for a user profile      */
/*                   program            the exit program to call     */
/*                                      defined by the specified     */
/*                                      format and the values of     */
/*                                      the exit flags.              */
/*                                                                   */
/*    QWTRTVPX       Retrieve profile   Retrieves the values of      */
/*                   exit program       the exit flags currently     */
/*                                      set for the user profile     */
/*                                      and the exit point format    */
/*                                      specified.                   */
/*                                                                   */
/*  Programmer's notes:                                              */
/*    Currently supported by the profile exit APIs are the           */
/*    preattention and presystem request exit points                 */
/*    QIBM_QWT_PREATTNPGMS respectively QIBM_QWT_SYSREQPGMS.         */
/*    Both are managed through either the WRKREGINF facility         */
/*    or the ADDEXITPGM and RMVEXITPGM commands.                     */
/*                                                                   */
/*                                                                   */
/*  Compile options:                                                 */
/*    CrtClPgm   Pgm( CBX107 )                                       */
/*               SrcFile( QCLSRC )                                   */
/*               SrcMbr( *PGM )                                      */
/*                                                                   */
     Pgm      ( &UsrPrf                +
                &XitFmt                +
                &XitOpt                +

/*-- Parameters:  ---------------------------------------------------*/
     Dcl        &UsrPrf      *Char    10
     Dcl        &XitFmt      *Char     8
     Dcl        &XitOpt      *Char    34

     Dcl        &PgmNbr      *Char     4   x'00000008'
     Dcl        &Flags       *Char    32

/*-- Global error monitoring:  --------------------------------------*/
     MonMsg     CPF0000      *N        GoTo Error

     RtvUsrPrf  &UsrPrf       RtnUsrPrf( &UsrPrf )

     ChgVar     &Flags        %Sst( &XitOpt  3  32 )

     Call       QWTSETPX    ( &PgmNbr            +
                              &Flags             +
                              &XitFmt            +
                              &UsrPrf            +
                              x'00000000'        +

     SndPgmMsg  Msg( 'Profile exit programs have been set.' )   +
                MsgType( *COMP )


/*-- Error handling:  -----------------------------------------------*/
     Call      QMHMOVPM    ( '    '                                  +
                             '*DIAG'                                 +
                             x'00000001'                             +
                             '*PGMBDY'                               +
                             x'00000001'                             +
                             x'0000000800000000'                     +

     Call      QMHRSNEM    ( '    '                                  +
                             x'0000000800000000'                     +



/*                                                                   */
/*  Program function:  SETPRFEXIT prompt override program            */
/*                                                                   */
/*                                                                   */
/*  Parameters:                                                      */
/*    CmdNamQ     INPUT      Qualified command name                  */
/*                                                                   */
/*    KeyPrm1     INPUT      Key parameter indentifying the          */
/*                           user profile to retrieve exit           */
/*                           point information about.                */
/*                                                                   */
/*    KeyPrm2     INPUT      Key parameter identifying the           */
/*                           format name of the exit point           */
/*                           to retrieve information about.          */
/*                                                                   */
/*    CmdStr      OUTPUT     The formatted command prompt            */
/*                           string returning the current            */
/*                           activation status of the exit           */
/*                           point's registered programs.            */
/*                                                                   */
/*                                                                   */
/*  Compile options:                                                 */
/*    CrtClPgm   Pgm( CBX107O )                                      */
/*               SrcFile( QCLSRC )                                   */
/*               SrcMbr( *PGM )                                      */
/*                                                                   */
/*                                                                   */
     Pgm      ( &CmdNamQ               +
                &KeyPrm1               +
                &KeyPrm2               +
                &CmdStr                +

/*-- Parameters:  ---------------------------------------------------*/
     Dcl        &CmdNamQ     *Char    20
     Dcl        &KeyPrm1     *Char    10
     Dcl        &KeyPrm2     *Char     8
     Dcl        &CmdStr      *Char  1024

     Dcl        &RcvVar      *Char    40
     Dcl        &RcvLen      *Char     4    x'00000028'
     Dcl        &Flags       *Char    32

     Dcl        &Value       *Char     4
     Dcl        &PgmFlg      *Dec      9
     Dcl        &NbrEnt      *Dec      5
     Dcl        &OffSet      *Dec      5    1

/*-- Global error monitoring:  --------------------------------------*/
     MonMsg     CPF0000      *N             GoTo Error

     Call       QWTRTVPX    ( &RcvVar            +
                              &RcvLen            +
                              &KeyPrm2           +
                              &KeyPrm1           +
                              x'00000000'        )

     ChgVar     &NbrEnt       %Bin( &RcvVar  1  4 )
     ChgVar     &Flags        %Sst( &RcvVar  9 32 )

     ChgVar     %Sst( &CmdStr  1   2 )      x'0040'
     ChgVar     %Sst( &CmdStr  3  10 )      '?#EXITPGM('

     ChgVar     &PgmFlg       %Bin( &Flags  &OffSet  4 )

     If       ( &PgmFlg   =   1  )     ChgVar    &Value    '*ON '
     Else                              ChgVar    &Value    '*OFF'

     ChgVar     &CmdStr     ( &CmdStr *Bcat  &Value )
     ChgVar     &OffSet     ( &OffSet + 4 )

     If       ( &OffSet   <   &NbrEnt * 4 )      Do
     GoTo       Next

     ChgVar     &CmdStr     ( &CmdStr *Bcat ')' )


/*-- Error handling:  -----------------------------------------------*/
     SndPgmMsg  MsgId( CPF0011 )  MsgF( QCPFMSG )  MsgType( *ESCAPE )

Pls note: '?#EXITPGM(' ....  '#' neeeds to be changed to '<'


.*  Compile options:
.*    CrtPnlGrp PnlGrp( CBX107P )
.*              SrcFile( QPNLSRC )
.*              SrcMbr( *PNLGRP )
Set Profile Exit Program - Help
The Set Profile Exit command (SETPRFEXIT) activates or deactivates for
the specified user profile, the exit program(s) registered for the exit
point defined by the format parameter.
The current setting is retrieved for the specified user profile if the
command is prompted prior to execution.
User profile (USRPRF) - Help
:XH3.User profile (USRPRF)
Specifies the name of the user profile whose exit program setting you
want to change.
The possible values are:
The name of the user profile that you want to change the profile exit
program setting for.
The user profile that is currently running is used.
Exit program format (FORMAT) - Help
:XH3.Exit program format (FORMAT)
The format name defines the specific exit program setting to change.
The possible values are:
The presystem request program exit point setting is changed for the
specified user profile.
The preattention program exit point setting is changed for the
specified user profile.
Exit program option (EXITPGM) - Help
:XH3.Exit program option (EXITPGM)
Specifies for the registered exit point programs in the order 1 to 8
if the corresponding exit program should be activated, deactivated or
have it's current setting remain unchanged.
The possible values are:
The current setting remains unchanged for corresponding exit program.
The corresponding exit program is activated for the specified user
The corresponding exit program is deactivated for the specified user


/*                                                                   */
/*  Compile options:                                                 */
/*                                                                   */
/*    CrtCmd Cmd( SETPRFEXIT )                                       */
/*           Pgm( CBX107 )                                           */
/*           SrcMbr( CBX107X )                                       */
/*           HlpPnlGrp( CBX107P )                                    */
/*           HlpId( *CMD )                                           */
/*           PmtOvrPgm( CBX107O )                                    */
/*                                                                   */
             Cmd        Prompt( 'Set Profile Exit Program' )

             Parm       USRPRF        *Name                     +
                        Min( 1 )                                +
                        SpcVal(( *CURRENT ))                    +
                        Expr( *YES )                            +
                        Keyparm( *YES )                         +
                        Prompt( 'User profile' )

             Parm       FORMAT        *Char      8              +
                        Rstd( *YES )                            +
                        Dft( *SYSRQS )                          +
                        SpcVal(( *SYSRQS  SREQ0100 )            +
                               ( *ATTN    ATTN0100 ))           +
                        Expr( *YES )                            +
                        Keyparm( *YES )                         +
                        Prompt( 'Exit program format' )

             Parm       EXITPGM       E0001                     +
                        Prompt( 'Exit program option' )

E0001:       Elem                    *INT4                         +
                        Rstd( *YES )                               +
                        Dft( *SAME )                               +
                        SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 ))  +
                        Expr( *YES )                               +
                        Prompt( 'Program 1' )

             Elem                    *INT4                         +
                        Rstd( *YES )                               +
                        Dft( *SAME )                               +
                        SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 ))  +
                        Expr(*YES)                                 +
                        Prompt( 'Program 2' )

             Elem                    *INT4                         +
                        Rstd( *YES )                               +
                        Dft( *SAME )                               +
                        SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 ))  +
                        Expr( *YES )                               +
                        Prompt( 'Program 3' )

             Elem                    *INT4                         +
                        Rstd( *YES )                               +
                        Dft( *SAME )                               +
                        SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 ))  +
                        Expr( *YES )                               +
                        Prompt( 'Program 4' )

             Elem                    *INT4                         +
                        Rstd( *YES )                               +
                        Dft( *SAME )                               +
                        SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 ))  +
                        Expr( *YES )                               +
                        Prompt( 'Program 5' )

             Elem                    *INT4                         +
                        Rstd( *YES )                               +
                        Dft( *SAME )                               +
                        SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 ))  +
                        Expr( *YES )                               +
                        Prompt( 'Program 6' )

             Elem                    *INT4                         +
                        Rstd( *YES )                               +
                        Dft( *SAME )                               +
                        SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 ))  +
                        Expr( *YES )                               +
                        Prompt( 'Program 7' )

             Elem                    *INT4                         +
                        Rstd( *YES )                               +
                        Dft( *SAME )                               +
                        SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 ))  +
                        Expr( *YES )                               +
                        Prompt( 'Program 8' )

Thanks to Carsten Flensburg

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