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  • 注册时间: 2007-08-16 08:43







分类: 系统运维

2010-06-04 15:30:44

Search System Directory

     **  Program summary
     **  ---------------
     **  Office API:
     **    QOKSCHD    Search system    Searches system directory based
     **                  directory     on input search criteria(s) and
     **                                returns the requested user in-
     **                                formation for the found entries.
     **  Sequence of events:
     **    1. The API input parameters are initialized
     **    2. The search directory API is called
     **    3. If an error occurred calling the API or
     **       no entry is found blanks are returned to
     **       the caller
     **    4. If an entry is found the requested SMTP-
     **       address is retrieved, formatted and
     **       returned to the caller
     **  Parameters:
     **    PxUser    INPUT  User-id of the directory entry searched.
     **                     Determined by the presence of the second
     **                     parameter this can be both a user profile
     **                     name and the first part of the system
     **                     directory entry user identifier.
     **                     The special value *CURRENT will be replaced
     **                     by the job's current user profile name.
     **    PxAddr    INPUT  The address qualifier of the directory
     **                     entry searched.
     **    Return-   OUTPUT The formatted SMTP-address of the system
     **    value            directory entry specified by the input
     **                     parameter(s).
     **                     If no matching entry was found or an error
     **                     occurred blanks are returned to the caller.
     **  Programmer's note:
     **    The system directory SMTP-name can be maintained
     **    using the command WRKDIRE USRPRF( userprofile-name )
     **    then selecting change - option 2
     **    - followed by F19.
     **  Compile options:
     **    CRTRPGMOD MODULE( CBX005 )
     **              DBGVIEW( *LIST )
     **    CRTSRVPGM SRVPGM( CBX005 )
     **              MODULE( CBX005 )
     **              ACTGRP( QSRVPGM )
     **-- Header specifications:  ------------------------------------**
     H NoMain  Option( *SrcStmt )
     **-- System Info Data Structure:  -------------------------------**
     D PgmSts         SDs
     D  PsJobUsr                     10a   Overlay( PgmSts: 254 )
     D  PsCurUsr                     10a   Overlay( PgmSts: 358 )
     **-- Get user SMTP address:  ------------------------------------**
     D GetSmtpAddr     Pr           321a
     D  PxUser                       10a
     D  PxAddr                        8a   Options( *NoPass )
     **-- Get user SMTP address:  ------------------------------------**
     P GetSmtpAddr     B                   Export
     D                 Pi           321a
     D  PxUser                       10a
     D  PxAddr                        8a   Options( *NoPass )
     **-- API error data structure:  ---------------------------------**
     D ApiError        Ds
     D  AeBytPrv                     10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
     D  AeBytAvl                     10i 0 Inz
     D  AeMsgId                       7a
     D                                1a
     D  AeMsgDta                    128a
     **-- Search directory parameters:  ------------------------------**
     D Sreq0100        Ds
     D  SrCcsId                      10i 0 Inz( 0 )
     D  SrChrSet                     10i 0 Inz
     D  SrCodPag                     10i 0 Inz
     D  SrWldCrd                      4a   Inz
     D  SrCvtRcv                      1a   Inz( '0' )
     D  SrSchDta                      1a   Inz( '0' )
     D  SrRunVfy                      1a   Inz( '1' )
     D  SrConHdl                      1a   Inz( '0' )
     D  SrRscHdl                     16a   Inz
     D  SrSrqFmt                      8a   Inz( 'SREQ0101' )
     D  SrSrqOfs                     10i 0 Inz( 110 )                
     D  SrSrqNbrElm                  10i 0 Inz
     D  SrRtnFmt                      8a   Inz( 'SREQ0103' )
     D  SrRtnOfs                     10i 0 Inz( 100 )            
     D  SrRtnNbrElm                  10i 0 Inz( 1 )
     D  SrRcvFmt                      8a   Inz( 'SRCV0101' )
     D  SrRcvNbrElm                  10i 0 Inz( 1 )
     D  SrUsrFmt                      8a   Inz( 'SRCV0111' )
     D  SrOrdFmt                      8a   Inz
     D  SrOrdRtnOpt                   1a   Inz( '0' )
     D                                3a
     D  Sr0103                             Like( Sreq0103 )
     D  Sr0101                             Like( Sreq0101 )
     D Sreq0101        Ds                  Inz
     D  S1Entry                            Dim( 2 )
     D  S1EntLen                     10i 0 Inz( %Size( S1Entry ))
     D                                     Overlay( S1Entry: 1 )
     D  S1CmpVal                      1a   Inz( '1' )
     D                                     Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
     D  S1FldNam                     10a   Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
     D  S1PrdId                       7a   Inz( '*IBM' )
     D                                     Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
     D  S1DtaCas                      1a   Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
     D                                1a   Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
     D  S1ValLen                     10i 0 Inz( %Size( S1ValMtc ))
     D                                     Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
     D  S1ValMtc                     10a   Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
     D Sreq0103        Ds
     D  S3SpcRtn                     10a   Inz( '*SMTP' )
     D Srcv0100        Ds         32767
     D  R00BytRtn                    10i 0
     D  R00OrdFldOfs                 10i 0
     D  R00UsrEntOfs                 10i 0
     D  R00DirEntNbr                 10i 0
     D  R00ConHdl                     1a
     D  R00RscHdl                    16a
     D  R00UsrMtcAry                       Like( Srcv0101 )
     D Srcv0101        Ds                  Based( pSrcv0101 )
     D  R01UsrDtaLen                 10i 0
     D  R01RtnNbrFld                 10i 0
     D Srcv0111        Ds                  Based( pSrcv0111 )
     D  R11FldNam                    10a
     D  R11PrdId                      7a
     D                                3a
     D  R11CcsId                     10i 0
     D  R11CodPag                    10i 0
     D  R11RtnFldLen                 10i 0
     D Srcv0111v       Ds                  Based( pSrcv0111v )
     D  R11RtnFld                   256a
     **-- Local constanst & variables:  ------------------------------**
     D SmtpDmn         s            256a   Varying
     D SmtpUsrId       s             64a   Varying
     D At              c                  
     **-- Search directory:  -----------------------------------------**
     D SchDir          Pr                  Extpgm( 'QOKSCHD' )
     D  SdRcvVar                                 Like( Srcv0100)
     D  SdRcvVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  SdFmtNam                      8a   Const
     D  SdFunction                   10a   Const
     D  SdKeepTmpRsc                  1a   Const
     D  SdRqsVar                           Const Like( Sreq0100 )
     D  SdRqsVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  SdRqsFmtNam                   8a   Const
     D  SdError                       8a
     **-- Get SMTP address:  -----------------------------------------**
     C           If       PxUser   = '*CURRENT'                        
     C           Eval     PxUser   = PsCurUsr                          
     C           EndIf                        
     C           If       %Parms   = 1                                 
     C           Eval     SrSrqNbrElm =  1
     C           Eval      S1ValMtc(1) = PxUser 
     C           Eval      S1FldNam(1) = 'USER   '       
     C           Else                           
     C           Eval      SrSrqNbrElm = 2          
     C           Eval      S1ValMtc(1) = PxUser      
     C           Eval      S1ValMtc(2) = PxAddr     
     C           Eval      S1FldNam(1) = 'USRID  '       
     C           Eval      S1FldNam(2) = 'USRADDR'     
     C           EndIf                                
     C           Eval      Sr0103      = Sreq0103    
     C           Eval      Sr0101      = Sreq0101  
     C           Callp     SchDir( Srcv0100        
     C                           : %size( Srcv0100 )
     C                           : 'SRCV0100'      
     C                           : '*SEARCH'       
     C                           : '0'             
     C                           : Sreq0100        
     C                           : %Size( Sreq0100 )
     C                           : 'SREQ0100'      
     C                           : ApiError        
     C                           )                 
     C           If        AeBytAvl     >  0     Or    
     C                     R00DirEntNbr =  0       
     C           Return    *Blanks         
     C           Else                        
     C           Eval      pSrcv0101    =  %Addr( Srcv0100 ) +   
     C                     R00UsrEntOfs                    
     C           Eval      pSrcv0111    =  pSrcv0101         +  
     C                                     %Size( Srcv0101 ) 
     C           Do        R01RtnNbrFld     
     C           Eval      pSrcv0111v   =  pSrcv0111         +             
     C                                     %Size( Srcv0111 ) 
     C           Select     
     C           When      R11FldNam    =  'SMTPUSRID'         
     C           Eval      SmtpUsrId    =  %Subst( R11RtnFld  
     C                                           : 1 
     C                                           : R11RtnFldLen ) 
     C           When      R11FldNam    =  'SMTPDMN' 
     C           Eval      SmtpDmn      =  %Subst( R11RtnFld 
     C                                           : 1 
     C                                           : R11RtnFldLen ) 
     C           EndSl        
     C           Eval      pSrcv0111    =  pSrcv0111         + 
     C                                     %Size( Srcv0111 ) + 
     C                                     R11RtnFldLen 
     C           EndDo         
     C           Return    SmtpUsrId +  At +  SmtpDmn   
     C           EndIf                   
     P GetSmtpAddr     E

And the CL:

/*                                                                   */
/*  Program function:  Break handling exit program                   */
/*                                                                   */
/*  Program summary:                                                 */
/*    Receives messages from a monitored message queue as they       */
/*    arrive.  The SMTP-address of the current job user is then      */
/*    retrieved from the system directory.                           */
/*                                                                   */
/*    If an SMTP-address is found the incoming message will be       */
/*    forwarded to that address and subsequently removed from        */
/*    the message queue.                                             */
/*                                                                   */
/*    To notify the user of the event the message text is also       */
/*    sent as a status message appearing at the bottom of the        */
/*    current screen.                                                */
/*                                                                   */
/*                                                                   */
/*  Parameters:                                                      */
/*    MsgQ        INPUT      Name of the message queue receiving     */
/*                           the message.                            */
/*                                                                   */
/*    MsgQlib     INPUT      The name of the library containing      */
/*                           the message queue.                      */
/*                                                                   */
/*    MsgKey      INPUT      The message reference key of the        */
/*                           message received.                       */
/*                                                                   */
/*                                                                   */
/*  Activation of break message handling:                            */
/*    CHGMSGQ    MSGQ( message-queue-name )                          */
/*               DLVRY( *BREAK )                                     */
/*               PGM( CBX005I *ALWRPY )                              */
/*                                                                   */
/*                                                                   */
/*  Compile options:                                                 */
/*    CRTCLMOD   MODULE( CBX005CL )                                  */
/*               SRCFILE( QRPGLESRC )                                */
/*               SRCMBR( CBX005CL )                                  */
/*               DBGVIEW( *LIST )                                    */
/*                                                                   */
/*    CRTPGM     PGM( CBX005I )                                      */
/*               MODULE( CBX005CL )                                  */
/*               BNDSRVPGM( CBX005 )                                 */
/*               ACTGRP( *CALLER )                                   */
/*                                                                   */
     Pgm       ( &MsgQ  &MsgQlib  &MsgKey )

/*-- Parameters:                                                   --*/
     Dcl        &MsgQ        *Char    10
     Dcl        &MsgQlib     *Char    10
     Dcl        &MsgKey      *Char     4

/*-- Global variables:                                             --*/
     Dcl        &Msg         *Char   512
     Dcl        &MsgId       *Char     7
     Dcl        &Sev         *Dec   (  2 0 )
     Dcl        &Sender      *Char    80
     Dcl        &RtnType     *Char     2
     Dcl        &SndUser     *Char    10
     Dcl        &SmtpAddr    *Char    64

     Dcl        &ToCallStkE  *Char    38
     Dcl        &ErrorFlag   *Lgl      1   '0'

/*-- Global error monitoring:  --------------------------------------*/
     MonMsg     CPF0000      *None      GoTo EndPgm

/*-- Receive message and keep on queue:                            --*/
     RcvMsg     MsgQ( &MsgQlib/&MsgQ )                          +
                MsgKey( &MsgKey )                               +
                Rmv( *NO )                                      +
                Msg( &Msg )                                     +
                MsgId( &MsgId )                                 +
                Sev( &Sev )                                     +
                Sender( &Sender )                               +
                RtnType( &RtnType )

/*-- Get SMTP-address:                                             --*/
     CallPrc    GetSmtpAddr     Parm( '*CURRENT  ' )            +
                                RtnVal( &SmtpAddr )

     If       ( &SmtpAddr > ' ' )       Do

/*-- Retrieve sender user-id:                                      --*/
     ChgVar     &SndUser        %Sst( &Sender  11 10 )

/*-- Send message to SMTP-address and remove from queue:      --*/
     SndDst     Type( *LMSG )                                   +
                ToIntNet(( &SmtpAddr ))                         +
                DstD( &MsgQ                    *Tcat ':' *Bcat  +
                      %SSt( &Msg  1  32 ))                      +
                LongMsg( ':/N'                           *Bcat  +
                         'Sending user  . . :'           *Bcat  +
                          &SndUser                       *Bcat  +
                         ':/N'                           *Bcat  +
                         'Target queue  . . :'           *Bcat  +
                          &MsgQ                          *Bcat  +
                         ':/P'                           *Bcat  +
                         'Message text  . . :'           *Bcat  +
                          &Msg                                  )

     RmvMsg     MsgQ( &MsgQlib/&MsgQ )                          +
                MsgKey( &MsgKey )                               +
                Clear( *BYKEY )

/*-- Send message to bottom of screen:                        --*/
     SndPgmMsg  MsgId( CPF9897 )                                +
                MsgF( QCPFMSG )                                 +
                MsgDta( &Msg )                                  +
                ToPgmQ( *EXT )                                  +
                MsgType( *STATUS )


Thanks to Carsten Flensburg


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