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2009-03-24 12:21:02

转换spool file 到 PDF RPGIV 源代码
      * Work files
     Fcvtwork02 IF   F  382        DISK
     Fcvtwork01 UF A F  378        DISK
      * Program parameter - report title
     D paTitle         S             50A
      * Program parameter - spooled file information returned by API
     D SplInfo         DS
     D  saReturned                   10I 0
     D  saAvailabl                   10I 0
     D  saIntJobId                   16A
     D  saSplfId                     16A
     D  saJobName                    10A
     D  saUser                       10A
     D  saJobNbr                      6A
     D  saSplFile                    10A
     D  saSplNbr                     10I 0
     D  saFormType                   10A
     D  saUsrDta                     10A
     D  saStatus                     10A
     D  saFilAvail                   10A
     D  saHold                       10A
     D  saSave                       10A
     D  siPages                      10I 0
     D  siCurrPage                   10I 0
     D  siFromPage                   10I 0
     D  siToPage                     10I 0
     D  siLastPage                   10I 0
     D  siRestart                    10I 0
     D  siCopies                     10I 0
     D  siCopyRem                    10I 0
     D  siLPI                        10I 0
     D  siCPI                        10I 0
     D  siOutPty                      2A
     D  saOutq                       10A
     D  saOutqLib                    10A
     D  saOpenDate                    7A
     D  saOpenTime                    6A
     D  saPrtFile                    10A
     D  saPrtfLib                    10A
     D  saPgmName                    10A
     D  saPgmLib                     10A
     D  saAcgCode                    15A
     D  saPrtTxt                     30A
     D  siRcdLen                     10I 0
     D  siMaxRcds                    10I 0
     D  saDevType                    10A
     D  saPrtType                    10A
     D  saDocName                    12A
     D  saFlrName                    64A
     D  saS36Proc                     8A
     D  saFidelity                   10A
     D  saRplUnprt                    1A
     D  saRplChar                     1A
     D  siPageLen                    10I 0
     D  siPageWdth                   10I 0
     D  siSepartrs                   10I 0
     D  siOvrFlw                     10I 0
     D  saDBCS                       10A
     D  saDBC***t                    10A
     D  saDBCSSOSI                   10A
     D  saDBCSRotn                   10A
     D  saDBCSCPI                    10I 0
     D  saGraphics                   10A
     D  saCodePage                   10A
     D  saFormDf                     10A
     D  saFormDfLb                   10A
     D  siDrawer                     10I 0
     D  saFont                       10A
     D  saS36SplId                    6A
     D  siRotation                   10I 0
     D  siJustify                    10I 0
     D  saDuplex                     10A
     D  saFoldRcds                   10A
     D  saCtlChar                    10A
     D  saAlign                      10A
     D  saPrtQlty                    10A
     D  saFormFeed                   10A
     D  saVolumes                    71A
     D  saLabels                     17A
     D  saExchange                   10A
     D  saCharCode                   10A
     D  siTotRcds                    10I 0
     D  siMultiUp                    10I 0
     D  saFrontOvl                   10A
     D  saFrtOvlLb                   10A
     D  snFOOffDwn                   15P 5
     D  snFOOffAcr                   15P 5
     D  saBackOvl                    10A
     D  saBckOvlLb                   10A
     D  snBOOffDwn                   15P 5
     D  snBOOffAcr                   15P 5
     D  saUOM                        10A
     D  saPagDfn                     10A
     D  saPagDfnLb                   10A
     D  saSpacing                    10A
     D  snPointSiz                   15P 5
     D  snFMOffDwn                   15P 5
     D  snFMOffAcr                   15P 5
     D  snBMOffDwn                   15P 5
     D  snBMOffAcr                   15P 5
     D  snPageLen                    15P 5
     D  snPageWdth                   15P 5
     D  saMethod                     10A
     D  saAFP                         1A
     D  saChrSet                     10A
     D  saChrSetLb                   10A
     D  saCdePagNm                   10A
     D  saCdePgeLb                   10A
     D  saCdeFnt                     10A
     D  saCdeFntLb                   10A
     D  saDBCSFnt                    10A
     D  saDBCSFntL                   10A
     D  saUserDef                    10A
     D  saReduce                     10A
     D  saReserv1                     1A
     D  siOutBin                     10I 0
     D  siCCSID                      10I 0
     D  saUserText                  100A
     D  saSystem                      8A
     D  saOrigId                      8A
     D  saCreator                    10A
      * Program parameter - bookmark option
     D paBookmark      S              7A
      * Program parameter - bookmark *POS option parameters
     D BMarkPos        DS
     D   siPosCount                   5I 0
     D   snPosLine                    3P 0
     D   snPosChar                    3P 0
     D   snPosLen                     3P 0
      * Program parameter - bookmark *KEY option parameters
     D BMarkKey        DS
     D   siKeyCount                   5I 0
     D   siLen                        5I 0
     D   saKeyStr                   378A
     D   snKeyOccur                   3P 0
     D   snKeyOff                     3P 0
     D   snKeyLen                     3P 0
      * PDF 'object' array
     D aiObject        S             10I 0 DIM(32767)
      * Start position of PDF options
     D aaStart         S             10A   DIM(32767)
      * Current object number
     D wiObject        S             10I 0
      * Current count of bytes written
     D wiChrCount      S             10I 0
      * Current page number
     D wiPage          S             10I 0
      * Start position of text
     D wiStart         S             10I 0
      * Bookmark text
     D waBookmark      S            378A
      * Count of occurrences of the bookmark key
     D wiOccurs        S              5I 0
      * Input spooled file data including control characters
     D InputData       DS
     D   saSkipLine                   3A
     D   ssSkipLine                   3S 0 OVERLAY(saSkipLine:1)
     D   saSpceLine                   1A
     D   ssSpceLine                   1S 0 OVERLAY(saSpceLine:1)
     D   saInput                    378A
      * Output PDF-format data
     D OutputData      DS
     D   saOutput                   378A
      * Procedure prototypes
     D WritePDF        PR
     D   iaOutput                   378A   CONST OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
     D AddEscape       PR           378A
     D   iaInput                    378A
     D PDFHeader       PR
     D PDFPages        PR
     D PDFTrailer      PR
     D NewPage         PR
     D EndPage         PR
     D NumToText       PR            10A
     D    iiNum                      10I 0 CONST
     D NewObject       PR
      * Program parameters
     C     *ENTRY        PLIST
     C                   PARM                    paTitle
     C                   PARM                    SplInfo
     C                   PARM                    paBookmark
     C                   PARM                    BMarkPos
     C                   PARM                    BMarkKey
      * Output a PDF header
     C                   CALLP     PDFHeader
      * Create PDF page 'objects'
     C                   CALLP     PDFPages
      * Output a PDF trailer
     C                   CALLP     PDFTrailer
     C                   RETURN
      * Procedure to create a PDF 'header'                                 *
     P PDFHeader       B
     D PDFHeader       PI
     D liPage          S             10I 0
     D liPageObj       S             10I 0
      * Create catalog object
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('%PDF-1.0')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('%忏嫌')
     C                   CALLP     NewObject
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(wiObject))+' 0 obj')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('<<')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Type /Catalog')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Pages 5 0 R')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Outlines 2 0 R')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/PageMode /UseOutlines')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('>>')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('endobj')
      * Create outlines object
     C                   CALLP     NewObject
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(wiObject))+' 0 obj')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('<<')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Type /Outlines')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Count '+%trim(NumToText(siPages)))
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(  '/First 9 0 R')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(  '/Last  '
     C                                      + %trim(NumToText((siPages*4)+5))
     C                                      + ' 0 R')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('>>')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('endobj')
      * Create procedures object
     C                   CALLP     NewObject
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(wiObject))+' 0 obj')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('[/PDF /Text]')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('endobj')
      * Create fonts object
     C                   CALLP     NewObject
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(wiObject))+' 0 obj')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('<<')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('/Type /Font')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('/Subtype /Type1')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('/Name /F1')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('/BaseFont /Courier')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('>>')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('endobj')
      * Create pages object
     C                   CALLP     NewObject
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(wiObject))+' 0 obj')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('<<')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('/Type /Pages')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Count '+%trim(NumToText(siPages)))
      * Write list of child pages
     C                   EVAL      liPage    = wiObject + 1
     C                   EVAL      liPageObj = liPage
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF (  '/Kids ['
     C                                       + %trim(NumToText(liPage))
     C                                       + ' 0 R')
     C                   DOW       liPage < siPages + wiObject
     C                   EVAL      liPage = liPage + 1
     C                   EVAL      liPageObj = liPageObj + 4
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF (  '       '
     C                                       + %trim(NumToText(liPageObj))
     C                                       + ' 0 R')
     C                   ENDDO
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('       ]')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('>>')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF ('endobj')
     P PDFHeader       E
      * Procedure to create PDF pages                                      *
     P PDFPages        B
     D liLine          S             10I 0
     D liLength        S              5I 0
     D liChar          S              5I 0
     D liX             S              5I 0
     D liY             S              5I 0
      * Create page object for first page
     C                   EVAL      wiPage = 0
     C                   EVAL      liX = 0
      * Read spooled file data from input work file
     C                   READ      cvtwork02     InputData                LR
     C                   DOW       *INLR = *OFF
      * Skip to a line if specified, handling page throw if it occurs
     C                   IF        saSkipLine <> *BLANKS
     C                   IF        ssSkipLine < liLine or liLine = 0
     C                   IF        wiPage <> 0
     C                   CALLP     EndPage
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   CALLP     NewPage
     C                   EVAL      liLine = ssSkipLine
     C                   EVAL        liY
     C                             = (612/siPageLen) * (siPagelen-liLine)
     C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL        liY
     C                             = -((612/siPageLen) * (ssSkipLine-liLine))
     C                   EVAL      liLine = ssSkipLine
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDIF
      * Space a number of lines if specified
     C                   IF        saSpceLine <> *BLANKS
     C                   EVAL      liLine = liLine + ssSpceLine
     C                   EVAL        liY
     C                             = -((612/siPageLen) * ssSpceLine)
     C                   ENDIF
      * Set up bookmark if position option specified
     C                   IF        paBookmark = '*POS'
     C                   IF        liLine = snPosLine and waBookmark = *BLANKS
     C                   EVAL      waBookmark = %trim(%subst(saInput  :
     C                                                       snPosChar:
     C                                                       snPosLen ))
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDIF
      * Set up bookmark if key option specified
     C                   IF        paBookmark = '*KEY'
     C     saKeyStr:siLenSCAN      saInput:1     liChar
     C                   IF        liChar > 0
     C                   EVAL      wiOccurs = wiOccurs + 1
     C                   IF        wiOccurs = snKeyOccur
     C                   EVAL      liChar = liChar + snKeyOff
     C                   EVAL      liLength = snKeyLen
     C                   IF        liChar + liLength > siPageWdth
     C                   EVAL      liLength = siPageWdth - liChar
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   IF        liChar < 1
     C                   EVAL      liChar = 1
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   IF        liChar + liLength <= siPageWdth
     C                   EVAL      waBookmark = %trim(%subst(saInput  :
     C                                                       liChar   :
     C                                                       liLength ))
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDIF
      * Add escape character before special characters \, ( and )
     C                   EVAL      saInput = AddEscape(saInput)
      * Output the line of text
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(  %trim(NumToText(liX))
     C                                      + ' '
     C                                      + %trim(NumToText(liY))
     C                                      + ' Td ('
     C                                      + %trimr(saInput)
     C                                      + ') Tj')
     C                   READ      cvtwork02     InputData                LR
     C                   ENDDO
     C                   CALLP     EndPage
     P PDFPages        E
      * Procedure to create a PDF trailer                                  *
     P PDFTrailer      B
     D PDFTrailer      PI
     D laDateTime      S             14A
     D i               S             10I 0
     D liXRef          S             10I 0
      * Create information object
     C                   CALLP     NewObject
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(wiObject))+' 0 obj')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('<<')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(  '/Creator ('
     C                                      + %trim(saPgmLib)
     C                                      + '/'
     C                                      + %trim(saPgmName)
     C                                      + ')' )
     C                   IF        %subst(saOpenDate:1:1) = '0'
     C                   EVAL      laDateTime = '19' + %subst(saOpenDate:2:6)
     C                                               + saOpenTime
     C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL      laDateTime = '20' + %subst(saOpenDate:2:6)
     C                                               + saOpenTime
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(  '/CreationDate (D:'
     C                                      + laDateTime + ')')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Title (' + %trim(paTitle) + ')')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Producer (CVTSPLPDF)')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Keywords ()')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(  '/Author ('
     C                                      + %trim(saJobNbr)
     C                                      + '/'
     C                                      + %trim(saUser)
     C                                      + '/'
     C                                      + %trim(saJobName)
     C                                      + ')' )
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('>>')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('endobj')
      * Create cross-reference
     C                   EVAL      liXref = wiChrCount - 1
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('xref 0 '
     C                                      + %trim(NumToText(wiObject+1)) )
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('0000000000 65535 f')
     C                   DO        wiObject      i
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(aaStart(i) + ' 00000 n')
     C                   ENDDO
      * Write trailer
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('trailer')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('<<')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Size '
     C                                      + %trim(NumToText(wiObject+1)))
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Root 1 0 R')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Info '
     C                                      + %trim(NumToText(wiObject))
     C                                      + ' 0 R')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('>>')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('startxref')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(liXref)))
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('%%EOF')
     P PDFTrailer      E
      * Procedure to create a new PDF 'object'                             *
     P NewObject       B
     D NewObject       PI
     D lsDataLen       S             10S 0
     D i               S             10I 0
     C                   EVAL      wiObject = wiObject + 1
     C                   EVAL      i = wiObject
     C                   EVAL      lsDataLen = wiChrCount
     C                   MOVE      lsDataLen     aaStart(i)
     P NewObject       E
      * Procedure to output PDF data
     P WritePDF        B
     D WritePDF        PI
     D   iaOutput                   378A   CONST OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
     D liLength        S              5I 0
      * Update byte count with length of data to be written
     C     ' '           CHECKR    iaOutput      liLength
     C                   EVAL      wiChrCount= wiChrCount + liLength + 2
      * Output data to work file
     C                   EVAL      saOutput = %trimr(iaOutput)
     C                   WRITE     cvtwork01     OutputData
     P WritePDF        E
      * Procedure to convert a number to text                              *
     P NumToText       B
     D NumToText       PI            10A
     D    iiNum                      10I 0 CONST
     D laSign          S              1A
     D laInput         S             10A
     D laOutput        S             10A
     D liIn            S              5I 0
     D liOut           S              5I 0
     D liNum           S             10I 0
      * Set up sign if and make number positive if number is negative
     C                   IF        iiNum < 0
     C                   EVAL      laSign = '-'
     C                   EVAL      liNum = -iiNum
     C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL      laSign = ' '
     C                   EVAL      liNum = iiNum
     C                   ENDIF
      * Number number to work character variable
     C                   MOVE      liNum         laInput
      * Skip over leading zeros
     C                   EVAL      liIn  = 1
     C                   EVAL      liOut = 1
     C                   DOW           liIn < %size(laInput)
     C                             and %subst(laInput:liIn:1) = '0'
     C                   EVAL      liIn = liIn + 1
     C                   ENDDO
      * Move digits to output area
     C                   DOW           liIn  <= %size(laInput)
     C                             and liOut <= %size(laOutput)
     C                   EVAL        %subst(laOutput:liOut:1)
     C                             = %subst(laInput :liIn :1)
     C                   EVAL      liIn  = liIn  + 1
     C                   EVAL      liOut = liOut + 1
     C                   ENDDO
      * Add sign
     C                   IF        laSign = '-'
     C                   EVAL      laOutput = laSign + laOutput
     C                   ENDIF
      * Return number in text format
     C                   RETURN    laOutput
     P NumToText       E
      * Procedure to add an escape character before special characters     *
     P AddEscape       B
     D AddEscape       PI           378A
     D   iaInput                    378A
     D laOutput        S            378A
     D laChar          S              1A
     D i               S              5I 0
     D o               S              5I 0
     D liLength        S              5I 0
      * Determine length of input data
     C     ' '           CHECKR    iaInput       liLength
      * Work through input data and prefix special characters with escape
     C                   EVAL      i = 1
     C                   EVAL      o = 0
     C                   DOW       i <= liLength
     C                   EVAL      laChar = %subst(iaInput:i:1)
     C                   IF        laChar = '\' or laChar = '(' or laChar = ')'
     C                   EVAL      o = o + 1
     C                   EVAL      %subst(laOutput:o:1) = '\'
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   EVAL      o = o + 1
     C                   EVAL      %subst(laOutput:o:1) = laChar
     C                   EVAL      i = i + 1
     C                   ENDDO
     C                   RETURN    laOutput
     P AddEscape       E
      * Procedure to create a new page object                              *
     P NewPage         B
     D NewPage         PI
      * Create a page object
     C                   EVAL      wiPage = wiPage + 1
     C                   CALLP     NewObject
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(wiObject))+' 0 obj')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('<<')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Type /Page')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Parent 5 0 R')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(  '/Resources << /Font <<'
     C                                      + ' /F1 4 0 R >>'
     C                                      + ' /ProcSet 3 0 R >>')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/MediaBox [0 0 792 612]')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(  '/Contents '
     C                                      + %trim(NumToText(wiObject+1))
     C                                      + ' 0 R')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('>>')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('endobj')
      * Set up bookmark if *PAGNBR option specified
     C                   IF        paBookmark = '*PAGNBR'
     C                   EVAL      waBookmark = 'Page '
     C                                        + %trim(NumToText(wiPage))
     C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL      waBookmark = *BLANKS
     C                   EVAL      wiOccurs   = 0
     C                   ENDIF
      * Create a stream object
     C                   CALLP     NewObject
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(wiObject))+' 0 obj')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(  '<< /Length '
     C                                      + %trim(NumToText(wiObject+1))
     C                                      + ' 0 R >>')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('stream')
     C                   EVAL      wiStart = wiChrCount
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('BT')
      * Determine font size to use from Characters per inch setting
     C                   SELECT
     C                   WHEN      siCPI = 50
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/F1 20 Tf')
     C                   WHEN      siCPI = 120
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/F1 9 Tf')
     C                   WHEN      siCPI = 150
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/F1 8 Tf')
     C                   WHEN      siCPI = 167
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/F1 6 Tf')
     C                   OTHER
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/F1 10 Tf')
     C                   ENDSL
     P NewPage         E
      * Procedure to finish a page object                                  *
     P EndPage         B
     D EndPage         PI
     D liLength        S             10I 0
      * End text stream
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('ET')
     C                   EVAL      liLength = wiChrCount- wiStart
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('endstream')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('endobj')
      * Create indirect length object for stream
     C                   CALLP     NewObject
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(wiObject))+' 0 obj')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(liLength)))
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('endobj')
      * Create outline object
     C                   EVAL      waBookmark = AddEscape(waBookMark)
     C                   CALLP     NewObject
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(%trim(NumToText(wiObject))+' 0 obj')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('<<')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('/Parent 2 0 R')
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(  '/Title  ('
     C                                      + %trimr(waBookmark) + ')')
     C                   IF        wiPage > 1
     C                   CALLP     WritePDF(  '/Prev '
     C                                      + %trim(NumToText(wiObject-4))
     C                                      + ' 0 R')
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   IF        wiPage < siPages
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     C                                      + %trim(NumToText(wiObject+4))
     C                                      + ' 0 R')
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     C                                      + %trim(NumToText(wiObject-3))
     C                                      + ' 0 R /XYZ 0 792 0]')
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     C                   CALLP     WritePDF('endobj')
     P EndPage         E
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