“Well you know it was very interesting because at first, you know, I am not happy about the ways the Chinese were treating the Tibetans because I don’t think anyone should be unkind to anyone else. And so I have been very concerned about how to think and what to do about that because I don’t like that. And I had been this, you know, concerned about, oh how should we deal with the Olympics because they
are not being nice to the Dalai Lama, who is a good friend of mine.
And all these earthquake and stuff happened and I thought: Is that karma, when you are not nice that bad things happen to you?
And then I got a letter, from the Tibetan Foundation that they want to go and be helpful. And that made me cry. And they ask me if I would write a quote about that and I said, “I would.” And it was a big lesson to me, that some times you have to learn to put your head down and be of service even to people who are not nice to you. And that’s a big lesson for me...”
大家看到“interesting”就怒不可竭,甚至目眦尽裂?要是她在的话,那还不直接一板砖上去啊。了解了解佛教和基督教后或许能看明白她说的是什么,而这个“interesting”也不是我们认为的“有趣”,更多的是她内心的一种自我转变?或者是反省的旅程。应该说是这个事情说起来就扯多了,简言之,说来话长。或许我们不应该只看到她的一个词就这么对她。当然,多数的明星们是这样的,说两句中国,very good,再申个大拇指,骗骗我们善良的眼睛,也不会被封杀,可能他们不知道中国在那里,或者中国发生了什么事,关注中国就更是不可能的事了。而莎朗·斯通至少在用心关注中国,政治,地震等。我们是不是应该听听她的内心的声音?而不是听很多搬弄是非的记者们胡乱翻译过来的“很有趣的地震”。
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