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2008-02-29 09:59:58

" Last Change: 2008-02-29 09:54:46

set tag=tags;../tags;../../tags;../../../tags;../../../../../tags;../../../../../../tags;../../../../../../../../tags;
set tabstop=4 "
when you click TAB,indent 4 character
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set history=200
"Del the bell when you use vim error
set vb t_vb=

set foldmethod=syntax "
open fold
set autoindent
set expandtab "use replace
set background=dark "
this let comment line more light
set showmatch " let '(','{','[' can auto match by ')','}',']'
set showcmd
set showmode
set nu "
show line number at front
set incsearch "when you serach, searching characters which you have entered
set ruler
set laststatus=2 "
show status in bottom
set bs=2 "this fix backspace cannot use in vim70
set hlsearch
iab #b /***********************Zeroman add here for test************************
iab #e ************************Zeroman add here for test************************/
iab #o /***********************Zeroman add here for test************************/
iab #d #include "
set mouse=a

set dir=/tmp/vim
set backupdir=/tmp/vim/bak
set nobackup
syntax on
set nocp
if version>=600
    filetype plugin indent on

if version >= 603
    set helplang=cn

set path =.,/usr/include,./include,./../include,./../../include,./../../../include,./../../../../include,,
set path =.,/usr/local/arm/arm-uclibc/include/,./include,./../include,./../../include,./../../../include,./../../../../include,,

"set encoding=utf-8 " set default encoding as UTF-8
"set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,cp936,latin1 " fileconding detection order
"set termencoding=utf-8 " support Chinese display in rxvt-unicode

map :w
"map ShowFunc
map :TlistToggle
map :call Do_lint()
map i/* */3hi
map , :<

map . :>

nmap B :call Do_make()
nmap C :cclose
nmap c :close

imap j OB
imap h OD
imap k OA
imap l OC
imap w ebdei
map z 0i//:noh

map x :s/\/\///g

auto load cscope.out
if has("cscope")
    set csprg=/usr/bin/cscope
    set csto=0
    set cst
    set nocsverb
    let n = 1
    let s1 = "cscope.out"
    let csout = "cscope add "
    while n < 4
        if filereadable(s1)
            let csout = csout . s1
            execute csout
            unlet csout
            unlet n
            unlet s1
        let s1 = "../" . s1
        let n = n + 1
    set csverb

nmap s :cscope find s =expand("")<CR>
nmap g :cscope find g =expand("")<CR>
nmap d :cscope find d =expand("")<CR> =expand("%")<CR>
nmap c :cscope find c =expand("")<CR>
nmap t :cscope find t =expand("")<CR>
nmap e :cscope find e =expand("")<CR>
nmap f :cscope find f =expand("")<CR>
nmap i :cscope find i ^=expand("")<CR>$

function Do_make()
   let target = "make "
   execute target
   execute "copen"

function! Timestamp(comment)
    if (a:comment == '')
    let pattern = '\('.a:comment.' Last Change:\s\+\)\d\{4}-\d\{2}-\d\{2} \d\{2}:\d\{2}:\d\{2}'
    let row = search('\%^\_.\{-}\(^\zs' . pattern . '\)', 'n')
    let now = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime())
    if row != 0
        let new_row_str =substitute(getline(row), '^' . pattern , '\1', '') . now
        call setline(row, new_row_str)
        normal m'
        silent! :1
        normal O
        let new_row_str = a:comment . " Last Change: " . now
        call setline(1, new_row_str)
        normal ''

"au BufWritePre *vimrc,*.vim call Timestamp('"')
au BufWritePre .exrc call Timestamp('

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