Xmodem协议作为串口数据传输主要的方式之一,恐怕只有做过bootloader的才有机会 接触一下,网上有关该协议的内容要么是英语要么讲解不详细。笔者以前写bootloader时研究过1k-Xmodem,参考了不少相关资料。这里和大家交流一下我对Xmodem的理解,多多指教!
SOH 0x01
STX 0x02
EOT 0x04
ACK 0x06
NAK 0x15
CAN 0x18
| | | | | |
| SOH | 信息包序号 | 信息包序号的补码 | 数据区段 | 校验和 |
| | | | | |
| STX | 信息包序号 | 信息包序号的补码 | 数据区段 | 校验和 |
如果发送方正常传输完全部数据,需要结束传输,正常结束需要发送方发送EOT 字节通知接收方。接收方回以ACK进行确认。当然接收方也可强制停止传输,当接收方发送CAN 字节给发送方,表示接收方想无条件停止传输,发送方收到CAN后,不需要再发送 EOT确认(因为接收方已经不想理它了,呵呵)。
虽然数据包是以 SOH 来标志一个信息包的起始的,但在 SOH 位置上如果出现EOT则表示数据传输结束,再也没有数据传过来。
接收方确认数据包序号正确后,然后检查是否期望的序号。如果不是期望得到的数据包序号,说明发生严重错误,应该发送一个 CAN 来中止传输。
如果接收到的数据包的包序号和前一包相同,那么接收方会忽略这个重复包,向发送方发出 ACK ,准备接收下一个包。
接收方确认了信息包序号的完整性和是正确期望的后,只对 128 字节的数据区段进行算术和校验,结果与帧中最后一个字节(算术校验和)比较,相同发送 ACK,不同发送 NAK。
XModem protocol was developed and first implemented by Ward Christensen in 1977 and placed in the public domain becoming one of the earliest and most popular protocols for file transfers between various hardware platforms.
XModem is the simplest and one of the slowest of the file transfer protocols. It uses data blocks of only 128 bytes, requires an acknowledgement of every single block transmitted and uses only a simple checksum for data validation.
have the following format:
1 byte |
1 byte |
<~BlockNo> 1 byte |
128 bytes |
1 byte |
- SOH marks start of the block.
- is a one byte block number. The block numbers have range [1, 255]. After 255, the block number cycle starts again.
- ~BlockNo is a complement of the block number.
- are a text long 128 characters. If the text is shorter than 128 characters, the data block is filled with padding characters (CtrlZ by default).
- is an arithmetic sum (modulo-256) of all data bytes.
A typical XModem protocol transfer looks like this:
Transmitter |
Receiver |
<- |
handshake |
<1><254> |
-> |
response |
<- |
acknowledgment |
<2><253> |
-> |
<- |
-> |
end of transmission |
<- |
- : the receiver always begins communication in start-up phase by sending a handshake character (in this case a NAK character). It waits for 10 seconds for the response. If it does not receive a block within 10 seconds it sends another NAK. Receiver tries up to 10 times to establish the handshake when it gives up.
- Response: transmitter sends requested data. Data are divided in blocks 128 characters long. Timeout for each character to be received is 1 second. Transmitter waits after first block up to 1 minute for the receiver's acknowledgement. This gives the receiver time for disk storage preparation.
- Acknowledgement: receiver calculates the checksum and compares it to the checksum received. If checksums are the same, it sends positive acknowledgement ACK. If they differ, the receiver sends a NAK and the transmitter resends the current block. This continues until the all data is transmitted.
- End of transmission: after the all data are transmitted, the transmitter notifies that by sending a EOT character. Either side can cancel transmission at any time by sending 3 CAN (CtrlX) characters.
Protocol does not support any additional information about the file being transmitted, like file name or file size. Hence, the received file size is always a multiple of the block size. Since XModem does not escape any binary data (like XON and XOFF), a software flow control is not possible. For binary data transfer hardware flow control (called also RTS/CTS Control - Ready to Send/Clear to Send) should be selected.
XModem Extensions
XModem CRC improves error checking by substituting 1 byte checksum with 2 bytes cyclic redundancy check (CRC16). This offers much higher level of data integrity. The receiver indicates this protocol by sending the 'C' character as a handshake. Receiver tries up to 3 times to start data transfer when it concludes that transmiter is not capable.
2 bytes |
CRC HiByte |
CRC LoByte | |
XModem uses a non-reversed CRC algorithm with divisor polynomial X16+X12+X5+X0. |
Transmitter |
Receiver |
<- |
C |
1 byte |
1 byte |
<~BlockNo> 1 byte |
128 bytes |
2 bytes | |
-> |
<- |
-> |
<- |
improves data transfer speed by increasing block size up to 1024 bytes. Each block starts with an STX character rather than an SOH. A CRC16 is used for the checksum. Because of the larger block size, number of times the transmitter must wait for an acknowledgement is reduced and transmission speed is increased. With noisy lines throughput is reduced significantly, because the block must be retransmitted is bigger. If transmitter receives 5 NAK characters in a row, it should decrease block size to 128 bytes. Once the block size is reduced, it is never stepped back up to 1024 bytes.
Transmitter |
Receiver |
<- |
C |
1 byte |
1 byte |
<~BlockNo> 1 byte |
1024 bytes |
2 bytes | |
-> |
<- |
-> |
<- |
XModem 1kG supports data streaming. The receiver request data by sending the 'G' character as a handshake. The transmiter continuously transmits blocks without waiting for acknowledgment. If the receiver does encounter a bad block, it aborts entire session by sending a NAK. To obtain this very high throughput, modems on both sides of the line must have enabled error correcting features.
Transmitter |
Receiver |
<- |
G |
1 byte |
1 byte |
<~BlockNo> 1 byte |
1024 bytes |
2 bytes | |
-> |
1 byte |
1 byte |
<~BlockNo> 1 byte |
1024 bytes |
2 bytes | |
-> |
-> |
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