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2008-05-22 00:47:06

OMNeT++ Tutorial: An example of packet switching

Northern Capital, the Republic of Pandaria

0. Foreword
This tutorial, and another one, resemble two notorious tutorial examples from OpNet. One is "Packet Count", the other "Packet Switching". I think these two topics are proper ABC tutorials for an event-driven network simulatior, so I port them into OMNeT++ platform. For those who used to be OpNet users, this tutorial also recalls the first days learning using a network simulator.

In this tutorial we will cover the following topics:
Using random distribution
Record statistics
Using parameters
Using a packet format

1. Utility simple modules

1.1 SimpleSource
SimpleSource consistently generates packets according to given inter-arrival time (iaTime) and packet size (pkSize). (It resembles the process model in OpNet.)

iaTime is a random variable. We'll have random numbers are used via this example.

(Using random distribution)

In omnetpp.ini, we have

pksw_net.**.iaTime = exponential(0.152)

pksw_net is the name of the network, which will be specified in NED files. Wild cards "**" matches the module names (like host.hostproc). iaTime is the attribute name, defined in NED files, for SimpleSource. Here in .ini file, the attribute value is provided, as a random variable complying to exponential distribution. In C++, we use the following code to load the value:

(Using parameters)
iaTime = par("iaTime");  //iaTime is a double C++ variable

In NED, we define the attribute as follows:

simple SimpleSource
        iaTime: numeric;

In summary, the work flow to deal with a paramter is as follows:
NED (defines attribute)  -->  ini (assigns values)  --> C++ (loads values)

1.2 Sink
It resembles the process model in OpNet. It sinks the packets and records packets' general statistic like 'end-to-end  delay'. The C++ for recording a vector statistic is as below :

(Record statistics)
In Sink.h,  declare a cOutVector instance:
cOutVector pkDelayVector

In Sink::handleMessage(), call cOutVector.record() :
 pkDelayVector.record(simTime() - pk->timestamp());

2. Nodes (compound modules)

2.1 Switch

It contains a SwitchProc simple module. In fact, since it only has one simple module, it can be substituted by a simple module. But it's scalable to be a compound, since you can add more simple modules within if needed.

SwitchProc will switch the incoming packets.

NED for Switch is as follows:

module Switch
in: in[];
out: out[];
switch_proc: SwitchProc;
display: "p=80,48;i=block/switch";
for i=0..sizeof(in)-1 do
in[i] -->[i];
out[i] <-- switch_proc.out[i];
display: "b=141,89";

2.2 Host

It contains the following simple modules:
SimpleSource: generating packets
Sink: receiving and destroying packets
HostProc: sending packets up to Sink or down to the network

NED is as follows:
module Host
out: out;
in: in; //
sink: Sink;
display: "p=83,48;i=block/sink";
src: SimpleSource;
display: "p=43,96;i=block/source";
proc: HostProc;
display: "p=86,144;i=block/process";
src.out --> proc.from_hl; <-- proc.to_hl;
proc.to_ll --> out;
proc.from_ll <-- in;
display: "b=110,185";

3. Simple Module Implementation

3.1 SwitchProc

Packet's format is defined as (in packet.msg):

(Using a packet format)
message Packet
int destAddr;

Here, "Packet" is the name of the packet, just like "EthernetMAC" etc. It only has 1 field: destAddr.

It deals with the packets like this:

If the packet's "dest" field is 1, forwards the packet via port "1". Since we don't implement an addressing scheme here, we replace the switching fabric by this s implied logic. For a more complicated and realistic switching fabric, see Amnet's Tutorial.

The source code to implement our logic is as follows:

  dest = pk->getDestAddr();
  send(pk, "out", dest);

3.2 HostProc

SimpleSource only generates packets. Here we have to assign values to packets' header fields. Value of "destAddr" field is set to a random variable, in the same way we did for SimpleSource.

Since OMNeT++ doesn't have built-in link model, I implement a  simplied functionality to model transmission delay (or called store-and-forward delay).

double txDelay = (double)pk->length()/txRate;
scheduleAt(simulation.simTime()+txDelay, event );

4. Run simulation and view results

After the simulation run, we get the statistic for packets' end-to-end delay from source node to its destination, shown in the figure below:

5. Complete files

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