dispchar macro char
mov dl,char
mov ah,2
int 21h
dispmsg macro message
mov dx,offset message
mov ah,9
int 21h
include 30-1.mac
.model small
.stack 256
msg1 db 'Please enter the number(xx):',0dh,0ah,'$'
msg2 db 'The numbers erntered are :','0dh,0ah,'$'
msg3 db 'The sorting result (ascending):',0dh,0ah,'$'
crlf db 0dh,0ah,'$'
maxcount= 100
count dw ?
buf db maxcount dup(?)
dispmsg msg1
mov bx,offset buf
call input
cmp cx,0
je start4
mov count,cx
dispmsg crlf
dispmsg msg2
mov bx,offset buf
mov cx,count
start2: mov al,[bx]
call aldisp
dispchar ','
inc bx
loop start2
dispmsg crlf
mov bx,offset buf
mov cx,count
call sorting
dispmsg msg3
mov bx,offset buf
mov cx,count
start3: mov al,[bx]
call aldisp
dispchar ','
inc bx
loop start3
dispmsg crlf
start4: .exit 0
include sub30-1.asm ;使用的子程序要安排在代码段中,所以在此包含进去
aldisp proc
push ax
push dx
push ax
mov dl,al
shr dl,1
shr dl,1
shr dl,1
shr dl,1
or dl,30h
cmp dl,39h
jbe aldisp1
add dl,7
aldisp1: mov ah,2
int 21h
pop dx
and dl,0fh
or dl,30h
cmp dl,39h
jbe aldisp2
add dl,7
aldisp2: mov ah,2
int 21h
pop dx
pop ax
aldisp endp
sorting proc
cmp cx,0
je sortend
cmp cx,1
je sortend
push ax
push dx
push si
mov si,bx
dec cx
outlp: mov dx,cx
mov bx,si
inlp: mov al,[bx]
cmp al,[bx+1]
jna next
xchg al,[bx+1]
mov [bx],al
next: inc bx
dec dx
jnz inlp
loop outlp
pop si
pop dx
pop ax
sortend: ret
sorting endp
convert macro
local input21,input22
local input24,input25
cmp dl,0
je input21
sub dl,7
input21: and dl,0fh
cmp dh,0
je input24
cmp dh,'9'
jbe input22
sub dh,7
input22: shl dh,1
shl dh,1
shl dl,1
shl dl,1
or dl,dh
input24: mov [bx],dl
inc bx
inc cx
input proc
push ax
push dx
xor cx,cx
input01: xor dx,dx
input02: mov ah,1
int 21h
input10: cmp al,0dh
je input30
cmp al,' '
je input20
cmp al,','
je input20
cmp al,08h
je input17
cmp al,'0'
jb input17
cmp al,'f'
ja input17
cmp al,'a'
jb input11
sub al,20h
jmp input12
input11: cmp al,'F'
ja input17
cmp al,'A'
jae input12
cmp al,'9'
ja input17
input12: cmp dl,0
jne input13
mov dl,al
jmp input02
input13: cmp dh,0
jne input17
mov dh,dl
mov dl,al
jmp input02
input17: mov dl,7
mov ah,2
int 21h
mov dl,'?'
mov ah,2
int 21h
jmp input01
input20: convert
jmp input01
input30: convert
pop dx
pop ax
input endp
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 6.11 04/27/06 12:50:15
30-1.asm Page 1 - 1
include 30-1.mac
C ;;;;;;;;30-1.mac;;;;;;;;;
C dispchar macro char
C mov dl,char
C mov ah,2
C int 21h
C endm
C dispmsg macro message
C mov dx,offset message
C mov ah,9
C int 21h
C endm
.model small
.stack 256
0000 .data
0000 50 6C 65 61 73 65 msg1 db 'Please enter the number(xx):',0dh,0ah,'$'
20 65 6E 74 65 72
20 74 68 65 20 6E
75 6D 62 65 72 28
78 78 29 3A 0D 0A
001F 54 68 65 20 6E 75 msg2 db 'The numbers erntered are :',0dh,0ah,'$'
6D 62 65 72 73 20
65 72 6E 74 65 72
65 64 20 61 72 65
20 3A 0D 0A 24
003C 54 68 65 20 73 6F msg3 db 'The sorting result (ascending):',0dh,0ah,'$'
72 74 69 6E 67 20
72 65 73 75 6C 74
20 28 61 73 63 65
6E 64 69 6E 67 29
3A 0D 0A 24
005E 0D 0A 24 crlf db 0dh,0ah,'$'
= 0064 maxcount= 100
0061 0000 count dw ?
0063 0064 [ buf db maxcount dup(?)
0000 .code
0000 :
0000 BA ---- R * mov dx, DGROUP
0003 8E DA * mov ds, dx
0005 8C D3 * mov bx, ss
0007 2B DA * sub bx, dx
0009 D1 E3 * shl bx, 001h
000B D1 E3 * shl bx, 001h
000D D1 E3 * shl bx, 001h
000F D1 E3 * shl bx, 001h
0011 FA * cli
0012 8E D2 * mov ss, dx
0014 03 E3 * add sp, bx
0016 FB * sti
dispmsg msg1
0017 BA 0000 R 1 mov dx,offset msg1
001A B4 09 1 mov ah,9
001C CD 21 1 int 21h
001E BB 0063 R mov bx,offset buf
0021 E8 00C1 call input
0024 83 F9 00 cmp cx,0
0027 74 5B je start4
0029 89 0E 0061 R mov count,cx
dispmsg crlf
002D BA 005E R 1 mov dx,offset crlf
0030 B4 09 1 mov ah,9
0032 CD 21 1 int 21h
dispmsg msg2
0034 BA 001F R 1 mov dx,offset msg2
0037 B4 09 1 mov ah,9
0039 CD 21 1 int 21h
003B BB 0063 R mov bx,offset buf
003E 8B 0E 0061 R mov cx,count
0042 8A 07 start2: mov al,[bx]
0044 E8 0042 call aldisp
dispchar ','
0047 B2 2C 1 mov dl,','
0049 B4 02 1 mov ah,2
004B CD 21 1 int 21h
004D 43 inc bx
004E E2 F2 loop start2
dispmsg crlf
0050 BA 005E R 1 mov dx,offset crlf
0053 B4 09 1 mov ah,9
0055 CD 21 1 int 21h
0057 BB 0063 R mov bx,offset buf
005A 8B 0E 0061 R mov cx,count
005E E8 005A call sorting
dispmsg msg3
0061 BA 003C R 1 mov dx,offset msg3
0064 B4 09 1 mov ah,9
0066 CD 21 1 int 21h
0068 BB 0063 R mov bx,offset buf
006B 8B 0E 0061 R mov cx,count
006F 8A 07 start3: mov al,[bx]
0071 E8 0015 call aldisp
dispchar ','
0074 B2 2C 1 mov dl,','
0076 B4 02 1 mov ah,2
0078 CD 21 1 int 21h
007A 43 inc bx
007B E2 F2 loop start3
dispmsg crlf
007D BA 005E R 1 mov dx,offset crlf
0080 B4 09 1 mov ah,9
0082 CD 21 1 int 21h
0084 start4: .exit 0
0084 B8 4C00 * mov ax, 04C00h
0087 CD 21 * int 021h
include sub30-1.asm ;
C ;;;;;;;;sub30-1.asm;;;;;;;;;
0089 C aldisp proc
0089 50 C push ax
008A 52 C push dx
008B 50 C push ax
008C 8A D0 C mov dl,al
008E D0 EA C shr dl,1
0090 D0 EA C shr dl,1
0092 D0 EA C shr dl,1
0094 D0 EA C shr dl,1
0096 80 CA 30 C or dl,30h
0099 80 FA 39 C cmp dl,39h
009C 76 03 C jbe aldisp1
009E 80 C2 07 C add dl,7
00A1 B4 02 C aldisp1: mov ah,2
00A3 CD 21 C int 21h
00A5 5A C pop dx
00A6 80 E2 0F C and dl,0fh
00A9 80 CA 30 C or dl,30h
00AC 80 FA 39 C cmp dl,39h
00AF 76 03 C jbe aldisp2
00B1 80 C2 07 C add dl,7
00B4 B4 02 C aldisp2: mov ah,2
00B6 CD 21 C int 21h
00B8 5A C pop dx
00B9 58 C pop ax
00BA C3 C ret
00BB C aldisp endp
00BB C sorting proc
00BB 83 F9 00 C cmp cx,0
00BE 74 24 C je sortend
00C0 83 F9 01 C cmp cx,1
00C3 74 1F C je sortend
00C5 50 C push ax
00C6 52 C push dx
00C7 56 C push si
00C8 8B F3 C mov si,bx
00CA 49 C dec cx
00CB 8B D1 C outlp: mov dx,cx
00CD 8B DE C mov bx,si
00CF 8A 07 C inlp: mov al,[bx]
00D1 3A 47 01 C cmp al,[bx+1]
00D4 76 05 C jna next
00D6 86 47 01 C xchg al,[bx+1]
00D9 88 07 C mov [bx],al
00DB 43 C next: inc bx
00DC 4A C dec dx
00DD 75 F0 C jnz inlp
00DF E2 EA C loop outlp
00E1 5E C pop si
00E2 5A C pop dx
00E3 58 C pop ax
00E4 C3 C sortend: ret
00E5 C sorting endp
C convert macro
C local input21,input22
C local input24,input25
C cmp dl,0
C je input21
C sub dl,7
C input21: and dl,0fh
C cmp dh,0
C je input24
C cmp dh,'9'
C jbe input22
C sub dh,7
C input22: shl dh,1
C shl dh,1
C shl dl,1
C shl dl,1
C or dl,dh
C input24: mov [bx],dl
C inc bx
C inc cx
C input25:
C endm
00E5 C input proc
00E5 50 C push ax
00E6 52 C push dx
00E7 33 C9 C xor cx,cx
00E9 33 D2 C input01: xor dx,dx
00EB B4 01 C input02: mov ah,1
00ED CD 21 C int 21h
00EF 3C 0D C input10: cmp al,0dh
00F1 74 72 C je input30
00F3 3C 20 C cmp al,' '
00F5 74 46 C je input20
00F7 3C 2C C cmp al,','
00F9 74 42 C je input20
00FB 3C 08 C cmp al,08h
00FD 74 30 C je input17
00FF 3C 30 C cmp al,'0'
0101 72 2C C jb input17
0103 3C 66 C cmp al,'f'
0105 77 28 C ja input17
0107 3C 61 C cmp al,'a'
0109 72 04 C jb input11
010B 2C 20 C sub al,20h
010D EB 0C C jmp input12
010F 3C 46 C input11: cmp al,'F'
0111 77 1C C ja input17
0113 3C 41 C cmp al,'A'
0115 73 04 C jae input12
0117 3C 39 C cmp al,'9'
0119 77 14 C ja input17
011B 80 FA 00 C input12: cmp dl,0
011E 75 04 C jne input13
0120 8A D0 C mov dl,al
0122 EB C7 C jmp input02
0124 80 FE 00 C input13: cmp dh,0
0127 75 06 C jne input17
0129 8A F2 C mov dh,dl
012B 8A D0 C mov dl,al
012D EB BC C jmp input02
012F B2 07 C input17: mov dl,7
0131 B4 02 C mov ah,2
0133 CD 21 C int 21h
0135 B2 3F C mov dl,'?'
0137 B4 02 C mov ah,2
0139 CD 21 C int 21h
013B EB AC C jmp input01
013D C input20: convert
013D 80 FA 00 1C cmp dl,0
0140 74 03 1C je ??0000
0142 80 EA 07 1C sub dl,7
0145 80 E2 0F 1C ??0000: and dl,0fh
0148 80 FE 00 1C cmp dh,0
014B 74 12 1C je ??0002
014D 80 FE 39 1C cmp dh,'9'
0150 76 03 1C jbe ??0001
0152 80 EE 07 1C sub dh,7
0155 D0 E6 1C ??0001: shl dh,1
0157 D0 E6 1C shl dh,1
0159 D0 E2 1C shl dl,1
015B D0 E2 1C shl dl,1
015D 0A D6 1C or dl,dh
015F 88 17 1C ??0002: mov [bx],dl
0161 43 1C inc bx
0162 41 1C inc cx
0163 1C ??0003:
0163 EB 84 C jmp input01
0165 C input30: convert
0165 80 FA 00 1C cmp dl,0
0168 74 03 1C je ??0004
016A 80 EA 07 1C sub dl,7
016D 80 E2 0F 1C ??0004: and dl,0fh
0170 80 FE 00 1C cmp dh,0
0173 74 12 1C je ??0006
0175 80 FE 39 1C cmp dh,'9'
0178 76 03 1C jbe ??0005
017A 80 EE 07 1C sub dh,7
017D D0 E6 1C ??0005: shl dh,1
017F D0 E6 1C shl dh,1
0181 D0 E2 1C shl dl,1
0183 D0 E2 1C shl dl,1
0185 0A D6 1C or dl,dh
0187 88 17 1C ??0006: mov [bx],dl
0189 43 1C inc bx
018A 41 1C inc cx
018B 1C ??0007:
018B 5A C pop dx
018C 58 C pop ax
018D C3 C ret
018E C input endp
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 6.11 04/27/06 12:50:15
30-1.asm Symbols 2 - 1
N a m e Type
convert . . . . . . . . . . . . Proc
dispchar . . . . . . . . . . . . Proc
dispmsg . . . . . . . . . . . . Proc
Segments and Groups:
N a m e Size Length Align Combine Class
DGROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . GROUP
_DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Bit 00C7 Word Public 'DATA'
STACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Bit 0100 Para Stack 'STACK'
_TEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Bit 018E Word Public 'CODE'
Procedures, parameters and locals:
N a m e Type Value Attr
aldisp . . . . . . . . . . . . . P Near 0089 _TEXT Length= 0032 Public
aldisp1 . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 00A1 _TEXT
aldisp2 . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 00B4 _TEXT
input . . . . . . . . . . . . . P Near 00E5 _TEXT Length= 00E9 Public
input01 . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 00E9 _TEXT
input02 . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 00EB _TEXT
input10 . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 00EF _TEXT
input11 . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 010F _TEXT
input12 . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 011B _TEXT
input13 . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0124 _TEXT
input17 . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 012F _TEXT
input20 . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 013D _TEXT
??0000 . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0145 _TEXT
??0001 . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0155 _TEXT
??0002 . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 015F _TEXT
??0003 . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0163 _TEXT
input30 . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0165 _TEXT
??0004 . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 016D _TEXT
??0005 . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 017D _TEXT
??0006 . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0187 _TEXT
??0007 . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 018B _TEXT
sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . P Near 00BB _TEXT Length= 002A Public
outlp . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 00CB _TEXT
inlp . . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 00CF _TEXT
next . . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 00DB _TEXT
sortend . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 00E4 _TEXT
N a m e Type Value Attr
@CodeSize . . . . . . . . . . . Number 0000h
@DataSize . . . . . . . . . . . Number 0000h
@Interface . . . . . . . . . . . Number 0000h
@Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number 0002h
@Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0000 _TEXT
@code . . . . . . . . . . . . . Text _TEXT
@data . . . . . . . . . . . . . Text DGROUP
@fardata? . . . . . . . . . . . Text FAR_BSS
@fardata . . . . . . . . . . . . Text FAR_DATA
@stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . Text DGROUP
buf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Byte 0063 _DATA
count . . . . . . . . . . . . . Word 0061 _DATA
crlf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Byte 005E _DATA
maxcount . . . . . . . . . . . . Number 0064h
msg1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Byte 0000 _DATA
msg2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Byte 001F _DATA
msg3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Byte 003C _DATA
start2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0042 _TEXT
start3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 006F _TEXT
start4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0084 _TEXT
0 Warnings
0 Errors
Start Stop Length Name Class
00000H 0018DH 0018EH _TEXT CODE
0018EH 00254H 000C7H _DATA DATA
00260H 0035FH 00100H STACK STACK
Origin Group
0018:0 DGROUP
Address Publics by Name
0000:0089 aldisp
0000:00E5 input
0000:00BB sorting
Address Publics by Value
0000:0089 aldisp
0000:00BB sorting
0000:00E5 input
Program entry point at 0000:0000